The reavtion to AV from the Horde in a nutshell

Here are some of the “best” talking points from Horde (Not all of them. Some great people play horde this is the “cream of the crop”):
Voice comps are cheating.
Alliance can’t win what is this?! I play Horde I HAVE to win 100% of the time.
Give alliance a 1h Q.
Get over phase two it was ok because we where doing it.
PvP happens on a PvP serve and when we dominate it’s fine but you can NOT coordinate! We can do it too but you know you can’t because reasons.
We only want to play with friend that’s why we want the changes.
Horde racial skills are not op.
Alliance is bad lol they only win when they cheat we are not salty you are salty!
The back door in AV is fine.
We have the numerical advantage and this your economy, grouping, farming and even getting to somewhere in the open world is effected but you don’t understand. That’s not happening to us. We are inconvenienced in ONE battle ground where the number are even and we have to actually bother to coordinate.
When the Alliance is getting destroyed or wants changes: “git gud” “go to retail” “re-roll horde” “pvp happens on pvp servers” and all that Jazz. When the Horde is getting destroyed in ONE battleground: “CHANGE NOW” “YOU ARE CHEATING” “BLIZZARD I ROLLED HORDE I CAN NOT LOSE NERF NOW!!1!ONE!!”

For the decent Horde players I feel for you. For the Horde “pvpers” that want justice all of a sudden… You had no problem with griefing the Alliance player to the point of them not wanting to even log in. For the Alliance this was the picture for weeks you land gank and the flight master is dead. You want to get to a dungeon gank. You want to farm gank. And it was going on 24/7. It took longer to get to UBRS than it did to finish it. When you exploit the AV back door it’s ok. And I can go on about all the issues you created for the Alliance but there is no point. And yes pvp on pvp servers is normal and it would have been fine if you where not doing it with such glee. You gloated at people saying they are going to quit from the 24/7 ganking. You mocked everyone who brought up fair points and that getting outnumbered was not and even fight. And you acted like this game is only for you. And as soon as you lose ONE time you started to cry to high heaven about it. It’s a battle ground where the numbers are even. By your own words the Alliance is bad and you are the best pvp players in any game ever so why is premade a problem for you? Get over yourself.


Too long didnt read l0l
stop crying
Git gud or reroll


The irony is that you’re whining about people whining.

The cycle of whine continues sips tea


why u med?

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How enlightening. Re-post that you your Horde friends that cry about AV. Thanks.

In the end of the day, horde tears are still delicious.


Anything that helps with your p2 ptsd buddy. You will get there. :ambulance:

What is all this nonsense?
Seems like horde I don’t play with.
Now back to destroying alliance premades.

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Zug Zug Dabu :joy: :ok_hand:

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You love trowing PTSD around do you even know what it means? But it is funny to see all the people flexing how good they are 10 v 1 cry about a 40 v 40 bg.


Would you like some milk with that?

It’s fresh.

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Good for you and can you get a serious medical condition for playing a game? Think about that and how pathetic it sounds when your faction is telling people that complained about 24/7 ganking that they have PTSD as they cry over over ONE battle ground where the odds are even.

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people have committed murder because they lost in video games.
i don’t think getting PTSD over a game would be too far fetched.


It is far fetched. It’s ridiculous to claim that people have PTDS over this. It’s just another way for entitled Horde elitist wannabes to insult others and to gloat on the forums. But as usual it’s the double standards at work. Whatever you say is ok whatever someone else says is not.

The fact that this dude can’t even get a 4 letter acronym right in the age of the Google automatically invalidates anything he says.

It’s PTSS from now on folks.


For what would be their effort to inflict suffering on other players then?

It wasn’t for the honor or to show their skills. It wasn’t for PvP.

ahh fak you got me :smiley:
time to go to bed.


Tough talk from a warrior who uses pummel wrong in 90% of all 1v1 encounters. Keep on premading AV for glorious victories, since your a$$ gets kicked in any other BG due to low indidivual skill, Trashian. :grin:

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It’s funny seeing 30-40 Coordinated Allies on Discord with voicecom get completely demolished by an unorganized random group of horde PUGs.
Fills me with joy.
/AFK out some more when you wipe on Galv btw.