The Real Reason Why ''I'' Can't Play WoW Anymore

You exactly said wow combat is stupid, tbh what you say about ff is not true either about the rotations its bs

You are proving literally the thing that i was trying to explain. You do have reading problems cause if you opened and literally read the ‘‘Shadowlands Gonna Be The Best Expanison’’ article you could have see that i was talking about the aesthetics, zones and armor sets and you could have understand that it wasn’t as bold as the title made it ups to be.

And i didn’t play ESO as much as FFXIV thats why i chose FFXIV to give an example of.

Other thing, english is not my first language, i am learning and i do know i am making mistakes but i wasn’t talking about language expression or punctuation when i said you had reading problems and if you understood in that way it proves my point again :slight_smile:

And other thing, i don’t care about you that enough to go and search or lookout for old posts of you. ( Even if i did i wouldn’t be able to cause your profile is hidden lol. We don’t even know if you done the things you blamed me for not doing it in the first place.) So there my question goes again, are u sure you are not that angry? Cause looks like you are wasting too much time and effort for a person who doesn’t care about what the other person says.

Yeah you are right,i could have do that without mentioning it. I can say that was my fault when it is as you can see, the real question is, can you? :slight_smile:

I’m aware, a large portion of the WoW community have been pretty unimpressed and showing distaste for the art styles in SL especially compared to BFA. Even the return of Class Sets, and I’m one of them that dislikes it so far.

Not really, it proves you can’t convey your point if supposedly ‘everyone’s misunderstanding me’ when you even put it in your original post.

You can, you just apparently are unaware of how to.

I’m not the one that’s spending hours on the forum trying to argue why this game needs to change to be more like a less successful game and paying for a game that’s supposedly so bad in so many various ways that you will ‘not be coming back to’ unless they do.

You claimed you couldn’t even play WoW for 1 hour because you hate it so much, you’ve been here in this thread longer.

Oh boy here it comes.

You are the one that tired to use the edgy argument.

And then you hide behind “I have a life” excuse.
When you are the one that acted like the other person points weren’t worth cause you could not armory shame it or something.

No you haven’t failed, but maybe don’t like some edgy clown when talking to others just because they are level 20. When you haven’t done anything that makes you stand out or anything

If you acted like a normal person I would not have said a word about it. But if you act like some kind of elitist jerk at least be sure you have something to show for it.

Oh sure, because you got called out for acting like an elitst to someone else.

Blasting news: a lot of people here work, at least I do, and have a life outside of the game. But I know you need this to sustain your argument.

I did choose not to do PvP but the fact that I am not into high plays of PvP make me unable to comment on such topics.

If you are out of the loop or never played at a certain level you won’t be able to give an honest opinion about it.

Yes and I saw someone with 0 relevant achievements acting like an elitist to someone commenting from a level 20 alt.

You don’t need to see pick profile to reply to those ideas.

If you go and try to invalidate people’s opinions be ready for others to do the same with you.

Just reposting because you are literally the person you are describing lol.

Take your own advice, woof woof.

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tbh i wished there was a class where you ONLY had to press three buttons. if people say they only press three buttons i cant help but be judgemental and think they play the game wrong. :sweat_smile:


So just because i said something opposite to what most of the WoW community is saying, i am bold now?

Yeah i added that part in my very own article cause they were lot of people like you who were saying things that they would say to a person who says period at the end of their line while i was saying ‘‘in my opinion.’’

No sh’t sherlock, i didn’t know that. Take it like i wasn’t trying to highlight the fact your profile was hidden :slight_smile: Just like how you took things out of context before.

Yeah and i am doing it because i wanna talk about the game that i used to play with other people. Like i said thats what forums are for. Not because i am angry or something, why the hell would i be angry at a video game? I am not that lifeless thank god

It was a bold claim that this was the ‘best looking expansion’ as you put it, combined with all of your points about how FFXIV stuff animation and other stuff looks much better and WoWs is so ‘outdated’ is not just really you giving an opinion but feels more like you’re trying to make a statement of fact.

Otherwise you would simply state, “I don’t like WoWs aesthetic/graphics/skill design” without making a comparison or going on about ‘outdated’.

Idk you keep bringing that up, anyone that plays more/did more than you is ‘lifeless’ or something while you tried to insult me for posting on a level 20. You can’t have it both ways.

Ive tried FFIX a bit as a blackmage on free trail thingy
 Frost spells dont slow/root. One can move before casting is finished
 sometimes, mainly works when mounting for some reason but often leads to me canceling the casts of spells so it all feels very laggy.

As a free trail i couldnt test pvp out i think, but as far as i know all the spells in pvp are replaced with others so no spells are the same in pvp? Just makes it all feel very dissconnected to ones char.

First of all i didn’t say it was the best looking expansion, i said it was going to be. As you can ‘‘read’’ it was an assumption. And how bold can a assumption be no matter how badly you put it?

And as you can ‘‘read’’ again i didn’t say FFXIV’s skill animations are better then WoW, period or FFXIV’s skill animations are better then WoW and this is not controversial or something. I literally said, ‘‘Sorry but same thing doesnt go for animations, animations are bad, like real bad.’’ Cause they are, i mean if you deep down feeling like you are looking at frost mage and seeing that blue triangle as a frost spell and saying wow thats great, then it is your taste but in my opinion they are not. The whole article i was trying to highlight the fact these were my opinions. Even my title has ‘‘i’’ in it.

And ofc some stuff in WoW is outdated it is a 17 years old game what else could it be? How everything could be fresh and new in a 17 years old game. Thats what i am trying to say over and over again, outdated its not the problem here, not upgrading it, is.

I wasn’t insulting you, i was trying to say, ‘‘if you are gonna keep blaming people about the high end stuffs they didn’t do, write me with the character you did them with so we can see if you did them or not.’’ but again, you didn’t understand that one and took it out of context as always.

And i never said that anyone who did more then me is lifeless. I just said getting angry over a video game is lifeless they are diffrent things.

Yes 10+ sounds like a clunky mess to me. Just having lots of buttons to hit does not always equal depth.

5 or so regular buttons seems the sweet spot for RPGs of this kind, anymore and it becomes a mess and one ends up looking at the bars more than the world.

Personally, I thought the animations are just ‘yea, pretty good I suppose.’ As far as spell effects, well I think WoW’s are already excessive in many cases.

It’s not a bad game. I just can’t connect with the universe.


Pretty bold? It being an assumption doesn’t make it any less so, given what we saw from the start wasn’t particularly impressive to me and many others. Starting with Oribos it’s been very bland and boring sadly.

You actually did, since that was one of your complaints about WoW that supposedly FFXIV ‘opened your eyes about’.

I mean, all of FFXIVS stuff is basically just the same. Shiny lights so you can’t even see the shape of what you’re casting with everything cranked way up.

You’ve continued to spout that whenever you incorrectly phrase something, or outright lie and then try to play it off the next post.

Calling other people angry, who never insulted you specifically in the first place
 Because they’re posting in an online thread? Yeah sure. If anyone here is angry, it’s you. A lot of your posts on your paladin and here definitely come off as ‘angry’.

Well, archeage combat is arguably better than wow. So

One of the big selling point of wow is warcraft. And that part (the lore) is getting butchered.

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My concern about modern WoW is the GCD speed

Fast GCD with simple rotations doesn’t feel bad but it makes PvP a circus

especially when you try to heal oneshotts

We agree on something :’)


Lol, im at the opposite opinion.

I liked ffziv and finished s bringers.

The combat in that game is so clunky and booring

So again
 whats the plan for your gold? Cant use that in FF14, might aswell donate it to someone :innocent:

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Is it tab target or action ?

Cause the 2 are not comparable.

Get in the queue, Sinny - besides, you have to get past these to jump me in the queue

I weave between Guild Wars 2 and WoW regularly. While I have many more buttons to press on my Elementalist in GW2, most skills are just a different way to deal damage. You chain your damage cooldowns one after the other. WoW reduced the damage portion to only a few buttons, the rest is utility so of course you aren’t gonna use it all the time.

I don’t know about mages, but you may want to give a shot to others classes with a class trial. Rogue feels great to me, I like energy management.

Personally I prefer WoW with its smaller spell rotations than pressing 10+buttons.