The store mounts are ruining my experience

That’s just a variation of 'I like it so it’s good’.

As opposed to “I don’t like it so it’s bad.”? Perhabs it comes as a shock to you, but different people like different things. It’s literally none of your business how other people play the game.


I don’t like the boosted characters aswell and we should bann them. Every single last one of them. And not just the men but the woman and the children too. They’re like animals so we should slaughter them like animals. I HATE THEM!!!

And here’s an object example of everything I described above.

Not a single word to justify the pay-to-win boost, and everything focused exclusively upon me - ignore the message, attack the messenger.

It’s literally none of your business how other people play the game.

Are you also prepared to defend arena win traders, botters, and BG LOS exploiters on the same grounds?


That’s not even on the same level, really grasping at straws eh? And for the millionth time, the boost isn’t pay to win in my opinion.My definition of P2W is paying real life money for items that are more powerfull than you can get ingame. I think that’s the original definition aswell. And quit acting like a victim please.


And? This is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. Nobody is talking about some random behind lvl 10’s quitting the game who aren’t even actual players of the game. They’re utterly and completely irrelevant to the gameplay experience or anything related to the game at all to begin with. Those 11 million that was spoken about were actual players with actual thoughts about the actual gameplay of the game. They actually quit the game because of the horrible state of it, not because they had a random whim to try the game once or for few days and never again just because… it was another facebook game to them

Perhaps the playerbase actually doesn’t want to play Classic? Right? They don’t really want that just like the devs said, right? You come out as such an incredibly naive person that it wouldn’t honestly be a surprise if you actually believed this lie yourself


Yeah great. Thanks for sharing your personal definition of pay-to-win.

My definition of chewing gum is a small fish with yellow stripes that lives in Kualar Lumpur. Doesn’t make it correct.

The rest of your post is just the usual tired, re-hashed, rote-learned tropes I’ve come to expect from you boosty boys, and can be safely ignored.


Ah, I see that you have spoken to them all. People quit for all sorts of reasons, but that ofcourse doesn’t fit your narrative.

I never said that, I said that perhabs less people like to play it than you’d like it to be. Quit making stuff up.

Ah, and there we have it. Can’t accept someone else’s opinion, add some thinly veiled insults. Please do continue to act like a victim and a manchild. Seems to be a common trend amongst some of you.

More tropes, memes and insults. Still not a single word to justify your precious boost.

I might consider accepting you ‘opinion’ if I thought you actually had one.


Complaining about insults when doing nothing else than throw out thinly veiled insults yourself, how surprising. I get it, only your opinion is right. Must be hard for you that people have a different opinion on how a 16 year old freaking videogame should be played. Perhabs you should seek help if you’re that obessed over an old videogame.

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Of course. I had a personal tea session with every player and it was mandated by enforcing and kidnapping said players through threatening them with lethal weaponized force

Or you know when you lose 11 million subscribers it doesn’t mean that you lose 11 million subscribers. It means that while you gained a few million subscribers you managed to lose 11 million + those few million subscribers at the same time. If the game wasn’t in a horrible state (which is a widely popular opinion) they wouldn’t lose subs at such an alarming rate. The fluctuation of it is in direct causality with the appeal of the game to it’s customer segment

Very well Englished my man. Personalities aside it is the same narrative worded differently in a smaller scale than what the devs had at the back of their minds. It’s an exaggeration, but it’s not made up. Regardless the popularity of Classic is a very transparent to begin with, no doubt


Have you seen the green gear you get at 58? It’s more like green level 50 stuff or even less, and I don’t think that’s winning.

I can understand why you don’t like people skipping the content you were forced to do but just as there are bad boosted players there are bad players who levelled manually. Take me with my Alliance shaman, I press two buttons when fighting, and she’s not low level, all to preserve mana.


They were also so much winning in bgs with that gear, that people don’t want to play with them because they’re not helping the team at all. I guess we have a new definition of P2W :smiley: Pay2lose is probably a better term then.


I think I’d rather play BGs with someone who tries rather than someone who trolls and holds onto the flag like in another post here.

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Well, that’s what Retail is for-- endgame is everything.

I mean what these opponents blissfully ignore is there are two versions of World of Warcraft, and that it is CLEARLY stated that the entire bloomin’ point of Classic era was to go back to a time where thingsd were very different, and the focus of the game was also different.

The reason why levelling and the open-world are ‘irrelevant’ is because in Shadowlands it is mindless, just complete and utter throw-away waste material. Everything melts at your feet in seconds and a great number of the quests in the new zones are literally impossible to fail-- as in the vehicle ones or the ‘follow this companion’ or listen to them talk crap for 3 minutes.

Yes, yes in Classic the combat isn’t complex requiring twitch skill and such… but it is undeniably far more punishing and you DO have to think strategically about encounters.

Those people who are rushing to the endgame or starting with most of the work done are going to get a very rude awakening when they realise how simple and limited the endgame is in TBC. Which is exactly why the boost babies and kiddy toy shoppers ain’t going to stay long, because Retail is the game for them.

After Black Temple has been cleared in a couple of days, and after they realise that doing atunements on multiple characters is rather labourious, they’ll soon vanish back to their version of Warcraft. But they’ll leave a severely damaged Classic in their terrible wake-- that is until Wrath comes along and the same story unfolds again.

I mean what is the point following exactly the same path of history to get to Retail a second time? Oh, it’s not quite the same because Classic Era is having a headstart and is catching up faster than history did.

THIS is why the opponents are in a weaker position, because there are TWO versions of Warcraft, and it is blatantly clear by design that modern WoW is for people like them, and Classic is for people like us.

It would be like me expecting Retail to remove boosts and shop crap. I don’t.


Once again - if something like this triggers that kind of response it is time to take a break and reevaluate your emotions towards the game. There is absolutely no point in getting so upset over a videogame.

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Haven’t we been here already? You don’t have any opinions - or are we now onto the circular treadmill where you just keep on repeating yourself and hoping nobody will notice?

I loved the earlier ‘man baby’ slur by the way - that was good for a laugh. Anyone who opposes microtransactions in video games isn’t a ‘real man’. Nothing says macho like swiping your credit card to buy tokens from a videogame cash shop.


Lol except when ur p2w shizzle messes up my game. ur another one of Bobby’s little helpers defending all the MTX crap cos ur too lazy to play the game :rofl:

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Oh, don’t be so sure about that. I’m looking forward to all the crying on the forums for getting the attunements removed or for an “Attunement Boost” from the shop. Blizz will of course listen to these children that want everything they point at, as that’s what gives them the most money, while slowly eroding the game itself into a husk.