The reason behind silence in group content?

I usually say Hi when i que for content and im usually talking in /1 when a new event is out…never been banned or even warned, its almost like most people who do get banned get banned for a reason.

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If someone wants to talk, say hello etc. they will. If they don’t want to, they won’t. I would not search for any particualr reason for this, it is not mandatory therefore everyone decides based on their taste.

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it’s because we’re just facerolling leveling dungeons. not that there’s much talk in m+ but with leveling ones i personally do at least one more thing like checking mogs/watching movies etc. i turn into a bot in leveling dungeons.

Most group content is rushing so no time for chatter.
People are ashamed if they don’t know the dungeon or whatever and don’t dare to ask a question.
Sometimes you just don’t feel like chatting.

If its a relaxed run or people initiate I’ll respond.
In most groups I won’t say anything other than Hello (and sometimes not even that), if people go the wrong way I’ll say so and if people apologize for some mistake or whatever I tell them to not worry about it or that these things happen.

If I’m super cranky, I might snap (usually I’ll stay quiet). That snapping is reserved for people who take advantage of others or people that don’t realise they’re playing with other human beings.


Beyond rare occurrences 99% of players in m+ and dungeon running are toxic egoists, who, despite knowing they are wrong, will flame with wrong arguments, just to find a weakspot to attack in others. This is the same as when somebody brings a good argument and the idiot says: but you are fat/ugly etc.

99%, if not more, same like in society tbh.

Just today I asked in a 23 key if they would like to join voicechat too. Ingame voicechat is really good and very accessible. Immediately the german idiot paladin started to flame and harrassed/(threatened while doing) with report for this question, as if voicechat is a serious attack.

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Simple hi can be reported exactly the same way as elaborate sentences. No point to risk infractions

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So i understand you are not afraid to type that in /1 during events when new season starts yes ?

Come and tell us later how it went

I type in general chat with quite some frequency and I advertise tailoring/enchanting services in the trade frequently.

Nothing has ever happened to me doing that. Only time I’ve received any penalty for what I wrote in a chat is way back when I said that /camp now has an animation of you putting up a tent, it logged people out.

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Are you sure it was a warning and not just signing the agreement about the rules and how to behave in the game? Because it comes later when you make the character.

I don’t join dungeons to be social. If I want to be social, I’ll join a guild. It’s just about getting the job done, they take barely any time.

Having said that, sometimes things happen that leads to a bit of spontaneous talking and a couple more dungeons but I don’t have the energy to do that all day.

And no, I don’t do M+, when I did it was only with friends/guildies who I was happy to speak to.

Well, I disagree. You are forming m+ pug, inviting people, saying hi to them, they just sit silent in valdrakken. Not saying hi, or even asking if they need to go to the stone, if you ask them if they can help w affix they are also silent. They are silent until you kick them for not answering, then they send you slurs :rofl:

Dungeons have become “Let’s get this over with”-content, lasting 15 minutes tops, and with the current “Non-stop dash to the finish” play style that seeped into the whole game from M+, i barely have time to type anything, anyway.

Also, sticking out puts a target on your back, especially if you dare admit you’re not familiar with a specific shortcut…


Why would u need to talk in a dungeon? Or even ingame? For m+ its not necessary under keylevel 25. For pvp i mean outside RBG - ARENA its not needed. The rest of the game is obsolete

In SS you turn the chat function off if you know what’s good for you. Too many loose cannons who fire verbal abuse and my poor deceased mother has had every disease imaginable wished upon her.

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World of warcraft isn’t exactly dominated by extroverts. Atleast not outside of expansion launches and premades.

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Seems the concept of small talk is alien to today’s generation… smh.

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honestly i only remember people being all that talktive in vanilia mostly because we had no choice maybe a bit in tbc and mostly to blame someone in wolk :smiley:


You don’t have to be extrovert for typing hi in the dungeon lmao. I am introvert irl, so what?