The problem with gear and how unfriendly current system is to new players

it’s literally what im saying, i dont mean to add any weird system it’s just a ilvl scale in non pvp content to avoid exploiting pve gear progression. It can even not exist this scaling thing, i just want a reduced power gap or a faster way to reach max ilvl in pvp

No. No scaling, no templates nothing. Removal of difficulty levels is only option.

get gear, git gut. Some clases are crazy right now and delete even geared people.

Tying gearing to rating is stupid and defeats the competitive spirit of PVP

exactly what i think

Skill Issue just math , itl gap its not fine compared to other exp

We need a new game director


i dont think its a ion problem about pvp, blizzard just have to invest and add new dev for pvp…someone know how much devs are the pvp team?

It is a Ion problem. He gives the direction. If he’d go to the stakeholders and tell them listen up boys, get more human resources into pvp or else people will quit the game.

Totally a Ion problem.

ION thinks about pvp as being more of a side quest, he did 2 interviews in 6 months and did not mention pvp problems not even once.

mhhh maybe its true ofc he have direction, idk if he actually speak to stakeholders i think its bobby who speak to stakeholder but anyway we need more trasprency for understand what actualy role and impact the director have in decision making

I think its confirmed that there is no pvp team. Nobody was ever mentioned. Nobody talked abot pvp. We have no pvp development, balance efforts, fixing or any proof of pvp having any sort of direction or goal outside of battle pet level of treatment.

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