The Tanking Experience

The main issue is you can tank perfectly. Grab all the adds, hold aggro 100% of the time, take little damage, CC the prio adds, do good DPS, the works.

And you’ll still be screamed at and vote kicked if you didn’t follow the absolute min-max meta path. And this min-max meta of add / boss skipping isn’t even a mythic / mythic+ thing. Even in Normals it corrupts the game.

I just levelled a Prot Warrior which was really fun. I actually really enjoy the Tank style of gameplay, but I avoid instanced content when I play them precisely because of how toxic the community is towards unexperienced tanks.

I was wondering a couple of days ago about whether it’d be a good idea to split the dungeon queues depending on what you’re there for. So when you queue you could choose to queue for a “Go go go” group, a calmer group or a “learning the ropes” group. That’d give new tanks a dedicated way of learning the role and the specific instances.

I’ve been playing tanks since TBC :blush: I fell in love with the role.
Yes you need to know everything, yes you need to know when to use defensive or kite, yes you’ve got heavy responsibility and you must develop thick mental skin against flames and people calling names :sunglasses:

In LFG i can easily find a spot. I decide MY route and where to go. I will not let anybody decide for me. The latter is the main reason why I tank. I’m good in leading both pugs and organised groups (though I can’t find people willing to push with me, all of my guildies are already set), so I do what I do best :love_you_gesture:

Its only worth it if you play with friends for me. For pugs its literally does not worth the effort in my book.

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Strange, I thought that Legion is the most populated expansion recently. I’ve seen more people in my Class Hall than in an entire BfA zone. Had you given it a try? BfA - new players are force-dragged there, and I’d assume that Chromie option is not so obvious even to those who are eligible for the choice. It’s literally one wrong click after 1-10 intro, and you’ll find yourself knee-deep into BfA prologue.

As for the tanking - early lv tanking is as tough as early lv healing. No way around it. Not many skills, no gear etc. Knowing the dungeon is a must-have, though. You may not know all the shortcuts and perfect tactics, but you need to have a basic idea about the layout and mechanics. Have in mind, that this role is not for everyone. And it’s ok if you don’t like it, imo. Same true for healing - you either enjoy it or not. Unfortunately, it can only be played “for fun” in a friendly and understanding group, because pug can be hard even on the experienced players. Tank and healer are “social” roles, and they can’t really be mastered\performed solo, imo.

Don’t let a few tossers put you off something you want to and enjoy doing.

This just either screams sarcasm or trolling.

Also to be a Tank consistently, you have to have what so many don’t have in general of Humans.

Thick skin. If you don’t have that, you will never ever be able to tank for long.

did u think actually about learn 2 play?
why do u think u can play tank (what need know a lot) without any knowledge?
just play DPS, learn, look at website with guides, learn boss abilities, learn how to play tank, ask for help in your guild, get some knowledge and skill… and THEN u will be able actually play tank.

u need LEARN …like everyone (even ppl who play in top guilds learn how to play and even they was noobs who have no idea what to do… but they LEARN)
when u have no idea what to do and u arent able to play your class and u screw game for other ppl in group… then they will be upset

why do u wanna screw their gameplay? why do u wanna disappoint them? why do u wanna waste their time? why do u wanna make them lost golds (by repair)? who r u to try hurt them in any way?

its on YOU to learn and dont hurt other ppls gameplay

look… i see a lot “players” like you… on their high horse of arrogancy… Warrior in cloth armor, drood tanking in cat, tanks who turn away from boss and let him beat their back, palladins who use their bubble and lost all aggro, lot of ppl like u…

and i wanna know
WHY r u wasting my time? why r u cost me golds and never pay them back? just tell me? why? why u dont learn how to play? why do u not use any guide, or any addon what help u?


We’re talking about leveling dungeons here where we LEARN to play.

i disagree… as tank player from WotLK
u have no right to screw other ppl gameplay

learn instance as DPS, learn your class at least on sites like Icyveins, learn basic with guildmates, ask them politely for help, learn from your guild maintank, ask him for advice… after u get knowledge and after u will know what to do and what u do… join LFG as tank

but u need learn first, not screw other ppl gameplay, or let them carry u or force them to teach u or suffer

dont be that sefish!
imagine situation when u go in dung and then healer will not heal u, because its his time to learn basic and he have no idea what to do and what key he need press and even no idea about put u in his target, when he wanna heal u… DPS dont have weapons and try beat enemies with bare hands and autoattack, because its learning time for them…

do u rly think this is how ppl can enjoy game? will u enjoy game, when healer and DPS will be like this example? then WHY OMG expect from others to enjoy, when u have no idea what to do?

On lvl 18 you have like no buttons available even. And in the open world there is nothing to learn. I am healing forever. How am i learning in the open world how to heal and how am i learning from icy veins how to press my buttons when i have only 2 available in the first leveling dungeons. Come on. Nobody is getting screwed over.

This is the new player experience in wow :man_facepalming: And then people say sub numbers go down… I blame it on the non acceptance of new players.

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thats lie… u have already enough, before u leave Ebon Hold wirh DK tank
tank need know instances how to keep aggro, positioning how and when he can / need pull, where come adds and so

dont get me wrong, but as healer u dont need know anything (its better when u know that instance, but u dont need it) u just heal… doesnt matter if that dmg what tank take is from mob in first floor, or second floor of dung, doesnt matter if he stay on right side, or left side… u just heal (u need only know how to heal) when tank have no idea about instance and even have no idea how to tank, nor how to use his abilities and why… its just wipe

u know what? next time, before u will talk about something, get at least basic knowledge about it - u can make your own DK and look what abilities u have for tanking before u even leave Ebon Hold… will be better than now, when u have no idea what r u talking about and u even confuse DK tank with your healer char

btw: i was new player too… and i need learn too… and u know what? i didnt start with tank, because i didnt have knowledge what i need for tanking… i run every dung as DPS… a lot of times, i ask my friend who was maintank about advices, make DK (in that time Frost mitigation tank) and ask him, my GF and 2 friends to go with me into dung and help me to learn tanking and we run few dungs (on alts)

when i know how to tank WotLK dungs i run with that friend and pug - he was able help me with tanking when it was needed

after i learn tricks and get knowledge about my abilities… i start running with pug… and then learn how to tank raids… and start tank some raids

i rly didnt go in LFG as a tank without any knowledge how to play… i think when u do this… its rly selfish and rly, rly dumb

A lot easier said than done. A lot of people don’t have friends, and the way WoW is now designed, it’s even worse than ever to make genuine friendships. And it’s nothing you can force, and guilds are dying left right and centre. Also easier said than done.

Screwing other peoples gameplay?


Last time I checked leveling in BFA dungeons is also considerably slower than just speedrunning quests to max level.

So if you are leveling in BFA dungeons maybe accept the fact that you yourself are ¨playing¨ the game inefficiently and let the tank do whatever the heck they want.

WoW is a game for babies, if you want to be a pro g8mer go play Dota or something, do not sign up for leveling content in this social carebear game and cry that someone is failing mechanics or the tank is not fast enough. Like how do you expect the tank to learn if not in leveling dungeons? To go tank solo questing content roflmao? Just clown stuff my dude.

ur on some low pop / dead server? because everywhere is spam where even social guilds try find new members… u can join social guild, make friends and ask them for help

how i expect tank to learn tanking?
what about learn it like me?
first with DPS learn dungeons, then learn basic from sites like Icyveins, then ask friends, ask for advices from guild maintank, run with friends few dungs, where they help u and teach u… and after u know how to tank, how to keep aggro, and so… then actually use LFG
doínt keep ppl like hostage by joining LFG as tank, when u have no idea about tanking

what about this?
dont srew other ppl gameplay?

dont make from them hostages aka your “its inefective way to lvling, then u will now suffer. because im too lazy to learn to play and u must carry me, or leave”

about questing solo as tank… u have no idea about tanks, right? :smiley: omg… it was sooo efective back in time… now its littlebit nerfed, but still pretty effective…

and ofc, u forgot - u dont need use tank spec - u can use DPS spec, when u r too lazy to learn how to tank

And now we wonder why we run out of tanks and new players in the game. How did we got in this situation. I really wonder.


Hahahah, so you want a tank who is doing super casual clown leveling content to go watch guide videos on Youtube and read up and do homework before tanking a lvl 15 dungeon?

Do you not realize how insane this sounds.

Join a guild… Ask the main guild tank how to tank a level 15 dungeon?

¨Hey guys Im new, plz give me advice on how to tank Freehold at level 15, do I pull all three packs at the start? Or only two? I need to know because I might group up with a crazy person who insists on me knowing the perfect BFA m+ routes for max efficiency for a level FIFTEEN DUNGEON´´

´´Hey favorite m+ streamer please tell me the optimal skill rotation and talents for this level 30 leveling dungeon for my Guardian Druid. What is the best rotation with a pack of 3 mobs? What if it is 6?´´

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Its awful that the WoW community is incredibly toxic and bad at the game, but that they are too thick to understand that leveling dungeons are where tanks LEARN the game is insane to me.

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yes. ofcourse u need know how to tank, why dont turn away from mobs what abilities to use to keep aggro… and so

arrogant snowflakes like u think they dont need know anything because other ppl must serve them and teach them, because they are less than this arrogant special snowflake…

you are so toxic… and your manners are so toxic… get down from your high horse, u special snowflake… u have no right to screw other ppl gameplay just because ur too lazy to learn2play