What are you going to do?
I uh…guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend! So, um…loot the corpse? Hope he’s got expensive stuff!
There are two ways this can go down:
A) Thuldrell lets it happen because it doesn’t involve him.
B) “Valiantly” intercept the attack in her defense with his gladius in one hand and his jabbing arm in the other. All the while boasting about himself and berating the enemy in the fight in order to impress her into some form of payment or reward.
Really there is no question here
He is a Shal’dorei, one of Us!
Thyrellas would order her guards to save him, or if she is alone, she would gladly release a torrent of Arcane destruction to annihilte the fool who dared to hurt a noble Nightborne Warrior!
After that, she would teleport herself and Thuldrell to Suramar so the best healers could tend the warrior’s wounds
Wait for him to die. Then resurct him as an undead walking corpse or a ghoul.
Keep an eye out for any of her allies who might still need stabbing.
Swiftwind, bearform, growl, or charge depending if it is a player or npc.
Whisper and ask to emote attacks instead of PvPing them, because they’ll most likely not be taken seriously otherwise.
But ICly, Thion would probably help.
I supose leting him die would be a waste
so I would save him… then would transport him in Suramar, behind wards, so the little void aberration couldn’t escape…
It would be rude from him to leave before we could satisfy our… curiosity
Just some test, maybe a little vivisection
With a lobotomy just in case
I’d shimmer my way up to 'em, polymorph whatever is in my way, and then we just port to my Dalaran apartment so that they can try out my arcane-cooking.
“The arcane cooking has become sentient and is attempting to kill that poor Gnome! Looks like this is a job for:”
Fireworks launch from seemingly no where as a banner saying the following appears in front of:
“and she’s dead… I really need to stop the theatrics and just erm… do the thing.”
Fear the fool attack the dreanei then rip the fools soul out and turn it into a soulshard.
Pets soulshards.
Ow my sweet sweet soulshards.
I love how you fuel my power.
Compleetly ignore’s everyone around him
oh dear heavens! That Warlock is degrading in polygons!
This is a lost cause. Not even my overabundance of green can save us now.
Gnome? I’m probably the one kicking him.
Offer a vial of liquid fire to make sure the body can’t be raised.
Jump into the fray to save the lady Ren’dorei!
Ethanar would possibly use his hidden pistol to damage/distract the foe and help Talraea finish that foe off.
“Hope you’re all right my lady. That looked to be too close for comfort!”
Fears enemy, send voidwalker to beat it to death and give’s ethanar a healthstone before walking away like a badass.
Leave this… human to die
Maybe help his enemy a bit if needed
Hysterically laugh at their corpse and ride my undead horse into the sunset.
I don’t have that many problem with the dead as one should expect. I nfact, my friends and family are dead… and my people have its fair share of connection to the departed… not to mention summoning their soul back to use them as Vigilants, but these Death Knights are giving me the creeps
Never forget, they were originally, like the Scourge, the tool of the Legion and this one proves, that tool is dangerous and still untrustworthy
Would let him die… again, maybe would help his murderer, just in case, but after that, with some old techninc, would call his soul back to give him a second chance as an immortal defender of Azeroth as a Vigilant