The raiding stats are in for Anniversary :)

757 raided on Horde PvE which is 3,7-4,4% of the total population showed by Census run by few people early on into the launch. January Census will be kind of important to see how many were there only for fresh, but still, people should chill with the fear of missing out.

PvP realm 4K vs 4K, while PvE is typical 70% Alliance :smiley:

Looks health, generally population will decline over time as there’s less to do :eyes:

What effectively killed the raid for me quite early was when an alt got BRD loot in the vault. So that meant either BRD nhc or no BRD at all becaus eI still wanted (and want) Nerub’ar loot in the vault. When I have all my nerub ar loot, then and only then does BRD Heroic become an option.

And I know I´m “probably” not alone in this… :beers:

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there is just like 5% of fresh population that is lvl 60 yet…

you know what is sleeping? eat? take a shower?

i got lvl 42 max lol at the moment


Wrong ver🤭


Yeah, just realized that myself, read anniversary and raiding stats and assumed it was the 20th Anniversary BRD-rework , my bad :beers:

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So because a very small % went into a raid they decide it’s time to get on with next phase?

Blizzard slow it down for flip sake

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Lots of people are probably not 60 yet.


You do realize they are releasing PvP Honor and DM not a raid tier? :wink:

All those people on PvP realm playing without honor seems weird… now with Honor even more players will go out and gank green level players for that sweet sweet ranking! (I hope Blizzard opens transfers from PvP to PvE so we get more players here!)

I feel very happy about leveling up before honor madness will be released. I think that most players won’t endure 45-60 leveling on PvP servers. People are already crazy, I got killed 4 times yesterday trying to reach BRD.

Don’t take it as complains, classic is classic and pvp server is pvp server… But I definitely think that content is too rushed. I’d prefer 6 months before MC is opened and 3-4 years of vanilla before progressing to TBC.


From what I hear it’s gankfest already :smiley: People like to suffer just to get not-really-better guild for raids.

3-4 years it’s Era and it’s very very low pop. IMHO they should release month before or after new year.

Era low pop because it’s finished server. If server is still progressing it won’t be low pop. People will prepare for next phases. Although 4 full years might be too much, 3 years should be good. Classic is optimized for slow aged people and release cadence should take that into account.

Servers are infested with bots and will be in a bad state come TBC though so…

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anniversary is finished too, in only one month, crazy nolifers (and gold buyers) are already capped 5k+ gold for the 280% mount in TBC

they announced a TBC server first, now we got to endure 1 year of Era-like →

@Blizzard: give a free transfer to people who want to play Vanilla to Era servers and/or open free transfer to people who want play TBC already

You don’t need to endure it. You can start playing in pre-patch with new races and nerfed experience requirements. Currently it’s full-fledged vanilla, not some TBC-prologue…

My WoW Classic historic:

  • started 2019 day 1, did multiple breaks (always played 6month+ in a year)
  • started TBC day 1, did multiple breaks (always played 6month+ in a year)
  • started Wotlk day 1, played only 2month because Battlegrounds were filled with 70% DK bots in per team →
  • quitted Wotlk to return to Era to have players instead bots in BG teams →
  • then SoD dropped, started day1, hyped, → chaotic PvP unbalance so returned to Era
  • Cata classic, started day 1, quitted again after 2month for Era because the only good thing in Cata is Transmog gears

I returned enough times to Vanilla these 5 past years, i’m sure many people feel the same
We need TBC sooner than in a year because 2019 Classic and TBC Classic has been the only good years in whole this Classic adventure (for PvP players)

Thanks for reading :wink:

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As my fellow pvp-lover Lamborgimli has correctly stated… IT IS WAY TOO early for all those releases. No idea why the are rushing content for the small tiny percentage that is max level while the vast majority of the playerbase is feeling rushed :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:
Fresh feels so good… don’t ruin it for 95% of the people only because a no-lifer minority is the loudest :man_facepalming:

Hmmmm… this is not what i stated on this post :rofl:
i just stated that the OP can’t come with raiders numbers, while most people are still leveling :rofl:

I want TBC now or in 1-3months (to let Blizzard manage how they gonna tell us they did a mistake)

i got lvl 42 warlock and lvl 38 hunter, + a few lvl 20
i don’t race to endgame

P.S. Elon Musk gonna send humanity on an exoplanet before we get TBC servers up, so we ain’t gonna have time to enjoy TBC :rofl:

go go go TBC Blizzard !!!

They are smerely sticking to the timeline they published before Fresh anni went live.

If they didn`t, everybody and their mother would be flaming them for false promises.

With all due respect, anybody that saw the release schedule knew it was going to be a rush to begin with, and anyybody now feeling “left behind” or "in a hurry " has only themselves to blame for not paying attention but reading “oh , fresh servers” and blindly signing up to the next new thing instead of just continuing at their own pace.

TL;DR: It´s not in any way Blizzard’s fault people don’t read and /or don´t think, because this was blatantly obvious before the realms even went live. :beers: