The store mounts are ruining my experience

I’m tired of seeing them. I’m tired of seeing boosted characters. I’m tired of seeing boosted adverts. I’m not sure even I wanna continue with tbc-c at this point.


Sucks to be you I guess


Boohoo! Poor you, special snowflake.


Maybe you should consider doing something else then.

Yet another thread on this.

I think they are ugly but I don’t really care if someone is riding one. I don’t like Mechanostriders either so they should be removed too.


No one asked it so far. So…

Can I have your gold?


I’m sure people will really miss a level 50 Gnome mage.

Boosted char here,sorry im making you sad. I hope you regain the will to play. Otherwise it could be a wise choice to have a break m8. Maybe gets easier if you get some distance to all of us :slight_smile:


A retail mage. Who knows what level their Classic characters are.

Don’t really care about the boost(aside from so many boosted characters in BGs atm xD)
The mount is super ugly, so I kinda just laugh at the fact they paid that much for the mount rather than them ruining my experience :man_shrugging:


Oh look, Hinklink being a little dramaqueen again.


Don’t think I’m at the point I wouldn’t want to continue, but the mount is definitely bothering me. I’m seeing it a lot more than I thought I would, it’s so common when out levelling. I would be less bothered if it was actually a decent looking mount, but I think it might be the most lazily made and ugly mount I’ve seen.

For the boosting spam, which 100% bothers me, use a chat filter. Global Ignore List or Badboy to filter the spam. I was so demotivated for days after prepatch cause the one I used wasn’t updated to the point I wasn’t even really playing. I would not be playing the game at all if I couldn’t filter all that spam.


Actually it’s the boosty bois who are special, not me. I’m grinding for my generic Gryphon.

This is my retail /forum char, I like this the most obviously cause retail wow has lightyears better graphics etc. This is my main in retail since bfa, I don’t own SL so that’s why it’s capped at 50.


Cool c ya.


Thats why I stayed at 59 on boosted char and farm honor there, dont want to fight full T3 guys with 3k hp, must be ugly for both sides.

Buying Deluxe for mount only would be indeed stupid, but as someone with zero interest in classic or levelling - playing only for endgame like BG and arena I was planning to buy boost anyway. I also needed gametime. 40+13 is 53€… Deluxe is 65€, so basicly I got mount + 2 toys for 12€ extra and saved 90g for each character, in that case I think it was quite worth it.

But I will have to spend that 90g for ordinary mount later anyway, this one is like running around with target on your back :smiley:


Turns out you’re part of the problem you hate v.

You complain about retail being anti-social yet here you are being anti-social. Curious.


:rofl: You’ve got a point. I also don’t like the horde, I think they are ugly. They should be removed too. Except blood elves of course.


Don’t like seeing any of those things? Close your eyes. Problem solved.

Threads like this devaluate the actually good arguments that has been brought forward against the boost.

Most people’s experiences don’t get ruined by seeing something they don’t like. I don’t hate the boosters in person for how they look. Nor do many other anti-boosters.

But there are a few implications already about what we predicted about the bad effects of boosting will be realized.

First one I noticed is the sheer number of horde boosters running around. Especially ORCS. I saw like 20+ boosted orc characters in EPL this last hour.(my realm has 3 layers so multiply it with 3) This to me seems like boosts actually made it easier for minmaxer alliance players to reroll on the horde faction with the most optimal race for performance. This will most probably result in an increased faction imbalance compared to before.

It could be only me but I saw way, way more horde boosties than alliance boosties around last 2 weeks (there are alliance boosties ofc, but less in numbers, for people that might not understand)


Ofc there are more horde, optimal races and arenas coming. Even less ally players will be playing on ally side.