The reason Alliance lose 100% of all AV pugs is that they don't defend SH GY

Let me quote myself from the other topic:

What options does alliance really have to defend SH GY?

  • Keep defending until horde boss is up without making any progress, because if horde attacks with all their 40 people then it obviously needs all 40 alliance players to defend it.
  • Leave SH GY and try to get an another spawning point without ending up behind the SH choke point: SF GY or IB GY or FW. Since these graveyards has timers, all that horde has to do is soft capping SH GY and sending reinforcement against the alliance attack team until they are sent back to north one by one.

Since defending SH is just as pointless as trying anything else, there are games when people just try other tactics hoping that horde makes a mistake, because that’s the only chance to have a different outcome. It usually doesn’t work of course so does defending SH.

Because after SH is lost, the game is over, so people either farm honor by killing horde at SP or just go inactive until the BG ends.
Yes SP is easy to defend because of the same reason why SH is so easy to lose: between SP and IWB choke point there is a long road that slows down reinforcement from both side.
This is called: unbalanced map.
However at the time when the fight reaches SP horde has already won.