The positivity thread!

Heck yeah! Where are the pics?

Iā€™m standing at the sea shore under a clear night sky, watching seagulls fly by, white birds on bluish-black lit up by beach lights from below, and showing my new friend and her curious little daughter, with Stellarium on my phone, which stars are which.

And the daughter asked, ā€œAre there cities on the stars?ā€, and I explained briefly what stars really are and that our Sun is a star too.

She was fascinated by really basic, school-level astronomy facts ā€” like how Earth and everything and everyone on it is made of matter forged in the hearts of dead stars, and where moonlight comes from, and why there are moon phases, which I explained by using two circles drawn on our beach table and moving the ashtray as a model Sun.

Itā€™s the little things that make me smile sometimes, and make me feel like a missionary. Of science.


Exactly one month ago, I started a new line of work today that I had no previous work experience in - a bakery. I have been down lately, especially when thinking about my mother who passed 3 years ago but this new job has lifted my spirits up, and it makes me happy. Happy to know that Iā€™m not alone in my grief. :slight_smile:


Had fun tonight!


Just started 10.2, and itā€™s great so far. The new zone is visually stunning, there are many good druid-themed transmogs, and going in as a fresh 70 who just dinged from timewalking (Iā€™m doing the campaign on my druid alt) isnā€™t hard at all. The enemies seem to scale with item level, as I never felt underpowered even going in severely undergeared, and thereā€™s catch-up gear aplenty from quest rewards and green BoE drops.



The birdā€™s ate everything over the course of a week, and the amount of birds visiting have increased!

After they were made aware of the food and felt comfortable enough, I no longer have to cover the part of the window where they see me.

As of right now, one of our two local squirrels are sitting in the large tree outside, comfortably munching on something, whilst I watch it and it watch me haha.
I can not quite see what it is eating.
They too are frequent visitors!

The urge to buy them some food is strong, but alas I got the birds some fancy food this week. Sorry, little squirrel friend, next week is all yours!

:chipmunk: :bird:


Yesterday was an amazing day. I got a VIP pass to meet my favourite band, Deathstars, and from 4pm we five who bought the passes got to hang out with them and watch the sound check, got freebies, and an overall great experience. Then the actual show was just as amazing and oh wowā€¦ I would relive that day all over again if I could.


Blizzcon made me recall fondly of my own Blizzcon 2019 memories, the people met and fun times had - followed by remembring all the good times I had in the AD RL meetups before covid.

Always strived to make them welcoming and have some fun activities to help break the ice, and make it worthwhile for people traveling across countries. Visited fantasy & medieval events, had Secret Santa, Easter egg painting competition, PS tournaments, card games, city touring, nightlife etc. Met many lovely people in these meetups!

Maybe next year itā€™s time to organize something once moreā€¦ maybe. Miss seeing some of you whom Iā€™ve met IRL!


Iā€™d gladly come to another meet. Itā€™s been years and I remember the 2016 one fondly!

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I finally decided to properly invest in a priest, one of the classes I never really bothered to seriously try before andā€¦itā€™s a lot of fun. Much more than I expected it to be!


Ahh that was such a nice meet! Number 6 is the one I made!

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I have a friend who is completely obsessed with both crows and DND, saw a crow-themed DND set of books at comic con. So bought them one and sent it off to them.

They finally got it today and are ecstatic with it.


This is so sweet! Thoughtful gifts are the best kind of gifts and itā€™s an amazing feeling when you find that specific thing for that one specific person. I love buying Xmas gifts and the feeling of finding the perfect gift is just :pinched_fingers: :heart:

Attended a baller RP event on Saturday fighting Druids of the Flame on my Green Wyrm with a bunch of other folks, showed them spicy idiots what happens when you step foot on Natureā€™s home turf.


I felt the need to share this with someone, I donā€™t quite know where else to post this lol
Anyway, winter came suddenly. Itā€™s close to -20 degrees celsius here now, and itā€™s snow pretty much everywhere. For the first time in a long time, I actually feel super ecstatic about it. Like this morning, I was walking on my way to work, and it was so beautiful outside with the pastel pink sky and snow covered trees. It was gorgeous. I feel so grateful to essentially have nature right outside my door.


I like moments when my characters roll well for something theyā€™re supposed to be good at.

I also like moments when they roll badly for something theyā€™re supposed to be bad at.

Lintian deals with the logical, quantifiable and tangible, and is out of her element when asked to do druidish or monkish ā€œfeel the flow, open your mind to the cosmosā€ things. So during RP in the Emerald Dream, I was downright happy when she first failed to manifest a dream animal in her dreamform, then rolled a 1 on a subsequent check and I roleplayed it as her critically fumbling and being ejected out of induced sleep back into her physical body. It made perfect sense for the kind of person she is.


The furby organ.

No doubt the music played at the welcoming committee at the gates of hell.


I have secured a christmas Ham.

For context, the cornerstone of Finnish Christmas food is the Ham, which is brimed in salt and then prepared in an oven. Usually it is served with mustard or eldrrberry jam or mixed with the other dishes on the table. Think of the christmas Turkey for the Briā€™ish.

Last year was my first Norwegian christmas and although I am a big fan of PinnekjĆøtt, I wanted to bring something from Finland this year.

The way this will work is I will drive to the border town of KilpisjƤrvi and do the purchase there, since I canā€™t get it delivered to Norway.

I also get to buy all the other good stuff like carrot, potato and liver casserolle.


It is now a winter wonderland, and with the -9 and -10 we have had the past week, I donā€™t see it going anywhere.
Just stright up cold and frosty, no wind, no rain :blue_heart:
As every year, I do hope it will stay for my birthday in early December.


I walked my dog outside and a lady stopped me and wanted to take a picture with my dog. Very wholesome and they both shook handsā€¦. Well paws and hands.

Also itā€™s the weekend. Happy Weekend!

and I hope everyone has a lovely and positive day. :heart: