The Russians are returning to Alterac!

Ladies and Gentlemen! On the 27th, the Russian primeids are returning. And now a more exciting attraction awaits you!

☆ with the support of classic house - “Not a step back from the cemetery!”

On the eve of the release of the Lich of King, the Russian gaming community decided to fight as effectively as possible for the title / achievement “Son of the Alliance” and “Son of the Horde”, so the battles in the Alterac mountains will be much MORE EFFECTIVE and LONGER than they were up to this point.

If you are an emigrant, but you want to get the title of “Son of the Alliance” or the title of “Son of the Horde” in the shortest possible time, then now is the time to return to the Orthodox FLAMEGOR and join the “Classic House” or “Flamegor PVP”! To those who will remain on the other side of the barricades, GOOD MOOD and STRONG PATIENCE! :blush:

See you in Alterac Mountains next week!

For the Azeroth!


Hold the line friends!


It feels like my skull is lined with eyes with how much insight I just gained. Is this why russian premades don’t bother going for Drek? To farm HKs for an achievement?

The sons of mother Russia want to be adopted by mother Alliance and father Horde. Russians really work on a different cultural wavelength.

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Now we will finally put an end to the question of ready-made And pugs! Games until the 27th were held in teams with random pugs. Games after the 27th will mostly consist of ready-made raiders. You will feel the difference between ready-made Russian raiders and random Russian pugs.

Be patient, and even better, JOIN THE BATTLE! FIGHT FOR EVERY METER!



I expect nothing less but slaughtering the opposing faction in their starting cave for hours. Ah, the cries of the honour-per-hour-efficient Europeans will be deafening :rofl:


yes, my friend, the farm of honorable victories, as in the days of the classics with a 10-hour alterac very soon.

for those who don’t remember, here are a few topics from those times.

as well as videos of those events
“bloodbath 76”


I would love to be able to find a group of 40 players to finally make a real AV and not just afk near the boss or inside a tower…

Hopefully a lot of people from Pserver are coming in. WOTLK AVs should be more interesting than those from TBC!

You have my support

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