The Tanking Experience

You can try proving ground as a tank that is pretty cool and you can get achievment.

i wish every thing about wow was harder and more skill based, that way content would last longer, since it takes time to master harder stuff.

but instead ppl want easy cheese content so they can complain there is nothing to do, and since every thing so easy, blizzard has to create timegates, so ppl dont stump every thing… MAKE THE GAME HARDER.

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Your best bet is to learn within the confines of a guild or community.

This isn’t necessarily a “tank has a sharp curve” problem, the problem is that the PUG community doesn’t appear to recognise people need to learn to tank, they expect tanks to “know it all” pretty much straight away and so they chase off many “up and coming” good tanks and then moan about lack of tanks in the group finder.

I run in a m+ community and we have active tanks of just about every class bar monk, multiples as well. Often before the keys there is a small debate as to who is going to log which tank or healer for the key. Plenty to go around! The atmosphere is chilled and it’s no surprise people would prefer to run an environment where if you balls up or admit your learning, people respond “it’s okay, we’ve all been there” as opposed to the PUGland of “omg I don’t care go die” or whatever.

Two person guild, Hubby and I. I just dont do well in large communities. But thats my choice and if that means I cant play as a tank thats cool :smiley:

Wrong m8, there is harder content, you know there is so stop bsing. Not everyone can push past 20s in m+ and not everyone wants or can push mythic raiding or get multiglads.

Problem right now is theres no beginning and the space between easy learning content and hard is all mixed up from all kinds of ppl. Theres a dude complaining he cant find a group for 9. This one wants to tank but cant cause everyone and their grandma thinks tanks should all be naowah or dorky or andy etc.

This game lacks learning curve in dungeons since the implementation of “powers” that some of the bosses drop and FATE. New ppl dont even get a chance to see a dungeon cause theyve been dragged through it by 240 ppl either boosting buddies or hunting powers or whatnots.

been there when i lvled my alts, was a sad sAd experience just zooming through cause “my time so precious, myyyy preeeeecioussss” cause 1 min to kill an extra two bosses with 240 gear is a problem

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Try making a group in dungeon finder, with a desc that youre new to tanking and lf ppl with willingness to teach and or learn together. There are also communityies you could try

best of luck

i mean every thing… not just raids and m+ dude. is it even possible to die while u lvl these days? if u go afk maybe.

world quests should be harder, daily quests,world bosses should wipe raid that is clueless, and well it has to be dangerouse out in azeroth again, nothing has the power to kill u in solo content. ( yes maybe a world boss can kill u if u try solo current content) but thats a stupid example.

this is supposed to be adventure game. where is the sense of adventure when every thing is like a soft pillow.

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yeah you can, trust me, if youre lazy enough like me and decide to just go do covenant storyline without any gear, once you overgear it, yeah i agree its just stupid

if the world content was to scale with your gear tho…that would make it harder

What i did when i decided to start tanking.
I ran most of the current content as DPS, and just started paying extra attention to routes, pulls and so on the tanks did.
The same i did for leveling dungeons.

I found a class i wanted to play, it needed to be something simple with plenty of utility, i chose Prot Paladin.
I then spend some time on the training dummies. Customizing my keybindings so i knew exactly where my buttons would be.

After that it was just queue up and charge into the mobs, take it a bit slow at start take your time to get oriented, it’s actually incredible how much a fight can change depending on if you’re ranged or melee.

A tip to avoid the slow feeling of dungeons and avoid rage is to keep chain pulling. If you’re not comfortable with big pulls.

Tank one mob, move it close to the next pack and then jump to the next mob when the current one is low on health, some people have a problem with simply having to hold down the W key, they have to be engaged doing their two button rotation at low level content

also if you wanna m+ tank, go to raider io page, there under news i think theres a the weekly route by Dratnos. Get yourself a MDT (mythic dungeon tool) addon. Import Dratnoses route and check them out. Also MDT will let you see % and you can also plan your own routes.

After that go on wowhead, pick a dungeon and try going over notes for trash packs. Most of the ppl dont evenknow what trash does but wipes on it constantly or ignores a skill so you have to kite to avoid one shot.

on twitch theres a couple of tanks you can check out like Dorky, Naowah, Andy, Nerf etc

most importantly, you have to know as a pugger youre going in a dungeon blind, so know what you have to do where and dont count other ppl will know what to do. Its like youre going solo, if it happens that you get ppl who knows how to dps, when to use cds, when to hard cc, who to hard cc, when they can see you maybe pulled too much and that hunter tar trap saves your behind, you can “relax” a bit and start discovering and learning your limits.

This is why I go out of my way to be kind to any tank in a levelling dungeon who says they’re new. If someone starts a vote kick on them, I’ll encourage that person to leave instead - in party chat, because name and shame absolutely works.

Because I want people to take their time, learn the role, and mature into solid M+/raid tanks :smile_cat:

Sorry you had a rough experience. I want to recommend googling the Scared of Dungeons community - an actual in-game community, not a ‘boosting community’. They might be the environment you’re looking for.

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You can still tank by all means and absolutely go for it, but you will encounter a lot more individuals unwilling to tolerate a “tank in training” in the world of PUGs, sadly, and the best way to learn tanking is doing it, so it’s a baptism by fire.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

Second Ales point about SoD. It is large yes but it’s not a “large faceless” community. It’s simply full of folks who want a place to do dungeons and keys without the potential rage and abuse that comes with PUGGing. I’ve run many a key with them since 9.0 till now and I’ve never seen any bad behaviour in groups irrespective of whether the tank was new or not, if key was times or not etc.
Even yesterday ran a DoS 13 we didn’t quite time (hellish inner ring in a full melee group quaking haha) and a couple of us did the routine “yeah sorry about X” where we messed up a bit and the replies were all of the “don’t be daft, don’t apologise” ilk.

Consider checking it out.

Some of us like it. The more I can know and not have my DPS take up valuable brain space they need to press 1-2-3 the better.

Did you tell them you were new to tanking? People are more lenient on you if you tell them you’re new.

I did tell ppl i was new. Tried a few more times with the same result as my first post.
One small thing to help would be that you faced the mob whenever attacking. This should be an option so ppl Who dont want ut could just leave it toggled off. But when your used to ranged, melee us quite unforgiving… atleast as a tank
Aldo more aoe taunt would be nice now that everyone expect me to pull 15-39 mob .
Idk I just dont find it enjoyable. Tried tanking in BC for a few dungeons still feels ughn. I know sll the dungeons there but tanking them…no thank you!

I’d say you just have too thin skin. Nothing really has changed in role wise. Back then you had to be leader just as right now. just back then it was bit harder to keep aggro . Especially pain in a##e (but fun) was it with DK.

it’s funny how common of a response it is when new tanks don’t want to deal with people acting like literal children over the smallest of things in a video game, and then just get told to grow a thicker skin or reroll something else.

and so they do… and then the same players who complain will sit there and wonder why it’s so hard to ever find a tank for their groups :thinking:

It can be annoying to tank. Was doing some heroics earlier on my brew, and the hunter in the group kept pulling more and more. I was pulling big anyway 2-3 packs at a time.No idea what goes through these players heads, I’d never do that. His DPS was trash (well bellow mine as tank), used 0 interupts or utility. And he’s got absolutely no idea what CDs I have ready. In the end I just stopped picking them up off him (wasn’t even misdirecting). After a few deaths he stopped it.

My thoughts excatly.
Im 43. My skin is pretty thick :wink:
But I play games to relax and enjoy myself. If that’s considered thin skinned then ohh well.
I just keep playing dps and healing

Love my de tank but unlike you m8 i use him to do solo content : world bosses big elites and so on but the point is atm dungeons and raids are Made to make the elite Esport fanatics happy not the general public/players for them the fun part is gone, bring back the dungeons we got in Mop and before and the lack of tanks prob Will be gone.

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