The nightmare of Delvers joining Mythic+

They way i see it a “Casual player” can describe different types of players, you have players who have played on a more competitive level in the past, but for different reasons only can / will commit to casual/solo content in real time.

You are describing the typical “Casual player” who are in over his (or hers) head - In content that are clearly to hard for them at that moment, and for some it will always be if they dont commit to reach that level of gameplay.

More importantly than using / not using / not knowing how to use kit is knowing when and how to use it correctly, because a fail to do this affects the whole group or raid negatively.

Well its the first time ive seen “delver” and “casual” mentioned in the same context as “the n word” and so on - it took close to 300 posts in this thread.

actually i dont i have ever seen it at all before. So maybe your intention was not to compare the above to eachother - Still those words and the use and intention of them have absolutely nothing in common.

Im sorry but i can’t take a tiny furry fox seriously :stuck_out_tongue:

And to address your bike comment.
Not a SINGLE SOUL wants stuff for free. we just want a challenge that doesnt involve dealing with A-holes.

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thank you for this thread, its one of the most hilarious ones up atm.

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And i would like a job where i only had to interfere with people i like and agree with - But the world is not ideal and i cant perform my job at home or in the woods where i dont have to see any other living thing.

So you chose to adapt and make the best out of it for the greater good overall because the alternative is worse.

Just as you have to do in this game. Have you done all delves on 11 and Zekvir?? ?

If not, you have your desired challenge right there, completely soloable.

Cool. this is not a job though. Its a videogame.
So EVERYTHING is my choice. Who i deal with, what class i play, how i play and who i play with.
If blizzard facilitates that, perfect. Which is exactly what i am advocaing for.
So tryhard swetlords that think rushing a dungeon instead of fighting it is fun, can go play alone :slight_smile:

To answer your question, no i havent. Because i am leveling alts and doing timewalking, as well as Delves and PvP on my main.

because, you know, i want to have fun instead of rushing or saving 00000.1 seconds.

exactly. You think. It’s in your head.

how cute, remember this when you complain about someone calling you casual.

nobody cares what you want, this game always worked like this. There is an activity and for it, it’s an appropriate reward. Do you want more challenges and better rewards? Go do other activities, this game isn’t meant to be played solo for a challenge.

They are unable to deliver a solo challenge you are asking for, because they would have to scale up the delve system for each class/spec differently, they will never do such a thing because delves are not meant to be end-game content. Deal with it or go play something else.

You are a fountain of positivity. My topics truly bring out the best in people.


…You’re not serious.
you are SERIOUSLY offended about the fox comment? It was meant to be playfull. Oh well.

And Blizzard for sure cares what i want. Maybe not ME individually, but the players. And most importantly, the PAYERS.

because you know…we pay their salary :stuck_out_tongue:

realisticlly speaking though… How do you know your dealing with delvers at all? A delver entering m+ wouldn’t just randomly start doing 10+ keys.

You’d encounter them at around 4-8+ keys at most

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no, I’m not, and that’s the point. Are you around 12 age by any chance?

one inspect and you know the gamer.

No. I just have something called a soul and a sense of fun and wonder.
you should try it sometime :wink:

(though to be fair, my mental age is abysmally low)

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Very easy to tell by inspecting them. When they wear full delve gear, they might be delvers. If they showed up in full PvP gear, I would assume they are PvPers.

Love you too <3

inspect me right now xD avoid looking anywhere else. just look at my gear

Dont scroll down to the mythic+ window. Judge me by my gear alone in the armory

610+ ilvl with no keys/raids completed and/or no history of doing so would be an indicator i guess.

And its true, those who fit that profile being in a +8 benefits exactly no one. There is a logical route to go to be prepared for that kind of content and delves is not it - m0 and then starting with the lowest keys is.

Not the best method since m+ rating are the first thing that flashes besides your name when loading an armory.

That doesn’t help, because I would have to inspect when you are in the actual dungeon group and ready to start.

Know what i would love? An option to BLOCK inspect. As well as block all view of DPS numbers.

That would make those kinds of players explode XD.
not advocating for it. Just thinking it would be hilarious

At which point it’s not the “delvers” ruining mythic+, but those inviting them to a mythic+ group. And yourself for apparently not inspecting them before joining a group

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