Honestly if anything Discord has done so much for bringing cliques together. Granted, it’s also given cliques a place to argue between themselves. Neither of those things really happened in ye olde days of Skype, but cliques DEFINITELY existed back then…
I think a very healthy attitude going forward might be to not blow problems that are in reality quite minor into something bigger than they actually are. I see a lot of “Players don’t acknowledge X” or some such variation of complaint when in reality I’ve very rarely came across it myself. Yes, it happens, but not nearly as frequently as some might have you believe.
As someone who would love to roleplay but haven’t in a long time, the problem with Argent Dawn rp for me is that it seems almost impossible to find spontaneous rp.
I’m not really in a guild. I feel bad joining a guild because I can’t commit to roleplaying and being around as much as I’d like, and I think it’s fair for guilds to expect at least some level of commitment from their members.
So I need to rely on spontaneous, random, casual rp that doesn’t require a lot of commitment and frankly, I don’t know where to find it. It seems as though these days it’s near impossible to join in on any ongoing rp if you haven’t discussed your possible participation at length ooc beforehand. I know people have always complained about the so called bubble rp on this server, but I never actually experienced it until recently. If you’re not part of a group/bubble/clique/whateveryouwanttocallit and you haven’t checked ooc if it’s at all okay to tag along, you basically end up aaall byy yourseeheheeelf.
So yeah, that’s what’s wrong with (Alliance) rp on this server. There is hardly any spontaneous roleplay anymore. I feel you have to be part of a guild or at least ooc know people to find any rp at all. I remember spontaneous, random roleplay as often some of the most fun roleplay and I miss that. Now, it seems rp is dictated by (unnecessary) ooc communication and that is a real shame.
I feel this is owed to the fact that the entire “only with player permission” sentiment has reached absurd levels. I get that character death is something special, but at this point it even reaches as far as having to ask if simple casual RP interaction is okay. Hell, apparently even writing a letter -about- a char needs player permission nowadays. Especially slightly antagonistic, spontaneous RP is extremely hard to find as well, and if it happens, its continuation of course needs to be planned out afterwards.
Because it’s indimitating to do such things. Your example is essentially exposing a character IC, which can lead to heavy consequences for the target, that can go further than “character death”. Also OOC pressure to “having to react” to the things and of course satisfying the massive amount of people with different expectations. You can not force something like that on someone without permission.
Second, Argent Dawn is a very large roleplay realm with hundreds/thousands of different opinions about roleplay. Spontanious antagonistic rp would require that you know the “rules” that everyone follow which are not identical for everyone.
Exactly those reasons lead to the best solution being:
- Comunication
- Guilds
- RP Groups
In your RP Group you know people are open to certain things and approach things a certain way and you know that you can be the evil demon hunter you always wanted to be and there won’t be complains.
So you should stick to that.
I definitely agree that character death may seem intimidating, but thankfully Argent Dawn seems to have a general unspoken rule that character death is not something you force on each other. You absolutely cannot just force something as significant as character death on someone.
However, you also certainly shouldn’t be placing your characters in situations where they may realistically be harmed to whatever degree if you don’t want that OOC and then expect them to come out unharmed. I think that’s simply not following consequences, and I don’t think that’s reasonable either.
That said, I don’t see why a condemning letter (to name one example) should per say require consent from the condemned party - it’s nowhere near as severe as directly invoking character death on someone, and will only create interesting roleplay in the future. Yes, you’re condemning a character, but a. it does not take away from the roleplay like a character death does (because you wouldn’t be able to roleplay said character anymore) and b. IC =/= OOC; your character is not you.
Unless you’re roleplaying an antagonist. Then all the Alliance characters on the server (that most of the times you have no history with) will harass you and force death upon you cause they feel entitled to have their char deal the “Consequences bro ;)))))”.
As much as I wished to say that isn’t true, it is. When Hand of Zul set up shop and we were meeting them, we saw only a few guilds, and same when they raided Darkshire, it was only also a few guilds who already were in the area.
Then next day suddenly almost every Alliance guild and their mothers were swarming all over Darkshire and Stranglethorn.
yeah but then there iS also the rather Unique individuaLs who think that theY are exempt from any partIculaR type of HostilE response to theIr Misdeeds.
Oh yes, I agree with you, those are another part of the problem.
why are you typing like that?
Probably to name without stepping on the name and shame rule. I seem to recall seeing that particular individual being dead no? Atleast I saw a DK claiming to carry his head around.
yeah but who is Sulyrheim? are you Sulyrheim? am I Sulyrheim? is Sulyrheim a Perroy Alt? did Sulyrheim kill Captain Alex? Who killed captain Alex? Who?
He got caved in 1v10 in Darkshire, his skull crushed then ten minutes later he had regenerated and yelled about how he’d turn darkshire into a crater. You know…
A half-vrykul or half-giant something I believe.
Is it possible to learn this power?
He was killed again last night, but then logged, and now he’s an ‘exile’ but still just hangs out at the grove’s arch-gate-thing.
You’re might wanna check the word particular again, and imagine a blank space right before the y while you’re at it.
Why, though? Why stick to guilds and rp groups, and why the constant ooc communication on every single thing. It literally takes the fun out of roleplay. For me, at least. Like, I get that there are countless different opinions about roleplay, but surely you’ll find out you have very different views the moment you actually start interacting? And then you can just… oh, I don’t know… not interact another time?
This goes for both antagonistic and… none-antagonistic (?) rp.
… I just miss random, spontaneous, casual roleplay that occurs without ooc communication. In case that wasn’t obvious yet from my posts :')
can we get someone with the cipher to analyse this
Yeah and I do not like that. It’s fine to have either opinion. But don’t assume people have to react a certain way just because you want it comunicationless. That’s a drama starter.