I don’t say it’s really bad, it’s ok I guess but it is not what I would expect from Night Fae covenant, and it doesn’t vibe NF. If I said it comes from Pandaria you wouldn’t doubt it. The rest are definitely covenant themed.
I guess the wings would be a bit unfair for venthyrs’ and maldraxxi fellers since they ain’t got “wings” but would’ve been nice. At least I get to use again my sentinel owl, and maybe they will put it on white colour fingers crossed
It does have very oriental overtones but all four covenants are getting unique mounts, which I like. Not a fan of the big bug but I don’t like bugs much on the whole.
I disagree. While the color scheme does not match what’s usually found in Ardenweald, the Fae tend to wild spirits, and this mount very much looks like one such.