That’s dependent on the community tbf. Although, yes, you’re kind of right there. More accessible buildings might at least provide a middleground for that want.
Anyway, it’s not something I was suggesting, only sarcastically mentioning I wasn’t gonna bring up because these things ALWAYS get mentioned every time a thread like this is posted.
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Now you have to stutter while saying all that lmao
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See also
ranged rogue spec, with throwing weapons it would be pretty sweet.
could be funny with a death knight ranged spec (dark ranger)
Guild halls / ships / whatever
I don’t care much for individual player housing but it’d be cool for guilds to have their own ships or barracks
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Having access to Mechagon is a good start, but I’d prefer if other uninstanced versions of currently locked internal areas (Orgrimmar Underhold, Blackrock Foundry, Blackwing Lair/Descent etc) became available. They are actually decent locales for roleplaying scenarios and/or skirmishes and we have been lacking any areas that aren’t choke-full with hostile NPCs since MoP.
As someone who was part of a guild with a nearly fully kitted out Ship on SWTOR, 110% this.
And not just Human or Orc themed, put that damn paw down-!
Actually, here’s a big peeve request, spurred on by the track Arthas My Son coming on on Youtube.
Hire a Linguist. A real, honest to Dog language specialist.
And Sort. Out. The MESS. That is the languages in Azeroth. Good lord.
I’m not asking for a Tolkien-esque working dictionary and everything, but something better than the made-up-on-the-fly stuff? Please?
Oh, and give Pandaren a real language, or Mogu, or something I honestly do not care. Just not… that.
some people have issues with vulpera and their yip yip language but honestly at least it has some effort, more so than the it was funny for 10 seconds pandaren “om nom”
From what I recall Blizzard were (and probably still are) afraid of making a pseudo-Asian language as it would be interpreted as racist, like when teens go “Ching Chang Cho” at the Asian kids.
Then again they’ve released an entire song in “Pandaren” as well as lost their Chinese playerbase already so that excuse doesn’t add up any more.
As for customizations within the limits of their current engine, I think it would make miles of difference if there was more separated facial customization.
I’m specifically talking about how goblins get to choose face, nose, then chin, to create lots of unique combinations. The same could be said for the new human option to have round, narrow, wide face frame on each face. I would love to see more options like these for all races to ensure that our characters feel more distinct from each other (and I won’t have to use the one non-wrinkly night elf male face for the 10th time ).
I wouldn’t say no to a “complexion” category either to dunk all the wrinkles, freckles and scars into. Most MMOs are already doing this and I can see it fit well into WoWs engine. Would be a nice way to include some of the amazing face texture work we see in newer NPC race models.
I want the Flying Broom as a permanent mount
You are a little witch.
More learnable languages, even if it was akin to Al Bhed primers.
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That is… incredibly suspicious timing after a very recent and popular twitter thread about how certain massive, large raids like Ulduar and Mechagon weren’t useable in the open world.
Its like how they made the Shrine of Storms in the world in general; only to add a “Your choking here, so now you’ll be ported out of the non-instanced version” when you get near it…
Like… wat? Now its just a waste of space, but cool it is there for us to look at, instead of RPing in ._.
Individual eye color selector, seeing as with 10.1 they removed 6 eye colors from worgen I’d quite like the option to reuse the ones they removed. This would also just generally give people more freedom when it comes to eye colours.
I hope one day they add the basic warglaive models to the game that the black temple demon hunters use. Or at least some new ones that actually resemble a weapon and not a slab of sheet metal.
I would adore warglaives being extended to some classes, namely Warrior and Rogue. Please Blizzard. Especially Warrior, give me that weapon master fantasy.
I’d like to see more customisation for Kul Tirans desperately - and some facial animation rigging when they’re casting spells/using Warrior shouts etc. The dead eyes and lack of facial movements really makes them lose a lot of character.
I’d also love the whole height/weight slider thing but that’s far less likely to happen I think.
One thing I would like to see going forwards is bigger towns/settlements, even if the buildings are empty. Half the time WoW towns feel like 2 huts and a camp fire and I’d like to see them expanded a little more. Not necessarily player housing (as personally I think that removes a lot of open world slice of life RP and it all moves behind closed doors) but some open buildings without NPCs that people can actively use a bit. There’s some sprinkled here and there but they’re a rarity, it feels like!
Oh also with the whole cross-faction thing? Common language for everyone. And allow me to understand the opposite faction’s use of /em - at least let me do this when we’re grouped, since you let me understand their speech in /say already! Just would be more convenient than using potions!
Give us Hearthstone Gadgetzan, you cowards
Has anyone mentioned playable instruments yet?
I love them on GW2.