The Real Reason Why ''I'' Can't Play WoW Anymore

I was one of those wow refugees that switched to final fantasy xiv. And i felt like i missed WoW few days ago, and i got my subscription back on track and tried to play the game again.

And let me tell you, i literally remembered why i left this game in the first place just after i started playing again. I couldn’t even resist one hour. I couldn’t even play the game that i used to play for years for not even one hour. And its not because the management style of blizzard or any other thing that people are complaining.

Its the combat system and god awful skill animations. Its just i noticed that WoW’s combat system is really out dated. For example i was playing black mage in FFXIV and that class almost has 10+ button for you to press in order to do proper rotation. And don’t even get me started talking about summoner.

After all of those months that i spend in FFXIV, WoW’s 3 button combat system felt like my opener in FFXIV. I was like, ‘‘Thats it?’’ for a moment. I asked myself, ‘‘This was really the game that i spend all of my years, how did i even enjoyed this?’’

Turns out i was enjoying WoW because i was a person who didn’t tried out other mmorpgs before. And after trying one, only one, i saw how unenjoyable WoW is in a way i can never turn back. I think this is the moment thay i can finally say that i realized WoW is totaly over for me.

You see like i said its not the borrowed systems, its not the lazy management system, its not the daily quest, its not the endless grind, its just the combat and class design.

Maybe i could have resist all of those things if this game had a fun combat but now even if all of these things were solved, even if WoW came in to a place where everyones problems are fixed, even if WoW becomes the greatest mmorpg of all of time again i don’t think i will return. As long as WoW 2 doesnt come out or they do something with this boring as combat system i won’t return.

And not only combat, its also skill animations. This game is turned 17 years old this year and they didn’t do anything dramatic with the skill animations and we know they can do that whenever they want but they just dont care.(Look at warlock, they did a splendid job with upgrading the warlock animations.) But with these animations i don’t feel the fantasy of the job that i am playing.

I think that was one of the other thing that FFXIV opened my eyes about. I am looking at the FFXIV’s skill animations, it feels like i am blowing my mind off when i am playing black mage instead of enemies. Those huge explosions, fire and ice animations and everything. Ffxiv even made me play a healer, because how astounding astrologian looked.

But when i am playing frost mage for example, i don’t feel like i am playing a frost mage when only spell i have is shooting blue outdated triangles, or when i am playing fire mage it feels like i am shooting big, out dated , bad textured spagetti meatballs. It doesn’t feel like a pyroblast.

Or even shadow priest, you are throwing a straight purple line as your main attack skill. Really? How come no one bothered wtih the skill animations so far? And don’t even get me started with the healers, cause except monk all of the healer’s skill animations almost non existed.

So maybe because of FFXIV or maybe not, its just i can’t explain to myself how did i enjoy this boring as hell 3 button combat system with the worst skill animations i have ever seen in my life. And as long as i don’t answer that question i wont return. And right after i finish with this post i am gonna cancel my sub again, right after not even playing 1 hour in total.

Goodbye WoW, and see you guys in FFXIV. I won’t be able to have fun with 3 button rotation where i throw blue triangles as a ‘‘frost’’ mage or outdated, straight up yellow lines as a paladin. Maybe i was being unfair when i used that ‘‘spagetti’’ line with fire mage. I should have used it for shadow priest, cause thats what you do. Creating a purple, straight, outdated, ugly looking spagetti line between you and your enemy. And all of the people who will tell the ‘‘truth’’ deep down knows these are the real truths and facts.

Maybe combat system is controversial but not the skill animations. Skill animations are not controversial, they are just straight up bad, lazy developed and extremely outdated.

Edit: Looks like there are people who didn’t get what i am trying to say. Like i said i am not saying WoW’s combat is bad and period. I am saying WoW’s combat system is bad in my opinion, its bad for ‘‘me’’. Thats why i said combat system is controversial but animations are not. Sorry but same thing doesnt go for animations, animations are bad, like real bad, and whoever saying otherwise probably fooling themselves


This is absolutely cringe bait 2/10.


Wow’s combat is one of it’s better qualities to be honest.


You are free to have an opinion.


If this combat is one of it’s ‘‘better’’ qualities then i feel really bad for WoW. Cause as a fire mage for example all you do is 1-2-3, use fireball to proc pyroblast. Literally 3 button rotation


The real reason I can’t read this wall of text is because I couldn’t care less why you are quiting wow.


Thank you, thats why i said ‘‘i’’ in my title, cause these are my opinions, and i only wrote this article with having the intention of voicing only my own opinions

I can take FF14 off the list then, struggeling enough as it is to have enough keybinds in wow :sweat_smile:


just to understand. the 3 button rotation of the fire mage is here since i guess… forever (unsure because b4 i used to be arcane and it was the same).
So why complainin now?
Sincerely i find the mage in ff more simple to manage than in wow - even with more buttons. In FF you auto face target automatically.



WoW’s combat system is miles better than FFXIV.

The only game I’ve played that got anywhere close to replicating WoW’s feeling in regards to combat is Rift.


Just enjoy whatever you choose.

I had a similar experience, I still like what I play, mythic plus. If that wasn’t there, I’d be bored soon. Haven’t raided for a while, got a bit of a raid burn out from last time.

But what I meant to say was, I also remember why I took a break. Silly legos. And now we can carry 2. These things cost a sh**load of gold, and now need to pay for higher ranks. I was almost ready to buy my R6, now I cba to.

I may or may not return to 9.2, and if I do, I just want to quickly get KSM, and f*** off until the next expansion. If they retry what they did in BFA and/or SL, I will simply stop.

It’s about how fluid it feels.

In FFXIV you can get hit by stuff even though you’re not anywhere close to it. It feels really bad plenty of times when you get hit by something that would never have hit you if it was in WoW’s combat.

In WoW, there’s rare exceptions where you can get hit by stuff even though you were not standing in it, unless you’re lagging. In FFXIV that’s commonplace and lagging in it is even worse than in WoW.

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Ehhh. FF’s combat is one of its weaknesses albeit it can be fun.

Out of context, you look sick bro

That sounds horrible to me. I prefer a simpler rotation but horses for courses.
There should be different playstyles. Mages and Rogues probably should have more buttons to press whilst Warriors and Shaman should have fewer. Or at least have specs that are simpler.

Having a class with lots of rapid attacks stacking Haste as opposed to a class with fewer big hitter attacks that stack Crit makes for a diversity of choice.
WoW has lost its diversity of class styles over the years.

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You can get the mog pretty easy now, its rewarded for level 60 renown if you are necrolord (regardless of armor type).

Wasn’t button bloat one of the major issues and one which I think FF struggles with, there are commands just for the sake of having them.

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:smiley: I hope you mean my character lol, otherwise I’ll start crying now :wink:

I actually like this necro set, I had one of those “cute” sets before, but now I wanted to look (as you say) “sick” :smiley: more like “dark”

Its true. for example the 2nd phase in the titan encounter. you jump and by luck you can understand if you did it right just if you die… BUT its true in wow there is DBM.

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FF raids are likely having to remember a dance.