The Real Reason Why ''I'' Can't Play WoW Anymore

archeage is tab targetting

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Doing your rotation right is not the only indicator of skill tho. If you do nothing else than spamming fireballs as mage you’re playing it wrong and you wont succeed at higher difficulity levels. There is lot of other things you need to track, like interrupts, dispells, mechanics, dps cooldowns etc etc.

Im pretty sure that the easy rotation is one of the biggest reasons why the gameplay feels so smooth at times. The complexity is just outsourced to the things mentioned above. Even the most skillful players wont keep up with a (much more) complex rotation and the billion other things you need to track in WOW.

Nah, you won’t. I’m happy with the buttons I have. At least those are actually doing stuff and not just “does the same but looks different” stuff split into five different buttons. I’ve seen someone else play FF14 and was totally turned off by the look. Those spell animations you seem to like so much are just excessive. You can barely see the enemy or the landscape anymore as soon as someone starts to cast. No thanks.


This is so true. FFXIV’s combat is so much better. I’ve played only Ninja and Samurai so far and both have quite complex rotations and skills that interact in interesting ways. Obviously the Ninja’s ninjutsu skill is awesome, it really feels like I am inputting a combo command in something like DMC. I love how the Samurai’s skills change depending on other skills I use. There’s always so much going on with your character.

I enjoy WoW’s visuals more, but the combat gameplay feels… mobile. It feels like they tried designing WoW like Diablo 3 - few buttons to press, not much connection between separate button presses, and not much commitment to any skill. There’s a focus on simplicity, while in FFXIV, realizing it is just a tab target MMO, they saw simplicity won’t really cut it, so they made the combat deep.

But I don’t think making WoW’s combat more complex is the solution. I think the solution is making WoW an action MMO. Which can be done. Action MMOs generally operate on a tab-targeting-lite system, where you just aim at your target with the cursor and that is treated as a tab-targeted enemy. All WoW needs is some enemy collision, dodging and maybe manual blocks/parries.

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damn i guess im the last in line.

So basically you’re just complaining about the animations in WoW rofl.

Didn’t need an essay, just say you don’t like the animations and prefer FF.

I can understand your comments and appreciate everything you say. Interestingly I enjoy Tera’s combat system cus I have to aim and move around. Also the quality of the game artwork and animations are masses better than WoW. Shame Tera is such a bad game now.

I only play fire mage in this game and I have like four buttons to play with, bolt, pyro, blast and combustion. And with hotting up I’m generally done after the first round. But it feels its always been like that. I just accept WoW for what it is and play other things for other types of fun. I am heavily into LoL and the esports is what I watch most of the time. LoL is not a game like WoW but what I love is the 35 to 45 minutes a session on the Rift gives. You level each and every time, play as five and when its done you can shut down and do something else. WoW is more about grind and finding your own way. Its about creating your own hero and having a blast. For me I couldn’t survive without WoW. Its the easiest game to simply dip into and get going with.

I have never played FF online. I’ve played every console game since VII and even now play Lightning to take down the last boss, which trust me is way way more difficult than you will ever like experience in WoW. Talk about button combinations… my goodness. I do love the story telling in Final Fantasy. The best though has to be Nier in truth… but hey.

The point is I would just treat each game for their own merits. WoW may be cartoony, but it offers the biggest pond to instantly dip into. It truly still is a giant and I would miss my silver tabby in game if I ever gave up on Azeroth. There really are like a gzillion games with better battle mechs and animations. But if you search your heart you will realise that was not why you fell in love with Warcraft. Just think on it. I’m still here after a modest 13 years and I’m not planning on giving up. We just can’t afford to lose anyone at the moment. Its players that make this game… the players.

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I have a sub (canceled) until 22/2-2022 but haven’t logged in for over 1 month, soon 2 months. Don’t feel that the game give my anything more (first time since 2005). All the allegations and stuff made the whole community just feel depressed and sad. People just rush m+ and really don’t seem to enjoy the gaming experience with other players anymore either. Left in the community is burned out addictive players that just want to smash their keyboard in your head!

Unless that they don’t come with big( I mean rly BIG) changes I don’t think the game recovers from this!

Just my point of view tho! I miss what WoW once were!

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Without sounding like a broken record have you tried some of the relaxed m+ communities, really is the only way I’ve ever been able to get along with the system, albeit pugs have not been so bad.

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You think World of Warcrafts combat system is bad? And the animations are bad. Try to buy a better PC. Or better internet.

World of Warcraft have the best combat system, and animations.

So you can use the n word since you are a black mage

I always thought the eso had the worst combat… Until I tried ff14. It works great for falling asleep :ok_hand:

That I’d actually support, too. They wouldn’t even need to look far for inspiration or make ALL abilities this way. Just “copy-paste” the Heroes of the Storm system for spells: some narrow skillshots, some easy to hit skillshots and others still point&click (mostly for healers).

Gameplay isn’t more interesting just because you need 20 instead of 6 hotkeys; to be actually reacting to your environment / enemies does this a lot better.

WoW’s animation is one of the best I’ve seen ever but your free to have your own opinion I suppose

Just don’t understand why u write a whole freaking bible about it? Lol

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Games can be interesting in different ways. From my small experience in FFXIV raids, they are filled with oneshots and punish you very hard for not knowing the fight. But you really don’t need that fast a reaction ever - you just need to know the fight, know your class and combine the two. This is what makes the game interesting. And it is very interesting, especially with how… cinematic they’ve made some fights feel, how bosses can blow up your entire screen or how sometimes the bossfight is matched to its soundtrack. It is a spectacle.

I think Blizz truly wants WoW to be more fast-paced and action packed, fast button mashing - which is great! I can enjoy that too, but the way should be to lean in even harder on the action MMO aspect.

One thing I gotta say - simply hitting something feels so much better in WoW - from the sounds the skills make, to the sounds the enemies make, hit and death animations - WoW is so much better in this case. So Blizz should lean harder on the game’s strength, which is simplistic action.

I have a six best seller book in my country, i am a well known writer sweetie, thats what i do.

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You mean, instead of pressing 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1, you get to press 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.

We’ve had the ‘more buttons =/= more interesting’ conversation many times before.

But if it’s what you enjoy, have fun playing it.

So you prefer cheesy whack-a-mole arcade/PS3 combat with all the whistles and flashes, instead of proper fluid and responsive combat with the smoothest movement in the industry almost ?

Fair enough… lol

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You should play what makes you happy. When a game stops being fun for you, let it go.

IRL there’s a lot I don’t like so I don’t engage with it. I treat WoW that way, I ignore the bits I don’t like and do the few bits I do like. I’ll never have a dream utopia where all fits my ideal game vision, so I take the bits I can get.

Hope you find enjoyment with the rest of your gaming future. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I logged in today for the first time in months to do Doomwalker for mount/toy…Got hit a 52k despite my character having 10k health at lv 50 then spawned downstairs in cavern of time and had to slowly walk back to surface which took like 5 minutes, by the time I made it to the top I had had enough and just logged out and have 0 interest in returning atm.