The Trade Prince (Spoilers)

That wasn’t the message at all. In fact, his concern is what would happen TO his people if they are caught using it.

He literally says “I don’t want you dying for some dumb weapon”.

Even if he does so in a rather possessive way, he indeed tries to protect his people.
I mean, at the end of the book, he faces and dies fighting Garrosh to prevent him from getting a hold of said weapon.

Across the short story, the message his friend sends is “We want leverage for the whole Cartel”.
Even from a corporate mindset, that has the boss thinking that he is the entire company, Gallywix aims at protecting his “employees”.

Again, I know this is hardly the conventional way of leadings anyone. But it did kinda resonate with the goblin mindset.
Without looking far, the reason why players get their heritage gear is because Gazlowe and Hobart killed the previous test subjects (fellow goblins).

I find the whole thing more interesting than the kind of conventional “idolised” lead figure that manages the rest of playable races. At least this way, goblins were unique.


That describes the majority of leader characters. Gallywix is unique among them at least, and I would be hard-pressed to think of any racial leaders that weren’t quite one-dimensioal, so it’s a bit strange for me to see the reason for that in his egoism.

And the character you quoted reformed his society in quite an extreme way, essentially destroying the identity they had at the start of the show. That was mostly okay, since they spent quite a lot of time to set that up and deal with the resistance to change, and because it was a show that was only meant to be watched, not something were the audience took part in the fate of that race as protagonists. Neither can be said of WoW.

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Pretty sure you are thinking of the ferengi in star trek, not the goblins of warcraft. Maybe that is the entire problem here.

Well, if I do, so do the Devs. The Kezan experience was certainly not very different from that. And that’s not a bad thing, really. I’d rather see them steal good ideas, than invent bad ones.


This is the core of the problem. Horde was dirverse and different it was it’s strenght while Alliance felt homegenic. So insted of working to give various Alliance factions it’s own agenda and identity they decided to make Horde like Alliance.

In the long run nobody benefits from it, what is the point of making so mny factions and races when they all tlk, act and behave the same?

I have to say the most aggrevating to me is amnesi bat on Rokhan, I was hoping that for once trolls would have their own narrative. I was completely demorlized in Legion oved Darkspers, but this is far bigger blow as it’s not just single race issue - it’s faction wide issue.

Let’s hope tht they won’t go full retard with Zandalari. And I hope that they will mke some sensible adjustments in PTR.


Actually it was quoted by a charcter about the Nagus, Quark, its how he saw a propper leader of their socaity should be and though he did soften somewhat he was still very much a true Ferengi so the point stands.

This entire expansion has been dedicated to destroy everything the Horde was.

They lost so many important characters.

The faction is a shadow of what it was.


As I said they stand for nothing at all. Talanji should just take over.

To me I absolutely love Gallywix as a character. He represents opportunism, war profiteering, he’s truly a Goblin who cares for himself and him alone, with his Cartel and other Goblins being a side interest.

However, I think Gazlowe becoming Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel is great, as long as he actually does something.

For a long time, Goblins have been written out of the lore outside of being goofy tech support. Any questions from ‘why aren’t the Bilgewater Cartel doing much with other Cartels’ or ‘why haven’t the Bilgewaters built themselves a new city?’ and more recently ‘why have the Bilgewaters lost their district in Orgrimmar’ has been replied to with ‘oh it’s just that pesky, naughty waughty, greedy Gallywix selling his people out as usual!’

I’m hoping that they’ve truly written themselves into a corner with Gazlowe and they’ll have to actually write about the Bilgewater Cartel advancing again outside of Gallywixes personal conquests. However I’m pretty sure it’ll just mean that Goblins will be invisible more than ever.


Just like all horde leaders. They serve no purpose, in the greater plot against light, void and Co.

Sorry to tell you, that’s one of the reasons I didn’t want Gazlowe as goblin leader. His only trait is to be precisely that.
With Gallywix the story simply had more avenues and routes to take the faction towards.


No it’s not. Read his stories. Gallywix is an interesting and fun character. He is like a Goblin should be. He is perfect the way he is. Gallywix has a character, we know things about him. He really is a personality.

I like Gazlowe, but this is wrong.

No more fun goblins for us. Now the Horde will be total bland.

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I don’t even know why you complain that he’s gone. I mean when did he had the time to be funny? When he finally was able to do whatever he wanted during the rulership of Sylvanas. So you can be sure that you wouldn’t see anything funny about him in the new Horde anyway.

Have I really to make you a list about all the things Gallywix did for the Horde? And yes his MoP stories were great. Gallywix that little Goblin in front of Grraosh like a brawler and hit him in his face was great too.
You’ve already ignored those things. Do you really like bland good guys this much? Why has every interesting character to go?

And yes Gallywix has more layers to him. Again referring to his MoP stories. And yes he did fight personal for the Horde to defend Dazar’alor. He did more than most of the other leaders combined (ok that’s perhaps e little much, but still).
The whole point of Goblins is, they are greedy. They will stab you in the back, to become the boss or to get a better deal. But even with this, he had another layer to him.


Well why do you think that you will never see these elements again? This guy is still alive so far, just like Sylvanas. Why shouldn’t it mean that we will even see more of them because they’re not bound to the rules of factions any longer?

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The majority of Goblins players (especially in the US) seem to be ok with Gazlowe as new leader, actually. I guess people prefer a character who is more bland but he’s also likable and solid at leading, and who has been historically very important for their faction (not just the Goblin people). Someone they can trust and won’t backstab or betray them later like Sylvanas, which is also the reason most Blood Elf fans prefer Lor’themar to Rommath despite the latter is way more sassy and potentially interesting for several reasons.

Also, let’s just say the…design… of Gallywix. All that weight didn’t help his cause at all, especially as one of the racial Leaders of a faction like the Horde…even if we are talking about Goblins who obviously do not look as badass and threatening like Orcs, Trolls and Tauren, but that design is just ridiculous :stuck_out_tongue:


Choosing different flavored humans over actual solid fantasy themed races is not a good thing. If you want the real fantasy you Stich to Gallywix or Rommath. Otherwise go off playing alliance instead. It won’t make a thematical difference against Baine and friends.

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Unless you have some conclusive proof regarding it, I find said assessment rather speculative.

Even if they were, people were also ‘ok’ with a whole bunch of narrative choices that ended up being rather detrimental for the overall game.
I’m not going to presume my view trumps anyone else’s, but you can be very sure that I’ll express them and give whatever reason I consider in order for anyone to understand them (if required).

There goes my opinion:
As his character goes, Gazlowe is but the most plain vanilla kind of character; with a shallow backstory and close to zero iconic features that seems to push goblins into the archetypal “IT guys” that allows very little story to develop.
His candidacy as goblin leader, reeks of writers going for the least conflicting goblin figure in their current end goal to force at choke point, the Alliance-approved ‘peace’ treaty. And come around at a time that coincidentally enough, has had several Horde races and stories neutered in order to fit in with characters like Anduin and the view certain writers think everyone should have of him.

Gallywix, for good or ill, represented a unique portrayal of goblin society, and already had in place a background with its lights and shades. He wasn’t there as a shoehorned alternative, but offered an original view on how the goblin values could be exploited all the way up to a leading position.
That set of conflicting traits, brought all sort of stories from a wide range of angles: detractors that tried to take him down, supporters and thugs that killed in his name, inventions he funded, inventions he stole,…

In all, he simply had more traits to him than those of a basic mechanic (one that already came around as an oddity amongst his kin).
And one that has been upped to a leading position by tearing down and going over other basic notions regarding their race, such as their different Cartels.


This is a shame.

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