It’s just to much. Take the portal to Orgrimmar, to take the portal to Jade Forest, then take the portal to here and when you have done this you can actually complete the quest. It feels like portal jumping is the most of my play time at this point.
Also. Going for the allied race, Orc, and you have to go to Caverns of Time to talk to the dragon. Then you have to go to Badlands. Wtf should I even have to go to Caverns of Time in the first place? Literally nothing happens there except that I have to go some place else on another continent.
Edit: I get to Badlands, defeat the “boss” and then I have to go to Kun’lai. This is not fun questing.
I highly recommend engineering as it gives you a wormhole to most of the expansions (although the Draenor one does tend to deposit you falling to your death).
or you know…just be a mage!
GO from Boralus to portal-trough another portal to SW, then go portal to Uldum, HS back to the boralus, take portal, then take port to heart chamber, leave the chamber to port to zone, then take portal to boralus, back to portal chamber to sw, so you can port to Uldum again.
After 15th time for my cloaks, I just auto flew over the mountains …
Least one of my main-raid characters had tabard to Tol barad and direct teleport to Vale, so she skipped some portal-loads.
I guarantee it is less exhausting than sitting on a windrider to get across the continent, then take a zepplin and fly down to the other side of that continent.
PS: In case you’re actually serious and not trolling, YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY classic. You’ll love it. Everything is 10 times faster. You’ll get to wherever you want in no time.