The positivity thread!

It’s a terrific film and we need more swashbuckling adventures in cinemas.

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I jumped on the last steam summer sale and got myself fallout 76
and, its alright.
a few minor Bethesda glitches, nothing you wouldn’t find in Skyrim or fallout 4.
my biggest grips are actually with its MMORPG styled system.
having weapons locked behind levels and having to change weapons once in a while because the up scaled variant of the same gun just does a little more damage than the one you got earlier. that is a level 15 44. pistol with perks can reach maybe around 75 damage but the same gun with the same modification but for level 20 can reach 80 damage etc.
and far as I know I cannot upgrade the level base of the weapon after it is crafted or found.

but besides that, the weapon variety, enemy types, environmental story telling, several years worth of added content not to mention the overwhelming amount of new assets, and interesting locations makes it a fun fallout game, and if they manage to make a 5 game on the same engine version as 4 and 76, they will have such a grand library of weapons, items, building assets and enemies they can almost pull 1:1, if just the story isn’t meh like 4 such a theoretical 5th game could rival New Vegas, if I am allowed to be optimistic about it.

It’s nice to watch the bats flying around outside :face_holding_back_tears:

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Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart unlocks on Steam in a couple hours.
To say I’m hype would be an understatement.

This depiction/interpretation of the goths sacking rome.


I’m still surprised how easily I adjusted to living without glasses and began to regard it as the new normal, to the point that I’m weirded out a bit by my earlier photos where I’m wearing glasses.

Back when I underwent eye surgery, it felt like low-key transhumanism. Optimizing my body parts!


I mighta 100%d Rift Apart in less than a day of playtime. Whoops. I guess I like the game a bit or something.
Now I get to play more Remnant! Excellent times for vidya gaems.

One day I’ll do the same. Looking forward to it.

I like the dream-like imagery that comes when I stay in bed for a bit after waking up. When I’m conscious, and aware I’ve woken up, but not quite connected to the outside world yet. It’s a nice feeling. Sort of like… microdreams? Microsleep?

One downside is that I never remember these after getting up, unlike regular dreams.

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Going through one of my books on matters occult that I’ve found at various thrift stores I found a valentines day card from one witch to another. Cute. All my best wishes to them.

I’m heading to the train station to try on the measurement draft for my Luthien dress, and I wonder at what point my life took such a turn that this sounds like a normal Monday for me and I love it.

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This hysterically funny failure of a trailer still makes me laugh just thinking about it. They really just accidentally the trailer without half the sound editing being finished.

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I really love the blue and red cloaks in the trading post. Made me smile

It would have been even funnier if they typo’d mummy into mommy.

Anyway, my World building keeps steadily moving on. I was stuck on world builders disease for a while, but I overcame it by forcing myself to write ideas and thoughts on paper every day, even if just a few lines of text.

My setting now also has trolls, with them following the evolution theme that is very prominent across the species in my setting, they are an offshoot of human ancestors. They selected for gigantism and fur amongst other things to perservere in the arctic areas of my world, hunting other smaller mammals, flightless birds and humanoids.

They are a lot more closer to the traditional potato nosed and pot bellied troll archetype than wow trolls, but they look almost ape like. I based some of their design on Gigantholopithecus, a giant orangutang relative from our not so distant past.

In terms of cognition, they are capable of advanced tool building and sheltering, but are also cannibalistic, asocial and can even make fire.


I applauded the effort that goes into world building.

I need to remind myself to write down all the ideas I get for my own world building.
like recently I gave some thought to how the more monstrous races repopulate and came to the conclusion that ogres for instance have a very limited and simple sense of self.
“I am me” and “you are not me” is about as complex as their individuality goes.
it however expands to “you are not me, but I like you just as much as I like myself” when they find a suitable mate.
In a similar vain, goblins being possessive, greedy and selfish, will view their love interest no different than they do any object they posses.
this however goes both ways, creating a twisted form of loyal bond between goblin couples, each considering the other a treasure that belongs to them and no one else.


Classy classic.

Trial of style is quite fun!

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woke up at 12
drink coffee and watch stuff on the internet
put on my training stuff on and take a bag of old clothes to the Salvation Army
Salvation Army closed for the holiday and note asks not to dump old clothes in front of the door
dump it anyway
go for my regular 5km run
get goat milk from the supermarket
mm goat milk
as I look into the eyes of the goat on the package I feel regret
I should not have dumped those clothes there
continue run
see a friend of mine
give her a kiss on the cheek and continue run without saying anything
stop at the calisthenic park to do more training
run back to the salvation army
pick up my bag to return it later
as it starts raining
at 17:00 I ate both fruity oatmeal, egg white (put the yolk in my hair), and the brown rice curry of yesterday in one go
now I go to work sporting a tank top and suspenders
because I apparently work in a cafe that allows that

Today is a good day

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I just love how so many have just agreed to call the trading post tender tendies.

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Went to a LARP-scene-adjacent concert in costume, and a couple of kids asked if my elf ears were real. I said that they weren’t, and they were interested in how they could get similar ones. I offered to buy them as a gift at a nearby stand, but they refused. Still adorable, though.