The pay to win boost must go

We just want the game to be devoid of retail services


There are black sheeps even in the “pro-booster” roster, missbehaving or beeing not respectful should not be a factor when it comes to importatnt decision, right ? But
fine, be a pro booster and help ruin the game.
Everyone has to make that decision for him/herself.
In the end we all want the same, having fun with an old game.


Anti boosters: main game is classic. Don’t implement stuff that weren’t in the game back in the days.
Pro boosters: main game is retail, classic is a fun side attraction where most QoL/paid service would be welcomed.
And then you wonder why we get mad when you want to implement wow tokens and shirt.


Nailed it ^^

So who is right now ? haha

There are scumbags on both sides I agree. And my decision won’t alter or affect my gameplay either way, so all the rest is free to do as they please. This is just how I feel.

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And there’s the boost in a nutshell.

Blizzard: catering for the lazy, the bone idle, and the instant gratification crowd since 2011.


Ah, but I’m pro booster and haven’t played retail since first month of SL :frowning:
If they offer unlimited boosts, then I’d be against it :slight_smile:
Heck, they could offer a boost only for the first week of TBC.

Thank you for your openness :slight_smile:
One question: Do very high prices in the AH will affect your gameplay? Its basicly a question if you PvE or PvP.

I will do both but mainly pve (pvp on the side).
Got chars that have herb/alch/ench/fishing and cooking covered so I’ll be self sufficient for most of TBC. Only thing I’ll have to buy are gems.
Gear isn’t as scarce as in classic so I’ll probably skip the boe bis gear so won’t be needing gold for that.

PRECISELY. This perfectly sums up my position. I won’t buy boost, don’t much care about people who will. But the anti-booster attitude grates on me so badly I’m vocally pro boost out of spite.
Edit: I quit retail in early Cata and didn’t even play with boosts in game.


Speak for yourself, I play both retail and classic.

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Imagine buying a boost just to spite a portion of the playerbase.

I cant think of anything more idiotic


Imagine having this poor reading comprehension.


Ah i see, you made yourself a good stable of stuff to use. But imo thats not the mayority ^^

You said you’re vocally pro boost out of spite.
I said it was idiotic.
Please read

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No, you said “imagine buying a boost just to spite a portion of the playerbase”
Where does it say that Nicolay is going to purchase a boost?


Yes imagine that.
Its incredibly idiotic dont you think?

Still not seeing where it says he’s gonna purchase one :slight_smile:

And you still not understanding it’s a general observant based on what he said.


I only see him saying that he’s not going to buy one :slight_smile: