The real reason alliance lose AV

I find recently that my games are decided by the first initial big two battles. Whoever wins/loses really sets the tone of the match.
Unfortunately a lot of people run pass and don’t engage in the first fight and try to go to galv or something.

I had a really close game today where both horde and alliance were pulling drek/van at the same time and had similar losses in the first battle. It was awesome and I got decent honor for it. If all my games were like it I wouldn’t complain honestly.

I also noticed a few less afk’s in my game today, but they are still there (like a bad smell). Just got to make sure to keep reporting them.

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Maybe its not the fact that first two battles were lost. Its just an indicator that the opponent has more power (damage, heal,setup,skill).
This is what i’ve been saying often (in forum). Horde seems to always win the SH first encounter. This battles matter the most. In practical terms, and as a stress test

A week long side switch event will resolve all the arguments and give both factions an opportunity to feel the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents from their side.

At the very least it will be an interesting experiment that gives us an insight in why things are the way they are without requiring changes.


This is the problem in a nutshell. There are very few hordes trying to avoid fights, especially the first fight. Most of them actively seek out fights because they want the honor from HKs (which slowly builds up, little by little, to decent honor).

This difference may seem insignificant, but it’s decisive. The key is to just win in PvP fights, it’s what decides everything.

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…which is a difference in behaviour nourished and enforced by the enormously different Qtimes.

Even if every single Alliance player suddenly said “Screw Honor+Rep gains, bois! Let’s fight to win, no matter how long it takes!” and started to delve into every fight, turtled every match that goes wrong etc…that would NOT change the Qtimes.

It would MAYBE cause Alliance to win more matches - which is a rather strong maybe considering all the other factors involved in AV - but it would litterally reduce their gains from the BG AND increase the Horde wait times extremely. Basically, it is in nobody’s interest to change the matches this way as long as the Qs are the way they are now.

The only ones who would go for a shift like this are Alliance players who put winning before gains. Think about it: Winning requires actual effort…put in some thought. Do you honestly believe most intelligent persons who think about this situation would come to the conclusion that it’s worth it to reduce their gains in favour of winning more? Would that not actually equal losing if you gain less?

And honestly: If you put Winning above Gaining…the Horde is the PERFECT faction for you in Classic. Which almost all PvPers have long understood.

In most contexts “gaining less than before” would be pretty much the definition of “losing”, would it not?

I agree with the OP that Qtimes are BY FAR the most defining factor for the current situation. Qtimes won’t change ever again in Classic. The faction split simply does not allow them to. Faction change or Merc mode won’t happen, neither will same faction BGs. Horde will not reroll Alliance, either. They simply won’t. Most of them are just waiting to buy a race change to Belf once 2.0 releases anyway…which will cause the faction imbalance to go even worse.

The way i see it, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about the current situation in a context where radical changes are not wanted to happen.

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Except the faction split is close to equal, according to the (unreliable) information available to everyone who doesn’t work at Blizzard. (While it’s unreliable, it’s still the best we’ve got available to us as a source.)

The difference is the hunger for PvP. Faction split doesn’t equal desire to queue for BGs, as you can clearly see based on 3rd party data.
It’s not like everyone online is always going to queue for BGs. So the horde simply have more PvPers as a whole in EU, thus resulting in queue times for hordes but not for alliance.

What’s interesting though, is that Alliance have queue times for WSG, while horde rarely does. So perhaps many of the (true) Alliance PvPers moved to WSG instead of AV?

Btw a better solution is to just bring back realm-only queues. That way, nobody is ever “guaranteed” a queue pop at all hours of the day, and would instead be very different from server to server. Would also serve as a motivation for people to balance out realm faction splits more evenly as well. (Because the realm faction splits are very volatile right now, and they aren’t punished for it because of xrealm matchmaking. So it never motivated the PvPers to balance it out themselves before the honor system started in phase 2. They had already confirmed xrealm matchmaking in PvP early on in 2019 after all.)

Realm-only matchmaking would basically make it this way for everybody, because you’d develop rivalries and so on and want to kill some more than others etc. and you’d recognize people, which you barely do now. (If at all.)

More on this effect in:

Pot meet kettle.

This would be the best solution to all these forum arguments. If Alliance wins the majority of games, they were right. If horde still stomps then the game and map is fair and Horde players are just more skilled.

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Even then, I know at least two Alliance players in this forums, who will say that Horde still dominate AV, because of racials. And if racials were removed, they would say that we are too scary, and they can’t concentrate on their fights.

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almost all PvPers goes horde exclusively because of gamebreaking racials
ye, because its easier to win with them while not fighting against them
win win situation, obvious choice

I don’t think most people think about the honor earned per game, most people don’t calculate it seriously.
But I agree that there is likely a different mentality. Doesn’t really matter how well we (ally) do because if the game ends we can go straight into another one. There’s not as much incentive to work together and win.

I strongly believe for some reason that would happen.

If you win or lose because of racials you are just too bad looking for excuses then looking into mirror.

Racial win/lose can not/or if it is even possible in 1v1 and with already so much randomness in DMG output it doesn’t matter.

Typical case of looking for excuse/blame something else than take it and go again.

Behaviour noticeable from weaklings.

If you lose and you blame Xyz racial or Xyz class/spec then you have bigger issue.

Alliance can win but must put more effort than Horde put, just because the map.

If you dont get sf or/and ib gy before horde get sh gy, you are dead. Its Very hard or almost impossible to get past icewing choke.

So my dear allies, always remember, get sf and/or ib gy, before hordes get sh gy. Do not let sh gy undefended until you have sf or/and ib. Forget about galv and do not be afraid to wait 4-5 min with lots of ppls defending SF if this must be made. Go SF GY and you will see horde attacking it like is IB Gy, cause they know once you have SF GY, the way for attack its open. Ofcourse even when you take these gy you still have to play smart and def when needed, cause horde can kill Van with little effort with 10-15 man while the rest will recall like they are getting 100 g for each recall.

If horde would play one week in our shoes they would see how bad the map is for us. But even so, even with this handicap, we still win, if we play like in a rated bg:) pretty stressful, but worth it


Why are you posting from a LvL 120 and not your Classic character? Do you realize that many classic players will disregard any of your posts as trolling, just cause of that avatar?

Reading this hurt my brain, are you really saying racials don’t have an impact on 1v1 fights? In large scale PvP I would be inclined to agree, but 1v1… Yeah you must be trolling.

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Are you saying that as a warlock if you spec a proper pvp spec you can’t beat an undead in a 1v1? I’ll give tips or make demos for donations. First tip is for free, get eng.

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They do 0 ,if you crit land mississ/dodge/parry /resistance sure you count that into your DMG output and as I have thought typical weakling looking for something to put blame on.

  • Random crits.

Nahh these multiple random DMG outputs have nothing to do but damm that stun resistance sure that is why I lost …

Can’t reply anymore?

No I’m not, there’s plenty of ways to play around WoTF. But saying WoTF doesn’t matter in a 1v1 is just plain ignorance.

Well, it doesn’t matter to me if I just need to count 4 or 5 secs before nading or death coiling and just fearing again. That’s why you ain’t see me complaining about racials.

Yeah but that’s cause you’re literally the best warlock player in the world, never getting caught off guard by WoTF ever.

Or maybe it’s because you already admitted you prefer Horde and only rolled Alliance cause your friends did so, but spend all your time on the forums pretending to be the almighty unbiased Alliance.

Maybe you are playing against potatoes, but against any decent player you wouldn’t say “4 or 5 seconds” doesn’t matter to you.