The new storyline was excellent! | SPOILERS

Funnily enough, I was actually sold on the whole premise of BFA. When Jaina started singing with the awesome Laura Bailey at the helm, I was excited for it all. The whole motivation that it will be a fight over resources and faction war exploding into a whole new narrative.

…Until the controversy began around Sylvannas’ role and reddit explosives as to the details around Darkshore. Oh god, that was an unnerving whirlwind.

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The song is very beautiful indeed, and BfA had some extremely good premises. What they could have done is having the sword of Sargeras deplete the resources in the world, making the Horde and Alliance battle over what few resources are left, and be funnelled into exploring the world for new resources and alliances.

Instead they had to go with horde=bad and alliance=good. It just feels like they could have made such a good story out of these premises, and wasted all the potentials. we really need Metzen back as writer for the Warcraft lore, at least with him writing the story wasn’t 2 dimensional.


It is so refreshing to see some positivity, it’s almost surreal by now.

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Dwarves had it coming, though… You cannot blame that on the Taurens!

Kind of right. It depends on the context, no?

I remember in Vanilla that the aggressive responses from the Tauren against the Dwarves and their explorers was that they were doing mining operations unhindered in Mulgore. Such operations were making the Earth spirits sad and annoyed, so the Tauren were to deal with it.

'Course when they did get there, the annoyed Spirits seemed to have dealt with them already. Mostly anyway.

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I really liked this latest War Campaign chapter.

The moral implications are to me what makes it good.

And for the Alliance it seems to really put a spotlight on self-sacrifice. And it’s done so well I think. In the last chapter you had Gronk and his willingness to sacrifice himself for his tribe. That took off on the deep end of the philosophical implications of the needs of the many and the means justifying the end, and so on.

And this time Telaamon’s sacrifice seems to come as much from religious - almost zealous - belief as it does from weariness and even a desire to see an end - any end.

That’s good storytelling to me. It also just piles up the burdens that the main characters like Jaina and Genn have to carry. And I like that. Even though they’re oh-so-powerful, then the comic-world situation where you can just save everyone and defeat the bad guy doesn’t exist here. And I love that.

The Horde side of this latest chapter was a bit more straight-forward. And I think it once again solidifies that BfA is best experienced by playing both factions. It really isn’t half as satisfying if you only experience half the story. So hopefully most people are cracking through it on both factions! :upside_down_face:

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