The Scourge of the Premades

How I’m a loser, if I’m winning most of my bgs? xD

we all know

Your subjective opinion, and that of others who have come out of the same dump as you, do not matter.

Im guessing Reddit is your main platform

I don’t even go in there, but oh well.

Let’s make one last bet, if you show that in the previous seasons you managed to beat my record, I’ll reduce the number of premades I play and I’ll dedicate myself to raising the rating.

you cant rasie rating

Well, I had 1900 in two seasons with a defective spect, It’s not 2200, but still, it seems to me that it’s more than you’ve ever achieved when you go with so much secrecy. If you want to prove that I’m a loser, first prove that you’re not. :wink:

So yes you cant raise rating

Ok, It is then shown that between you and me, you are here the loser xD
We’re done. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

dont insult me by comparing you to me

What a childish conversation. This is an MMO and people enjoy playing with their friends in an environment that is not super sweaty and competitive. Random BGs, brawls and Epic BGs are perfect for that. You can bring friends that don’t quite play on your rated level and just have fun, and also vice versa.

I typically bring two friends into the round on average and do so unapologetically.
I don’t like to have incompetent knuckleheads in my team who don’t play the objective, and I don’t like gambling for my random mates not being careless about the objective, when I can instead make sure that the objective is played by at least a fraction of the team, namely the friends that I bring along and myself.

Before someone says: “Oh you need to do it because you are too bad on your own.”
-No, I am decent at the game and have 2.2+ xp in all brackets, including current solo shuffle, where your placement depends on you alone. I wouldn’t struggle on my own.

Before someone says: “you are just too bad for rated”
-No, I have been over 2400 in RBGs multiple times, but organizing takes too much time and finding a tank is a real pain in the rear even on low rating. I don’t want to sit in queue for 1 hour to play one game when I could play four rounds of random bgs and epic bgs. I just want to play nowadays and not worry about some stupid scores.

I’ve faced Delenis in game btw, nothing special about her. Just a normal player playing with friends. Defeated her once too in warsong gulch, also lost once in deepwind gorge. GG.
The players who complain about people who group up are the real losers. Maybe you would stand a chance against her if you teamed up with some reliable mates. It sure beats the hell out of complaining on the forums.


If the complainers would put a fraction of that effort into grouping, they wouldn’t be losing as much in the first place


Mocking and pointing out the idiocy of delenis deserves a separate section on this forum. Love to see it.


It’s a bit like a loot piñata. You just cannot lose.

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I don’t know whether to cry or laugh with the “classic Pixel” team spewing filth. It must be very frustrating to be any of you.


it’s a bit funny ngl classic or not, they’re somewhat right

I really wanna enjoy bgs but horde is so bad geared atm it’s not even fun :slight_smile:

Everyone got full blue and greens, atleast i can play solo shuffle but que time so long :smiley:

i’m not complaining about 5mans, idk if anybody in this thread is.

the problem is when people q sync and 10man premade in normal bgs or do it for epics.

i can’t imagine it being fun for any of the parties involved - if i wanted to spam damage i would just queue m+ lmao

just now, got out of an amazing av, it went down to resources, the horde even got the ice lord summoned, queued for another - premade, 15ish people insta /afked cause literally what’s the point


A simple way to stop Epic BG Premades would be to abolish the faction barrier. You would be randomly assigned to team blue or team red, premade squads up to 5 staying together (so you are still in one team with your friends who you queued with).

As far as I know, Epic Premades join with multiple synced groups simultaneously. This would make it so that part of them goes to Alliance and part of them to Horde. Effectively making it impossible to land in the same team with 20+ people.

They are bending the rules anyway. Had Blizzard wanted them to play like this, they would allow for a whole raid to queue up without having to take detours like coordinating mutual joining via voicechat.


I think it would be better if they removed any premade barriers on epic BGs and let people go on raids. There are certain achievements, like alterac ray, that could not be achieved without an organized raid. 40 Bgs are very strategic, but with pugs people just run around like headless chickens without meeting objectives and many without knowing what to do.

I have never seen removing factions as a proper solution.

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