The reason behind silence in group content?

As I’m leveling another character and participating in TW dungeons, I’ve noticed a recurring pattern of silence within the group, even after someone initiates conversation with a friendly “hi.” This trend isn’t exclusive to Time Walking dungeons and has extended to other group content like m+. I’m curious to understand the reasons behind this silence.

In my recent experiences, out of the five dungeons I’ve completed, it’s been mainly me who who said “hi” and later a “gg.” There was just one instance where one other player responded with “hi.” This leads me to question the nature of these interactions. It sometimes feels as though I’m playing alongside automated, non-responsive characters or bots rather than fellow human players.

So what are the reasons behind this silence? If you are just like them - let me know what it is.

Proof https"://"


Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex…

oh, and hi btw :slight_smile:


They expect that everyone knows their role, class, spec and what to do.
After 500 dungeons everyone goes on autopilot, and talking has lost its meaning after playing with hundreds of new players they have never seen or played with before.

Sometimes someone says hi, and I reply with a greeting in M+. If it is leveling dungeon or TW dungeon I reply with \o.


Well the times I have to do group content with strangers I also stay silent. You can’t get reported for what you’ve said if you haven’t said anything, and the automation in ingame moderation/reporting makes people use it as a tool for griefing. Plus anyone can choose to take offense to anything now, so it’s better to err on the side of caution.


I don’t really buy it, because I always say HI, even if I level a character in two days through dungeon. Saying “hi” is not “talking”

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I personally see no point of talking in queued dungeons. It’s not a progression content, it’s brainless farm of something (exp, TW token, weekly quest, etc) as fast as possible on autopilot, watching youtube/netflix in parallel.
Talking naturally comes when there is something to talk about - tactic discussion or witch hunting after a wipe.

everybody is scared to recieve infractions because trolls and toxic people report everythign possible and blizzard doesnt check this only its automated system .

a lot of people just turned off all in game chats because of it.


that “hi” can be reported too. and could potentialy earn you in game ban .

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You can get reported even of a name you created of character you neve logged in, it is obviously not about that :smiley: So, you don’t talk also in M+, since its strangers?

How? Please share a screenshot where to click, could be helpful.

I’ve read in about a month ago, one guy was telling he war reported for name Slava Ukraine or something like that, even he did not play on it, people just targeted the name I think, russians

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It is for some people, like me. Naturally you’re not going to get an answer about everyone’s reason as it differs from person to person, doesn’t it. My reason is as I said, the high potential for report abuse. Some people’s reason might be introversion. Others might simply hate communicating with randoms. Endless possibilities.

I don’t do M+ at all since I consider it pointless and repetetive. But if I did, I would try to stick to doing it with friends and guildies, as I do with any other group content.


Is reporting really that terrible? If it were, we’d expect skilled PvP players to face bans, but it seems most reports come from people who admit to being offensive.

I usually don’t say anything. It’s a waste of valuable time.
If someone say Hi, I reply with a quick Hi.

I’m one of those guys that can’t type, without stopping what I’m doing.
Sometimes it appears my character is playing, but it’s not. My tank is just taking dmg, while I’m typing and I need to be quick about it.
For example, today a level 70, BE DK was stuck at the beginning in Gundrak,
Healer was DC and it was only my BE Protection Warrior, a DPS BE warrior and a Orc Hunter, that were doing the final 2 bosses. I could have started a kick vote, but none said anything, so I assumed everyone was ok, with that.
After the player, complained, the fish were constantly killing the character, I had to stop what I was doing, in a middle of a fight, let my Tank, be on auto attack and tell the player, to wait and hope that the TW kill would count on his 5 TW quest. Fortunately it did.

In my case, i have 25 characters to run TW and every minute counts. As I have 125 runs to do. It’s my holiday atm and I want to make it worth, every minute of it.

Also, at this point, most of my characters don’t need the gear ILV 389 that drops from the dungeons, so, I have now a double task to inspect every player in my group and see who needs it. I could put it on chat, but they probably wouldn’t answer.

I usually see who is the highest level character. Level 70s take priority, followed by level 68-69. Level 50+, are the last ones to be considered.

Yesterday, I foolishly passed a ILV 389 Haste/Versatility shield to a Vulpera Shaman level 50+, when my Forsaken Protection Warrior, had a ILV 376 green shield.
I usually use heirlooms or low level gear to make my repairs cheaper on my characters. So long as inside TW the stats are exactly the same. This is why it’s hard to keep up with everything, I have.
I could buy the ILV 412 shield from Dreamsurge vendor, but, I’m waiting to see what I will get in the near future, for him. He’s the 3rd Warrior on the list of priorities, for my 5 Warriors.
Well at least he got some nice pair of plate boots, ILV 434 from the TW chest.


They’re practising to travel on public transport in London.


You can be reported for other reasons, as well as for not saying hi :smiley: for name, for millions of other reasons, so I don’t understand this at all. Better not to play the game then

Its like being in a shop queuing up to pay. You dont randomly start up a conversation with the other people queuing, you just wait till the end, pay then leave…

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In the old days you would talk to people in the market place, when you say “hi” or even a small talk, it does make your experience better, and the dungeons less boring, I think it is people like you, who make these game mundane and not fun

I dont agree, i perform my role in the dungeon. I am unlikely to meet other players again so why do i need to make conversation with them? if i want to talk to people i will join my ingame freinds on discord.

Weren’t your ingame friends “strangers” at some point? And, you never know if you never see them again, and yes, the dungeon is more fun if people say something, feels more alive.