The pay to win boost must go

I discovered this video from a very interesting Youtuber and I like to share.

Pay to advance is pay to win.
Why skip content?


Nice. Good to see more Youtubers getting switched on to the dangers of pay-to-win. I’ve watched a lot of Hayes’ vids, but not this one, so will give it a spin.

He has a tendency to over-egg the point at times, but his style is still engaging.

Now that the big dogs such as Asmongold have also taken an anti-boost stance there’s at least a faint ghost of a chance that Blizzard will listen. I realise that realistically it’s as unlikely as winning the lottery - but faint hope is better than no hope.


Not sure whether you even watched the video?
“Players who spend the most amount of time won’t ever reach the same level as the players who spend the most amount of money”
Are you saying that you’re unable to reach the same level as a level 58? - Even when you’re already level 60? lol.

Time around 12:55 in the video :man_shrugging:


i watched it, i would not agree on that, but in his example before that, he explained why he thinks that. It kinda makes sense from his viewpoint, but he had put way more into that to make a real point here.

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Time investment vs financial investment?
Wasn’t that point mostly down to that point being that they fly past you in gear etc?
I’d understand more, if they offered a level 60 boost with T2/T3 sets.
But they aren’t going ahead of players that have spent the most time on the game.


yeah, i think for the sake of this point you can say that. That you can get more power by just buying power in the shop.

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Ai, you gain power but not an advantage over current players(that have been playing for ages)

I watched it yes.
Did you? Or ignore all the points except that one?


Clearly you didn’t, if you didn’t listen to that point :slight_smile:
P2W is that literal definition.
You won’t ever get on the same level as the person purchasing things in-game.


Are we talking about the level 58 char boost here? If so, I really don’t see the problem as it’s a 1 time only boost for content that is no longer relevant.

Also, it’s not pay to win, WoW’s endgame starts at max level anyways.


That is what they’re talking about.

Clearly I did which is why I linked it

Retail has everything you could possibly need, and you can play it now. No need to wait for TBC, a game you clearly care nothing about save as ‘a bunch of new raids’.

You can do those raids right now in Retail using Chromie Time.

Off you trot.


WoW’s endgame starts at max level

Yes, that’s certainly true. I also heard that there were three members of the Three Muskateers.


No its pay to advance or pay to skip content which is just as bad.
Like why would you pay for a game and then pay to skip content :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Must not have read it all :slight_smile:

Can’t play as level 70s in retail, can’t 5v5 in retail.
Classes play differently in retail.

You can level up in retail, TBC leveling is there - why don’t you just play that then? :slight_smile:

People like end game content(PvP, raiding), it’s a shock I know :slight_smile:


Without the lvl 58 boost I would pass on tbc classic.

I have a fully decked out rogue on a pve server, which was a mistake as I would love to play on a pvp server now. Cba leveling a fresh character to level 60 again.

The boost allows me to roll on a pvp server with my homies and not have to deal with all the (outdated) vanilla content.


You dont read videos.
You watch them
And yes I watched it all.

Grow up

Curses, a mistype XD.

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Also, why are some of you so passive aggressive? Literally 0 reason to do that.


That is the anti boost mentality. Not even kidding. Their attitude is why I rather side with pro-boosters, even if I’ll never use one and frankly don’t give 2 poops about it.