I just read the article on Wowhead’s main page about the different features coming in the prepatch and there is one thing that caught my eye: The “Newcomer Mentor System” which is a new addition to the game designed for veteran players to help newer players. It gives the veteran a “Guide” mark on the map and lets you join a chat channel called “Mentor” so that you can start helping. However I see a few problems with this, which I hope Blizzard can take a look at before releasing the prepatch.
The first issue and the most important one, is that the requirements to be eligible for being a Guide is too easy and that they have nothing to do about being a WoW veteran at all, as the name implies:
- Players must be in good account standing,
- The character is level 60,
- Have earned the achievement “Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One”.
Based on these requirements I can assume that a vast majority of all Battle for Azeroth players already are eligible to be a Guide and that Guides will not be a valuable source of information if the requirements are this thin:
When so many players are eligible for being a Guide there will be too many situations where the uninformed players will be giving out wrong information or advice, as opposed to an actual veteran who may know just about everything there is about WoW. Thus it will start arguments who is right, in the very chat which is supposed to be there to help the players instead of to flaming each other.
Players might also use this “Guide” feature as a status symbol with no actual intent to help anyone. If an unfortunate new player decides to ask that Guide about something and if the Guide is not willing to help, they might not get a polite answer or no answer at all. That won’t leave a good impression of WoW for new players, it might make them think twice before whispering another Guide and think that they are all toxic.
To make the new system a much more reliable source of information and to prevent misinformation I would like to suggest a few things:
To begin with the requirements to become a Guide must be much more veteran-focused and not something literally anyone who played BfA casually can become. As the description for this feature implies it should presumably be reserved for actual veterans so that again there is no misinformation from less informed players, and I would not consider someone a veteran for doing the most casual content in Battle for Azeroth when the prepatch for Shadowlands is released. Instead of the requirements Blizzard have suggested, here are my examples as to how someone should be considered a veteran, which may permanently fix all of the issues mentioned:
- I think that the “account in good standing” requirement should remain.
- Instead of “character at level 60” and “Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One” requirements, I think that Blizzard should simply use the date and year at which the earliest WoW account on your Battle.net account was created to determine if the player is a veteran or not, as long as it’s in good standing. Blizzard can see when it was created before everyone merged their accounts to their Battle.net account, they have numerous times said to me in tickets when my original WoW account was created, they can see the date and year. I don’t know at what point in WoW’s history you are considered a real veteran today, but in my opinion no earlier than when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was current. Of course as time passes on this requirement should be lightened: Whenever a brand new expansion is released the requirement is changed from WotLK to Cataclysm for example- one expansion at a time.
- Another factor that I think should be a good idea which would consider you to be a veteran along with your account creation date and year, should be your subscription history so that you can’t have been inactive for a decade and then come back pretending you are a veteran.
Do be aware that again these are my personal suggestions.
With these suggestions instead of the current requirements on the public test realm, I think that this way someone can truly show that they are a veteran and help new players more easily than if the current requirements go live.