It’s quite telling that people like you have a tendency to make stuff up about others. This character I post on is my oldest char, but please do continue with making things up though. You’d also make for a great fiction writer with your imagination.
It really doesn’t matter what you think p2w is, I posted the definition of true p2w several times now. We can all see how “smart” you are. Perhabs you should listen to your own advice first?
I find it hard to play a game without having some sort of RP feel of immersion, unless it’s a simple mobile type game just to kill some time before doing something else. I don’t disagree that there those players who see that as success, I just don’t understand why someone would play a game for so so many hours/days just to feel like they’re successful in some digital environment. The same goes for Overwatch and any other game with a rating attached or wanting to be No.1. I know ones who get absolutely livid to the height of anger over losing or not progressing, and i think this is the case with the vast majority. The old adage of “It’s just a game” comes to mind every time. Not that these same people are different in real life, but at least they have something to show for all the stress and grief, unlike basically just thinking “I’m platnium, I’m the best”.
Why do you try to think you speak for everyone?
Thanks for this amazing input, can add it to all your amazingly pointless posts on the forums.
Speaking as someone who’s going to play a LOT of arenas, and probably push for glad, I enjoy the competition, and the intense gameplay. I’m gonna play with my IRL friends, and judging from our past 2s/3s experience, we don’t rage at each other, and go irate when one of us screws up. Maybe it’s different for someone who don’t know each other in real life. At any rate, being successful at arenas is not the sole reason I play arenas/wow in general. I play it because I enjoy it, and being succesful at it just enhances the experience. I strive to be better, to get ever higher in rating, because I enjoy playing high rated games more than low rated games. It feels awesome when you need to be a step ahead of the enemy, who is actively trying to do the same, rather than just wacking away at each other at 1500 rated games. I also enjoy grinding for gear in arenas, which are locked behind rating, it’s satisyfing to be able to afford your shoulders after weeks of fighting for it.
So I feel it’s a bit unfair to categorize everyone who enjoys the competitive nature of progress raiding/high rated arenas as them being toxic, stressed and argumentative. You can enjoy competitive game modes without getting stressed over it, and putting others down.
Just so this ties in to the thread at large: What I wrote won’t be meaningfully changed by the introduction of store mounts, it WILL, however, be influenced by this ‘new’ honor system (making it really hard to get the honor gear to get started in arenas), bugged abilities, etc…
Not sure if you aimed that at me in particular, but it’s just my own understanding of why play a game so much just for that. Almost like someone can’t have “success” in real life and they seek it in a game which is ultimately a bit pointless.
I’m all for having a good back and forth of play, but it all depends on who you play with, and I for one dislike the overly competitive mind set, it ruins the enjoyment for me and those who want to have a good time without trying so hard with desperate tactics etc. Arenas was the first time I ever seen players do anything, anything at all to win/progress and it left a sour taste e.g. the four pillars arena, more than a few teams were happy to hide behind their left or right pillar and wait out the time even for a draw if the opposing team didn’t come to them so they had a straight advantage. I remember my team dancing in the middle in the open and they just never bothered and waited out the time. That thinking in any game is just awful and not fun. Same in WSG before they added a flag timer, flag carrier hiding in some really obscure spot for 30 minutes, just not enjoyable.
People pay to skip classic leveling because it’s boring, not meaningful and terrible gameplay. The game has always started at max level anyway so let them skip to it.
You know, when I look at my mage’s played time and I see 60 days of /played, of which 54 and something that I spent at max level, I kinda struggle to understand how getting from lvl 1 to 58 is, somehow, “the end of the game” - and this is even more so in TBC where getting from 1 to 58, even without dungeon boosts, takes around 3 days and something of /played time if you know what you’re doing.
Meanwhile AFKing in BGs for weeks on end to enter the Arena on somewhat fair terms isn’t boring, is meaningful and is great gameplay … Check!
“PvP always started there…”
However mindlessly running Heroics on repeat for the 30th time pressing 1 button, praying to RNJesus for that specfic items to join the Raid also isnt boring, is meaningful and is great gameplay.
“PvE always started in Raids anyway…”
Going in to that Raid killing the same boss one did 15 years ago for the 100th time is also not boring, is meaningful and great gameplay.
“The next expansion makes this all worthless anyway…”
Can I pay to not play the game somehow? Im running out of imaginary goals and achivements I rank over others for arbitrary reasons…
Watch out guys, this person knows the game and what is boring and what is meaningful to everyone. FYI the game hasn’t “always started at max level”. Might be surprising, but a lot enjoy levelling and actually reading quest text and learning about the game.
I not even logged in since the pre patch so aint seen any stupid boost lizards yet. I heard they look stupid though and the ppl riding them look like complete idiots sat on their stupid scuttling lizards.
TBH I felt same way about idiot sparkle ponies in wotlk
Like 11 million people did with retail? Ye sure. That is exactly what many people will do. And today we saw it with the launch. Tbc classic is barely 1/10th of classics in terms of engagement. Geez i wonder why.
Maybe it is time for you people to go back to retail instead of ruining classic experience. Plenty of store mounts there.
Just like more than 100 million people quit wow in general? Fun fact, most people who tried WoW left the game and the majority of those never reached level 10. Source: Blizzard.
Perhabs Classic is more niche than people want it to be.
And you really should grow up and mind your own business instead of telling people what they should play. Even more so since you never played the original games on live servers yourself, unless you’re one of those people with “another” account.
Every time you argue with a fool you risk bringing yourself down to their level. It’s a complete waste of time. These fools love their pay-to-win cash shop garbage simply as it prevents them from having to put any effort into the game. They want quick, instant gratification - and that’s the extent of it.
They’re very good at making superficial justifications for their own laziness, but it all falls apart under examination. I have yet to find one single justification for the pay-to-win boost that is not a variation of:
I like it so it’s good
or Other people do bad things so it’s OK for me to do a bad thing.
That’s literally all they have.
All the other words that they use to fill up the empty spaces in their posts are cumbersome attempts to justify and rationalise pay-to-win. They spend 80% of their efforts talking about what they think the boost is NOT, and 20% of their efforts talking about what it IS.