No you are wrong.
That you failed to understand mine point.
Good job
I’ve personally met alot of “Old” WoW players(as in people who like to claim they played vanilla, tbc, wrath) over the years of playing who have been very hostile towards people, especially newer players.
While not at all universally the case, there exists a sub-community/group within the older playerbase who considers themselves better by default. There also exists a mindset within this group of players that the newer players are spoiled, how everything was much better when people didn’t know stuff etc and who are in some cases, willfully trolling new players because “haha those noobs, its funny!”
So limiting a Mentor system to specifically only work for the section of the playerbase that has this group of people isn’t very good. As was said earlier in the thread, the amount of years playing the game doesn’t automatically mean the person is more knowledgeable or even helpful.
Like many of you I’ve been playing since the release of Zul’Gurub in Vanilla. I’ve “mentored” countless of new players and found this actually to be pretty difficult. Knowing everything about the game can actually make it harder to mentor.
As an example, a friend wanted to play WoW to group up with other players. He was notified about the heirloom system, best path to take to level, countless of assistance websites (icyveins i.e.), addons, advice on which class to play, auction housing. These were all due to questions he had. Even though this game seems simple to us this was overwhelming for him and put him off the game multiple times.
Maybe I’m just a bad mentor but I find it difficult to let the player choose his own freedom when it looks non-optimized for instance.
Maybe after mentoring is done a review could we written about the mentor highlighting his skill/direction in the game. Then people looking for mentors could select what kind of mentor they would like.
I do agree that the requirements are too lenient, definitely, and kinda stupid if that is the requirement in SL aswell, since pathfinder would be old content by then.
However there is very very little correlation between being a veteran player and knowledge of the game.
The game changes all the time, so all that really matters is how up to date you are with what’s current, not what’s 15 years old.
When i had played this game seriously for 1-2 years i was already more knowledgable on actual content, than veteran players in my old guild with 10+ years of experience. You could have been doing nothing for all those 10 years, running around and leveling and all of it does not matter for this.
I like the old requirements that someone else linked.
3 different classes as max level, so you are more likely to also be able to answer simple questions about their class.
at least LFR achievement for newest raid tier, so that you are current.
keystone conquror, for the same reason.
Lore master or if there is a mild version of it.
Things like that matter way more than the amount of years you have played.
Of course i don’t think you should have all, maybe like 2-3 of them or smth, just to show that you have valuable knowledge of the game, not just years of iffy experience.
I think it’s important to get multiple types of mentors, cause there are many things you can get mentored on. Ask for the best leveling route or where to go next, i will have no clue, ask someone with loremaster, but if you ask me the best way to gear up or farm current things, i’ll help out.
We’ll see what the requirements end up being in prepatch or whenever it comes out, but it’s likely gonna be too lenient for manys liking, but then again you also have to consider how many people actually wanna do this mentor system? I know i want to, but none of my friends do, and blizzard doesn’t know either, so they would rather have too many than too few i think, and maybe adjust it later on.
As I understand it, there will be no “choosing of a mentor” at all; just a Newcomers’ Chat with Mentors included. Of course, newbies and mentors who interact in that chat can choose to meet up, but that arrangement will be outside of Blizzard’s system.
I have half a suspicion that a Newcomers’ Chat, on its own, without the Mentors, might actually be more effective.
Noone cares, if you want to run around with an emo “VEGETARIAN” err, Veteran sticker: do so. You won’t see me doing so.
Has anyone considered that the best mentor might just be… someone who is patient? As a newer player, it’s not the people that explained The Most Things to me, it was the ones who were the nicest, and most willing to help me out.
Locking mentorship solely behind ANY achievement I think is pointless, tbh. I know it’s pretty impossible to have “this person will be kind to new players and encourage them to have fun and keep playing” badge, but… that would be ideal, I think.
We’ve all had educators in our lives who have known a hell of a lot of things, but their way of delivering information to us was downright counterintuitive. That’s my big worry about this system. The new player channel should be the most encouraging damn place in the game, because if you have a bad experience at level 8, chances are you’ll just log off and never come back.
after some testing today, i feel like this system is either not really working, or there just arent a lot of new players out there. Also please make this system so it depends on your language chosen, i sometimes get Russians in the chat. I have nothing against Russians of course, but how can i help them if they only speak Russian? its just weird and awkward.
Also, does every “guide” have his own “phased” newcomer channel? I have not seen any other newcomer guide reply to any of the questions.
I have seen some baby murlocs in stormwind as a guide and also there is other guides in the newcomers chat. we are all in the same chat guides and newcomers. I can confirm that. I tried it once the patch went live which was like 9 a.m servertime so many people had it activated.
Hey Guys iam from Germany and i have seen that the mentoring program challes has all kind of servers packed togehter. There are Russian, French, German and english speaking people in one channel which is in my opionion not really a good solution.
Does anyone know if there is a option where you can filter which server languages you want to mentoring?
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