The Night Fae flying mount


I am the only one a bit salty all covenants get a covenant-themed cool flying mount and get the chinese/japanese dragon with no aparent conection to the blue-ish fairy land we love?

I mean the only night fae thing it has it’s the ball on the saddle, but remove that and you could not tell where it is from.

I expected fairy wings blizzard, c’mon.

And sigh, off to save the lion cub again, and to see Sylvannas pull a Skywalker, again.


PS. Dont you dare touch the winter queen.


I dunno about you, but the Fae one is the only one I’d ever use. The Kyrian one looks stupid, Necrolords get a bug, and the Venthyr a lame stoneborn. Fae get the lovechild of a dragon and a vulpera, how cool is that?


Am I the only one who thinks it looks like Falcor?


take my kyrian mount, too. I only want a venthyr’s one :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t say I agree but hey good that you enjoy it. I find it lacking on the night fae department. I can see the appeal people might have (not a fan of flying weasels) but it’s still not looking night fae at all. Put some armor and blue flair there blizz!

i was expecting something with blue fairy wings, or actually fairy wings alone, like we can get in ardenweald, that would have been epic.

Pinch of Faerie Dust - Item - World of Warcraft (

It certainly does look like the designers watched Neverending Story a bit too much during lockdown. I just found both the mogs and mounts on offer to scream of laziness. The venthyr gargoyle is a bit different but for me the rest are rubbish. With the new zone mounts, the hand is fairly unique I suppose. Oh look, another horse, wooooo sigh.


The Addams family hand is fun. Fae mounts are big and dull for me. Venthyr one is fun. Kyrian I like too. Kyrian costumes are also sexy. Fae costumes made me depressed. Time to switch covenants.

Fea is realy a dissapointment, all ither covenant has glowy colorous and what not while Nf get a weird dragin without any glow that has most likely nothing in comon with whole NF…

It’s 100% based of Falcor.


I mean it’s not my fault the clear druid covenant comes with convoke. Do you want some fries with that salt? :3

For me NF and Venthyr flying mounts are awesome.

Falcor is based off a luckdragon

Edit: I always assumed luckdragons were in Chinese mythology, guess not lol

I think all covenant flying mounts look great and special.

But the night fae fox-dragon looks creepy to me indeed. Maybe it is the angle. But it looks way too viscous than cute.

Kyrian and Venthyr ones are very covenant themed. Necrolord fly is a bit surprising, but a good surprise.

Night fae one feels weird. The fox dragon is not very night elvish and feels creepy.
I think NF would be better with just moth or butterfly.

yeah thats the worst mount of all and so out of context with anything in that zone. it looks more like a dangerous enemie to that zone. could be the mainboss of the campaign!

I like it… it’s floofy and it flies.

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The only transmog which was remotely interesting was the Kyrian one, if you play specifically a Monk or something. But truth be told, almost that exact same look could probably be achieved with separate pieces including the Kyrian tabard.

I agree. Kyrian covenant new set looks the best among the 4.

But I still prefer the aspirant armor, better looking than the new set imo.

I don’t mind the shape, but only pictures I have seen are yellow, orange and red’ish orange… that really grinds my eyes. It doesn’t go with the covenant set, and I absolutely hate that.

Indeed. As gay as it gets in this game.