The positivity thread!

You’re a better person than me, I 100% would’ve done something elf-like after confirming they were real if I was in that position.

I follow a secular ethics code that prohibits lying, but I can still do something elf-like immediately after I truthfully deny being an actual elf!


It was inevitable and I’m here for it.

Fellow Argent Dawnians, it is with great pleasure (and relief) that I announce that I have left the Fire Nation and just arrived in the Water Tribe Union, where I intend to stay for good.


Cought Yin and Yang finally in Cat Goes Fishing

Stay safe, stay happy.


Turns out WoW’s tiktok can be pretty entertaining.

Just watched Black Talon perform and those guys blew my mind :exploding_head:

I’ve found a bunch of web archives of old Argent Dawn (and NA) roleplay guides. Pretty happy about this discovery, and shoutout to the people from Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard who’ve kept them alive.


Unlocked the easter egg hidden class after 3-some-days of working on it in Remnant 2, and also made headway in my hardcore mode playthrough of it.

That game is ridiculously fun.

Today I learned that Dalamud, the unofficial FFXIV plugin framework bundled with XIVLauncher, uses the AGPLv3 license, which in practice means that:

  • all plugins are required to be open source;
  • closed source forks of Dalamud or its plugins are forbidden;
  • if someone makes an online service based on Dalamud or its plugins, they have to release the source code under the same license too;
  • of particular importance to plugin developers, any plugin can legally take code from any other plugin.

This is good. This is really good. The last item in particular means that if there’s code in another plugin that implements functionality I want in mine, I can just copy that code without asking for the developer’s consent. And vice versa.

And the ban on closed source forks prevents the GShade situation. GShade could get away with being a closed source fork of open source ReShade because ReShade uses a permissive license without an “all derived works must use the same license” clause. This ended well. (Not.)

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Ticks everywhere where once they wouldn’t survive. Climate change in action.

Oh right, the positive part: it’s dead.

Finally the temperature is low enough to comfortably wear my favroite wool sweater, thanks rain!


Had a rogue tooth remnant removed. Weird thing to be positive about given the tremendous pain I’m now in, but the relief of not having a bloomin’ random tooth stabbing my cheek 24/7 is worth the couple days it’ll last.


This was funny. I am easily amused.

I’ve become quite the beast at creating the most insane transmogs known to man. They’re cool, not ugly, I’m coping, I love it.
Bumping this thread because I like it.

Happy Star Trek day.

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I’ve made my first 12km run ever since I overstretch a muscle at the bottom of my foot by jumping off a large haystack early this spring (which was very cool but not that clever).

It’s too warm for shirts (they become soaked within the first 2km now), so I’ve declared myself a fool and do without. Although most people in the city didn’t care, I still amused myself with the different looks I got, from girls giggling or old people glaring.

After a dinner of raw fish, an avocado, and some yoghurt, I just had to admit to myself that I am a primal man now.

And I be ok with that.


At last I got help to move my furniture’s, which I have been waiting for… far too long!
Feels wonderful to get them in a dry and clean storage.

This chapter is close to it’s end, so I can prepare for the last trek on the journey of moving - and begin my new life with someone that is very dear to me.

Just one more month now, at most.


Do’s and don’ts with the BG3 crew.