The Shadowlands and how it's a punch to Night Elf fans

So it turns out worshiping Elune was pointless? She has no afterlife for us at all? She just lets us all get sent to the maw? Blizzard basically made worshiping Elune the wrong way to do things. This is as good as saying that all Night Elves should convert to the light. Every soul from Teldrassil was sent directly into the Wacraft version of hell. And even if they weren’t, Elune has no plane of the shadowlands to call her own. Making the worship of her utterly pointless. Thanks a lot Blizzard. :rage:


It’s all swept under the rug now. They hate night elves and they have shown in BfA. They refused to give us anything positive even in the revenge patch. It’s time to accept that it’s over.

8.1 was our revenge patch, our revenge was a victory to the horde. We didn’t kill a single horde character. It’s all intended to make people feel bad about being a fan of anything that is not Sylvanas or Nathanos.


Oh boy… another punch, huh?


face it by this point and with the level of stupid of the lore elune is most likely what velen said just a naaru with delusions of grandur

At Blizzcon yesterday they showed a picture of Sylvanas burning Teldrassil again and the crowd (both Alliance and horde players) cheered a lot, to the point even Ion was shocked like:

“Oh, I know this was cool and hardcore, but…calm down people” :smiley:

honestly as a Blood Elf fan I feel pity about Night Elves at this point…nobody really likes them anymore aside from a few Night Elf hardcore players, but the race is pretty much messed up at this point that it could be effectively considered extinct in comparison to WC3, I blame the fact they joined the Alliance brought them this low…

Savage Night Elves were never meant to be on the same side of the morally “goody-two-shoes” “holier than thou” annoying Humans like Anduin, that made even less sense than Forsaken in the Horde actually, to the point that the Forsaken actually get a good explanation for joining the Horde in Chronicles…the Night Elves don’t, they join the Alliance “just because”


i still say they should have been on the horde side then they wouldn’t have gotten defanged the blood elves most likely not have been needed in the horde if the night elves was horde in the base game

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How do you know? Ion clearly said that the 5 areas where we go aren’t the whole of the Shadowlands, but that there are “infinite realms”. So Elune’s realm might well be out there.


Yes, that makes sense. It is all about joining the Alliance, not because writers made calls. Varian’s ghost is destroying them from the after-life.

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No that is a lie.

When that picture was shown, at first a couple of people cheered. After that a couple of people screamed - Buuuuuu.
Than a lot of people cheered. Than a lot of people screamed - Buuuuuu.

It was 50 - 50.

But then when everyone calm down, one single person screamed - “NOT MINE HORDE”. . .


Best post ever.

Oh really? Ok mixed reaction then :stuck_out_tongue:

still doesn’t take away joining the Alliance screwed up the Night Elves massively in the story…do you remember when Tyrande was cool enough to kill a Human paladin that had the audacity to come in her forests?

Those were good times, not sticking with an Alliance that can’t even protect you properly on the other side of the world

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Oh yeah, I remember that, they showed this Alliance woman dressed up like Jaina looking really meek and offended at the same time. That’s gonna be the image that’s gonna spring ito my mind when I think “Alliance Player”.

Why was a Jaina cosplayer offended with the Burning of Teldrassil??

It should have been a Tyrande’s cosplayer, that would have made more sense… :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, I love how the people at Blizzcon were cheering when Ion mentioned the Burning of Teldrassil. No one cares about you night elf fans :rofl:

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The glorious artist made an accurate representation of how the crowd reacted to Teldrassil.

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You are vile. Ridiculing Night Elf fans like this. How dare you.

Aeula, I swear to god.

Nelfs had it rough in WoW as a whole tbh.

It’s really a “problem” at the core of the civilization. They are overpowered, so it’s difficult to show them as just members of a faction when in fact they alone should had been their own faction.

I’m willing to bet that after Shadowlands the next expansion will either be Void lords or some sort of “faction war” again with it’s main source being Tyrande and her justified ( imo ) desire for vengeance.

Can you just give over, about how everything is a punch in the face for night elf fans.

Have you thought that perhaps the game doesn’t revolve around you guys?


That’s a blood elf main trolling…