But then you make it even easier for epic bg Premades to stomp everyone else. Everyone who does not join a coordinated raid and just wants to play a casual epic bg will be at a disadvantage compared to those who do.
If anything, give the epic bg premade players who enjoy this type of coordinated large scale battle their own bracket, where assembling a complete raid is unrestricted and where the opponents also have a coordinated raid. But separate them from the regular epic bgs where you can queue with 5 man max. Because seriously, playing against a full discord raid with randoms is David vs Goliath and seldom fun. Even if you manage to defeat them in battle, they often resort to turtle tactics and camp their base the whole round.
But then again, I think the point of making epic bg premades with voicechat is oftentimes not even enjoying a coordinated large scale battle, but rather to stomp some random plebs and feel great about yourself. What would a Premade vs Premade battle in epic bgs even look like? Both teams camping in one spot that is advantageous to them and waiting for the other team to come? Doesn’t sound very fun. I would rather have this phenomenon go away entirely. And the best solution is imo to abolish faction barriers and scramble teams while keeping squads of friends who want to play together in one team.