The problem with gear and how unfriendly current system is to new players

The issue is that I am not the only one. Since cata I was literally quitting every first season because it was boring and I was not the only one, most of my friends quit as well. But since there is/was nothing else to play people always get hyped a bit and try it out the first season.
I didn’t even bother trying legion, especially when I heard there are gonna be templates. Was playing BDO, was so much superior to WoW it’s not even fun. Literally the game every PvP players wants to play. Unfortunately it went too much p2w at some point (like most asian games) and devs didn’t bother to work on pvp content anymore.

As I said, bit tweaking is needed but it’s not like everyone gets one shotted every game… it’s just people crying who refuse to press buttons.

Referring to WoD and Legion here, I guess people just forgot all the complaints already. I didn’t even play Legion and I know it. People been quitting and joining BDO trash talking boring WoW :grin:

It’s just your standard for incentives. You know MMR and CR are both just numbers but you also know MMR is just a “guessed” number nobody really cares about meanwhile CR is something nobody can’t deny and it’s the relevant number for achievements and titles.

Yes and no. Gear should give an advantage, obviously (hello mmorpg aspects) but you also should be able to win vs higher geared people if they suck. Even if people don’t want to admit that, that’s also the case right now. Some people are simply lying and say it’s impossible to win with a ~7 ilvl difference regardless of the skill level, some take it to an extreme and want to win naked…
Idk why people go monkey on this one, like nobody ever played an MMORPG ever or something.

Doesn’t have to be super rare or common but when there are so many WoW streamers and youtubers and this should be really a thing, it really should be not hard to find. Unless someone is overdoing the statement :slight_smile:

Well you made it sound like that’s a huge issue everyone is facing, even r1 people. Yet we literally have no backup to this. Not blaming you or anything but let’s be real… the most people who cry about X and Y, could link their gameplay and we all know most of them are just misplays.
It’s like the people claiming double rogue with rotten build are flooding arenas and in order to back it up the same two rogues are linked over and over again lul…

And then we get people who don’t even bother to learn the basics of the pvp, making some suggestions where they don’t even understand the consequences, not even remotely. Which was the latest one? 2 seconds immunity after using the trinket? like… it just blows my mind sometimes…

Thats fine, you have a history of quitting every expansion after first season. This game aint for you, and thats fair. There has been a major difference in different meta’s throughout the first seasons of different expansions. If none of them are to your liking, then i dont really think wow will ever become what you hope. It’s somewhat clear that you arent in the targeted audience.

Yes, but its more or less always the same classes doing the insane 1-shots. With little to no counterplay. Sure, some times the 1shot fails, but that still doesnt mean its healthy for the game.
(in the current videos that is, its always instance of rogues of rets nowadays)

Yes, and i know alot of others who also feel the same. Alot just wanna play pvp, and have fun.

Remember, before dampening, we had a buff called “the crowd chooses you”? (Im gonna assume that you remember it)

Demo warlocks and blood dk’s, was an INSANE comp beacause they never lost hp. You couldnt win against them beacause of TCCY. Allthough not many met that kinda comp, it still ruined alot for those who met them.

I feel its the same thing now, sure many might not meet it . But those who do, cant do anything about it.

Doesnt matter if its just a few, its unhealthy for the game. It’s a big enough problem for people to get annoyed, and avoid playing 2’s.

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You just invalidated entire pve content of WoW so your solution is plant stupid.

read the last point, i said gear could be like wod pvp gear so it wont be good for pve. Skill progression should not be influenced heavily by gear progression in pvp that is my point

You play RPG. And in such games systems what magicaly increse itemlvl of your gear based on type of content you do are absolute nonsense. WoW need to be less systemic not more.

you just see it in a different way. Pvp it’s not like pve, and especially in shadowlands gear progression in pvp creates a ridicolous gap between new and geared players that doesn’t allow new ones to learn the pvp. In pve you always fight enemies adapted with your gear but in pvp you get stomped by people with 20 30 more ilvl than you, it’s not the same thing.

Then solution to this problem is to reduce gap in power not adding hidden systems what magicaly revalue your stats.

it’s literally what im saying, i dont mean to add any weird system it’s just a ilvl scale in non pvp content to avoid exploiting pve gear progression. It can even not exist this scaling thing, i just want a reduced power gap or a faster way to reach max ilvl in pvp

No. No scaling, no templates nothing. Removal of difficulty levels is only option.

get gear, git gut. Some clases are crazy right now and delete even geared people.

Tying gearing to rating is stupid and defeats the competitive spirit of PVP

exactly what i think

Skill Issue just math , itl gap its not fine compared to other exp

We need a new game director


i dont think its a ion problem about pvp, blizzard just have to invest and add new dev for pvp…someone know how much devs are the pvp team?

It is a Ion problem. He gives the direction. If he’d go to the stakeholders and tell them listen up boys, get more human resources into pvp or else people will quit the game.

Totally a Ion problem.

ION thinks about pvp as being more of a side quest, he did 2 interviews in 6 months and did not mention pvp problems not even once.

mhhh maybe its true ofc he have direction, idk if he actually speak to stakeholders i think its bobby who speak to stakeholder but anyway we need more trasprency for understand what actualy role and impact the director have in decision making

I think its confirmed that there is no pvp team. Nobody was ever mentioned. Nobody talked abot pvp. We have no pvp development, balance efforts, fixing or any proof of pvp having any sort of direction or goal outside of battle pet level of treatment.

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