The Spiral Weave bugged?

It’s always Strange Destrubances…

I’ve seen people get the loremaster achievement, but for me it’s also always the same story :frowning:. Was thinking the same thing.

yesterday did “from the weaver with love” but a version with no coffer key. at 1st level. just for the achievement.

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That’s weird, it was 100% Strange Disturbances yesterday for me…

Sincerely dunno. It was a pain anyway. Happy to have chests achie now. Never again

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Exactly the same as Tesladin for me. I’ve been trying to get all the loot and story achievements from T8 bountiful delves, but they just weren’t lining up, so I started racing through T1 non-bountifuls if they were a story, or in this case had chests, I needed. I double checked my achievements, and it was definitely yesterday I got the ‘Seeker of Loot’ title/achievement by doing the ‘From the Weaver With Love’ story. I’d assumed we all got the same stories on the same day, but obviously not.

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It does reset, it doesn’t seem to be a daily thing though (or I was just that unlucky), doesn’t even seem to be linked to the weekly reset.

But when it does, every delve gets a new story, so if you see a new story somewhere, every other delve should have a new story.

Sadly, the 3 story delves can get the same story even on this reset.

If I had to guess, I’d say it pulls from a choice of 4 stories (excluding the active one), where the 4th story for the 3 story delves is in fact a randomly selected story from the 3 possible (including the one that was active).

This system needs some QoL changes, like having the active story visible when you mouseover or a visible timer when delve stories get reset.

I posted about this on Thursday after both Weds and Thursday were strange disturbances, and my never having seen until yesterday another story. Friday I had “From Weaver with Love” so now have two stories done, and the Spiral Weave discoveries achievement.

Today, Saturday - unsurprisingly… “Strange Disturbances” is up again. So that is 75% up time on that one story for this week alone, let alone prior weeks.

Yesterday it was the weaver with love. At least for me, I’m not sure if it’s the same for us all or different? They definitely do repeat or bounce between 2 stories a lot though, took me a while before I saw that one.

What is definitely true tho is that they are on story sets, and if you lack the weaver with love you will also miss all the stories on that set, but if it’s up all the other ones will be too in the other delves.

I have seen others get the achievements but I seem to be cursed any time I pop my head in.

Might be worth doing a bug report if it’s never changing.

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