The Tyrsworn- 1st Lordaeron Volunteer Conservator Regiment, 1st Company (A-Rp, Northern Rp)

Early in the morning, as the sun rises over the Alliance district of Andorhal, the sentinels change. Friends exchange a few words as they take their place on the walls, ruined towers, and behind the barricades of the scrap of land held by the Alliance in this war-torn land.
The Surcoats change. Blue-bordered gives way to golden bordered surcoats, still showing proudly the symbol of Lordaeron. A change of leadership, a change of doctrine, a change of allegiance. No longer were the soldiers there members of a private army. Now, they stood as a regiment of the Alliance, sworn to the High King, adamant in their duty and in progressive, yet firm, beliefs.

The Three virtues remain: Compassion, Respect, and Tenacity. Each soldier swears upon these, upon the legacy and sacrifice of Tyr the Silver Handed keeper of Azeroth. Each of them swear to serve the King, the Alliance, and to bring order to the lands which lie around them. With the changing of the guard comes the changing of the way. New ideas spread like wildfire in the streets and the barracks. Tales of new soldiers allowed to join their cause, and of a new name.

The First Lordaeron Volunteer Conservator Regiment. Made up of those willing to spend, risk, and ultimately give their lives in service of a dream. A new Lordaeron. A new home for their families, or a new front to take their revenge on the forces of the Banshee Queen. Whether it is vengeance or hope that guides them, they share the same goals ultimately.

The vows give rise to a Cognomen. Each man swears on what they hold dear to follow the example of Tyr. 1st LVC Regiment: The Tyrsworn.

A Poster found in Stormwind’s Streets

By Order of Knight-Marshal Baron Atyrian Wyrmblade, in the name of High King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind and the Alliance:

The First Lordaeron Volunteer Conservator Regiment needs you! Sign up for a new Alliance initiatvie, to reclaim and recolonise the lands of Lordaeron! Whether you came from these lands, or you are descended from them, or you merely wish to make a new start in life, we welcome you with open arms to aid in our righteous crusade into this place, corrupted first by the Traitor Prince, then by the foul machinations of the Banshee Queen!

To join us, either sign up with our recruiters in Stormwind, or find us in Andorhal! We hope to see you under the Twin Eagle soon enough, to take the fight to the North, and to reclaim lands that rightfully belong to the Alliance!
Lordaeron belongs to those who are willing to fight for her! Lordaeron belongs to the living!
Join the fight today! Join the Tyrsworn!


Hello everyone! You may know me as that pillock who decided to move into Andorhal and invite the Alliance in. Well, after recent events, I myself and my second in command, Ballardin, have decided that we should make an effort on this in our own name. Partially due to the fact that our vision for what our guild should be varies from what the Covenant should be, and partially because if we’re going to be running a guild it’s best if we run it as the be all and end all of policy in it. So, we’ve left the Covenant, and formed a new guild: The Tyrsworn.

Officially, this is a military regiment (albeit, I am running it as a Medieval military unit, not a modern one. Don’t expect quite so much drill, so much as advanced medieval battle formations and the like) under the command of the Alliance, sent North to claim the lands, now destabilised by the loss of the Undercity, in the name of the Alliance. This military unit is formed up of volunteers from all walks of life willing to undertake this challenge. So, most folk going on this are doing so on their own initiative, rather than sending troops who may see better use on other fronts such as Zandalar, Kul Tiras or Arathi.

While we have had a name change, we are still pretty much the same people as were previously in the Covenant of Lordaeron. So, all that’s really changed is the name and some of the philosophy behind us, but our garrisoning of Andorhal’s Alliance area, our membership, and our attitude to most people we’ve met haven’t really changed.

If you’re interesting in signing up, please whisper myself, Ballardin, Alansen (Granis Atherton), Yolandie (Yolandie Ferrier), or Ambrosius (Ambrosius Nix), if we’re online, or chat to one of our members who is online.

Look us up on Argent Archive for more info!


Well look at this. Isn’t this interesting?


Now I’m imagining Nelox doing the Jack Skeleton song “What’s this” about the new guild.
“What’s this? A new force on the block! What’s this? A force called the Tyrsworn!”

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Different name
Same fate

:prepares the pyre:


Awful kind of you to prepare your own pyre, old chap. We’ll just shove a sword through you and toss you onto it, I suppose.

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Brief Introduction

The Tyrsworn are an Alliance military regiment, this means we ultimately serve the High King and our doctrine reflects much of the Alliance norm and that of the Light. The guild is run by Paladins, this means that the Light plays a major role in how the Tyrsworn behave, who they recruit and how they react. Much can also be drawn from the name Tyr-Sworn, as those who join the ranks are expected to follow in Tyr’s image and uphold the virtues he represented. One of the most well-known being sacrifice.

Doctrine Outline

The Tyrsworn uphold the tenants of the Light, the example of Tyr and the ideals of the Alliance as a basis for the doctrine. Much of these can be encapsulated as honour, rule of law, protect the weak and supporting Alliance interests such as combating the Horde and supporting the rebuilding of a New Lordaeron in the King’s name.

The leadership of the Tyrsworn are devout supporters of the Light, this means that they are largely intolerant of ideas/people that would subvert their faith or attempt to support opposing powers such as Void or Necromancy. This reflects in who the Tyrsworn recruit and how they react to other races and classes. Anyone who could be considered a supporter or practitioner of Void, Fel, Necromancy or a perversion such as “Blood Magic” are likely to be treated as hostile or at best, unfriendly.

This can also be seen in the Tyrsworns primary goal of securing Lordaeron for the Alliance, which runs parallel to the destruction of the Forsaken, as well as any other form of undeath. Though this is the ultimate aim of the Tyrsworn at large, they do ultimately serve the High-King and will deploy where needed. After all, to save Lordaeron the Alliance must be protected.


The Tyrsworn are open to most of the Alliance races and each character is taken as a case by case basis. Above all else, we look at the standard of role-play first, as well as the willingness to learn for those new to the RP community.

Races/Classes we do not accept are:
Void Elves
Death Knights
Blood Mages
Demon Hunters

Think of the type of magic used, if it is likely to be shunned by society then we likely do not accept it. The only exception are those who are academics in those fields, such as a person who is an expert in the fields of “Fel Magic” and has an understanding of its nature/ how to combat it but doesn’t flaunt their abilities should they have them.


Concerning the Tyrsworn, report to Alliance High Command, by Marshal Atyrian Wyrmblade.

Grand Marshal,

I hear your concerns, and would like to avail you of them. I realise that to take soldiers from the war effort my my venture would be to take troops from the critical Warfronts. Therefore, I intend to raise my forces fresh, rather than to form a direct division from the Alliance military. My position, and my status, allows me to raise forces from the citizenry, or from private military personnel. While Stormwind calls upon those who owe fealty to the High King, I may be able to raise forces from those who fall under other banners. I already have the allegiance of a band of soldiers who followed me under the banners of Lordaeron before; I can call upon them again.

The force I will raise will be formed of volunteers sworn to restore Lordaeron, to uphold the virtues and Laws of the Alliance, and to fight for the King when he or his government may call us to do so. In exchange for your support in this, I can provide a bulwark against Horde activity North of the Thandol span, as well as a body of soldiers prepared to fight on any front you choose.

Give me the supplies, give me the means to pay my men, and I can provide you with a force dedicated to fighting in a cause they can be invested in, who can be inspired for a cause beyond the mere survival of the Alliance. Conscripts may flee readily, volunteers may, if inspired, fight to the last.

Though light preserve us all should it come to that.

Baron Atyrian Wyrmblade,
Marshal of the Tyrsworn.
1st Lordaeron Volunteer Conservators.

Concerning recent battles, Southern Kalimdor Campaign, Theatre Command: Feathermoon Stronghold.

Grand Marshal,

I would like to report overwhelming success on the field of battle, and the excellence of the Tyrsworn in the field. We were deployed three times in the past two weeks to face the Horde on the field. The first was a mere hit and run attack on the Horde to take out a forward base they hoped to establish. The second, we assaulted the Horde’s holding at Thunder Axe fortress, and provided a distraction while the 7th Legion destroyed their supplies, followed by a solid defence of Nijel’s Point followed by a crushing counter-attack on a flanking manoeuvre performed by the Horde. The third was a triumph worthy of heroes of the Alliance.

The Tyrsworn formed the point of a spear driven through the underbelly of Krom’gar fortress, the Deep Reaches, and managed to drive back the Horde, slaying a powerful Shaman in the process and leaving Horde forces in disarray. To this end, I would like to recommend the commendation of Recruit Norta Dalone, and Sergeant Granis Atherton, who consistently broke Horde lines in the campaign. We have also taken on a few new recruits in the field. This letter is being penned as we prepare to return to Stormwind in triumph. You may have even seen us in the papers.

Albeit, my name is horribly mangled. “Atyran Wyrmdale”, indeed!

I thus put it forward that with the dedication and zeal shown by our forces, we are a force to be reckoned with on any field of battle. The Horde faced professionals driven by fury and vengeance harnessed in militant fashion, and could not damage it caused to their morale.

That being said, the unspoken rules of war are being heeded. The wounded were given back to the Horde, none of them being of an undead disposition. Rest assured, however, mercy will be shown to our fallen brothers with the edge of our blades.

All in all, I register an overwhelming success.

Baron Atyrian Wyrmblade,
Marshal of the Tyrsworn.
1st Lordaeron Volunteer Conservators.


We have updated our Argent Archive page! Check it out.


Good luck Atryian!

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Yes, good luck! The more RP in the North, the better.

They are our enemy Brigaldo >:s Reeeee

A Familiar Land, an All Too Familiar War

The Tyrsworn return to the Alliance sector of Andorhal at full gallop, pursued by a column of Forsaken forces. The gates to the city itself are sealed behind them, and the Forsaken are forced to move to the East side of the city to reinforce their fellows in the Horde’s outpost in the East of the city. Watches are doubled as the Tyrsworn mount the defences, and stand at the barricades in the streets, watching across the small no-man’s land for any sign of an attack.

Sleepless nights are heralded by the raising of more banners beyond the Town Hall that marks the centre of the city. Soldiers fresh from the battle for Feralas now find themselves in colder climes, wrapped in cloaks to keep themselves warm, as they wait for baited breath for the plunge into battle.

Those who have fought in sieges, or at least have seen combat on the streets of the Alliance’s cities, would know that the next few days promised to be some of the bloodiest the Tyrsworn would face, if not also the last they would see.

Banners are raised in defiance of their enemy, the Twin Eagle, wreathed in White and Gold, flies from the walls, the Broken Tower, and keeps vigil along with it’s soldiers at the barricades that hold the streets.

In the war room next to the bunks, a map is laid out, showing Andorhal in it’s prime. Little Horde banners are shown covering most of the map, with Alliance counterparts stationed around a line marked with green, annotated “Grass line”. In the centre of the area, a dagger is stabbed clean through the parchment into the table itself, the lion of the Alliance marking it’s pommel.


This marks the beginning of a campaign that our own Granis Atherton has been planning for some time, which promises to be a brutal testament to the game system he designed for the Guild!

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Andorhal under Horde control? Like, the entirety of it? Last I checked, during the Andorhal quests, the Horde won that battle and now have control over the whole area, and the Alliance were forced to retreat. If there’s miscommunication somewhere along the lines, please do let me know, but you talk about Andorhal like you’re already inhabiting it.

Here we go again…

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Surely if I’m missing something, you could tell me? Seems like you know what’s going on.

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the “Northern Borders: Andorhal” thread had a long chain of posts discussing the topic of whether Andorhal was in Alliance or Horde hands. Don’t need the debate to spread here.


Thank you!

You’re right that as far as the World of Warcraft story goes it is under Horde control / both sides have deathguard NPCs patrolling the areas but ultimately if someone wants to RP something / aren’t breaking server rules they can do that if they really want as long as they’re not pushing it as canon


This “Andorhal debate” is turning into the new Scarlet Crusade. Keeps popping every now and then.


The new crusade is coming and it may end up with not just human as well.

Scarlet terrorism on guild threads, nice.