The reason behind silence in group content?

Pretty much this. I just shut up and do my job, that way i have no beef with anyone. Just like in real life. There are so many angry and toxic people now adays, its just not worth the risk.


those people never type anything in in game chat.

why would they ? high end players use discord .

yes. but that was before blizzard introduced automated infraction/ ban system .

you would have to do some really crazy stuff back in day to even get in game silence.

back in like 2010 or 2012 i once got 48 hours ban after months of spaming /general with what was at that time a nice joke/banter and now it would get me instant permaban without doubt.

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I dont really care. I dont play this game to make other people feel good. Especially because after i have said hi and the key goes in most of them dont seem to have 2 braincells to rub together.

Do what I do as a daily experiment and type “hi” soon as you enter then wait for replies. Then take note of how many people NOT replying are in a guild. Then remember that the vast majority of these people will be the same people who will wax lyrical ad infinitum on the values of “being social”.

But because they are out of their guild, (or should I say clique), it’s almost as if the game automatically shut down all forms of communication.

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I honestly don’t know why myself, personally I love a conversation while playing with new people.
I’m always trying to get some conversation going, it works with maybe 1-10 dungeons.
What made me love this game so much in the old days was the social aspect, even guilds are the same now, no talking or at least very little talking.
Mostly all I see is “Bla bla bla +10” and that’s It usually and it’s kind of saddening.


I was about to say something along the similar lines.

I’ve seen people taking pleasure in trolling and toxic behaviour, also a lot of provocation going on, trying to get people tilted or say the wrong things in the heat of the moment so they can report them for language or behaviour.

Personally i find that the whole “social contract” business is taking away a lot from the game.
So many people are “offended” by practically nothing, they’re just looking for reasons to report.

If it were my decision i’d go with the old system like it used to be, people could say anything and not be silenced or suspended for it.
The option to ignore people should be more than enough, but it seems they’d rather hand the proverbial shotgun to the kids and let the automated penal system take care of it.

The moment any GM actually responds to a valid complaint it’s already too late for at least 80% of the time.

So to prevent myself for getting into a problematic situation, i just turn off chat, because the people i do want to speak to are on discord anyway so.

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I don’t really chat other than saying Hello, because it’s constant go go go after that.


I can’t type and play at same time. I either chat or I cast.


Didnt take long for the tinfoilers to come out.



Keeping it 100, I play video games to :poop: on people, been playing since I was 5, and the only people that say hi are people that only play MMOs and are relatively new to gaming.

Have you ever been in a COD lobby?.. or play competitive games online?

welcome to toxic auto ban feature implemented. Typical Californian mentality say nothing and nothing will happen.



People have never talked much during runs in dungeons. They’re busy playing the dungeon.

Back in TBC when I was playing tank the most I’ve ever done because I was raiding as a feral druid tank and doing heroics as it as well, there was pretty much no time to chat or I’d lose aggro if I wasn’t constantly making sure I was building more threat. The DPS likewise had no time to type because they’re obliterating the mobs.

absolutely, i have never been punished for a greeting, quite conversely breaking the ice can often have a positive effect on the run, and shock horror, someone may even say something funny, ikr, wild.
as i said, the more tech advances, ironically tech meant to bring us together, the more isolated we become…
you can still choose…


I got a behaviour warning on this new account at the starting area and i haven’t even set one single step yet.

Tell me how.

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ofc you can if 4 trolls in that dungeon press report one after another.

if this happens to you couple of times you will get infractions and eventually ban.

i dare you to type something in couple of times in /1 during events in early 10.2 and see it for yourself.

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I always say hi, “Dare you to say hi” Jesus, do you even listen to how ridiculous you sound?


You can be reported without saying anything, and I do know some high ranked people who type a lot, and they are fine… (both in PVP and pve). You can’t use discord in solo shuffle, etc.

I don’t understand people who say that they have “no time” to say “hello”. How come? It is a 1 second, literally, you just say it in the beginning of a dungeon, or if you die, or if the boss does rp? or on autorun… there is always plenty of time

Canabal, you sound like PvPer, this is why I will never play this mode (still would be friendly to say it in solo-shuffle, for example), no one comes to destroy their fellow gamers in M+, you might have a competition, but you are team afterwards, and it is never just a dps meter there too - affixed, interrupts, etc.

I’d say the more downtime there is, the higher the chance conversations will form. When I run TW raid PUGs there’s usually some chatter, though most of it happens before the raid starts. Of course if a boss isn’t just tank and spank then it’s preferred to have a short explanation of mechanics because you don’t trust randoms to know those.

When running dungeons there’s usually a rush to complete them and thus not enough time to talk, and so they usually happen when the run comes to a halt (discussing mechanics or pointing fingers). Last time I’ve had an inane chat in a dungeon was Uldaman in prepatch. Since the matchmaker was broken people actually made groups in the finder and if you wanted to farm gear on multiple runs it incentivized people to stay together.

What about simple “hi”? Is there no time to type that in the dungeon, especially after someone has already greeted them?