"The victims must not pursue justice" - a storyline by Blizzard

In a nutshell: yes, this is what happened

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Tbh if youre loyal to sylvanas youre already by Horde Law up for the chopping block. Siding with Sylvanas means instant execution. Sylvanas loyalists are not tolerated at all within the Horde right now.

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I never said that? I only say killing other people because your people were killed isnā€™t sustainable in the long run.

No. She simply meant to ferry their souls to Ardenweald in order to aid her sister, seeing as the elves were boned anyway. For whatever reason, she didnā€™t have a clue about the Maw situation when she did that.


Tyrande is not an idiotā€¦ she seems crazy, but not an idiot. As KretĆ­as said: all Sylvanas loyalists are good as deadā€¦ most of them are anyway.

If Tyrande would see the same enemy in all of the Horde as she does see in Sylvanas, we wouldnā€™t be alive. Probably she wouldnā€™t let any of us to open the portal to the Maw or even help her get recovered after her mishmash with the beesh.

It is an outrageous shame how they keep ruining the lore and turn legends among the lore chars to amateurs with their equally amateur writing. Iā€™m upset beyond belief about this whole plotā€¦


I love writing and Iā€™m never fully satisfied with whatever I write, but Iā€™m fuming inside how BAD this whole thing is. A goddes has no idea what the eck is happening in that realm. The little sister didnā€™t say that no souls coming to us hence we are dying?

Also what the actual F that you let your blind followers burn to death, losing their home and their entire future just because your sister has a problem? Wasnā€™t there enough wars already? Just do another one! Guide the BfA souls to her, anything but this!


The other thing I donā€™t understand either is: how can Tyrande still follow Elune and be a loyal till death servant? I would be in effing shock!

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Because they canā€™t just talk to each other like normal people do. Different realms etcā€¦ because those ā€œgodsā€ are obviously not much more than very very powerful mages as it seems so far. :man_shrugging:

As far as I understand it, Elune isnā€™t an omnipotent godess, she couldnā€™t stop all those things from happening, but by not turning the NE souls into whisps she thought she was at least doing the best with the really bad situation. Ooopsie.


Same here. Iā€™m critical to the core with my writing. And I expect from a lore writer, who gets paid a fortune for his work to actually live up to the standard this gameā€™s lore has provided for years.

This entire story showed that Blizzardā€™s writers office lacks empathy and ability to really feel the character. I actually think they should cast certain writers for different characters with test writings handed in to see if the writer fits the role. And especially when it comes to female roles, they should stop relying on men writing them. Those arenā€™t the actions of a mother goddess. Especially not Elune. Who has been secretive, gentle and cautious with her actions ever since. Those decisions simply donā€™t fit her character.

Probably as floored and confused about irrational decisions as we areā€¦

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There is even a theory going on with some peeps that Elune promised Sylvanas to give her immortality if she helps her little sister get all the souls she wants.

^ if this poop is true, someoneā€™s head is really messed up!

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Is like childā€™s play with puppets really. Sorry to say it. But thatā€™s my opinion and Iā€™m sad about it. All that magnificent lore built up over agesā€¦ sacrificed and flushed away in the toilet.

In this case, justice would be killing of sylvanas.
Sheā€™s beyong redemption and Iā€™d understand night elves mains being salty if she were to be kept alive.


Itā€™s the usual forgive and forget storyline, like thatā€™s a higher moral standing, allowing criminals to put it lightly to get away with it.

And the best way to do it? She was not in her right mind. All right.

Itā€™s just annoying and boring frankly.

But i donā€™t really care much about shadowlands storyline, itā€™s not that good. And the gameplay isnā€™t either.


There is a worse oneā€¦Sylvanas will become the arbiter at the end of Shadowlands. :face_vomiting:

Iā€™m sad to even dislike Sylvanas, she used to be my favourite character but they butchered her so much, I hope we can just pretend that everything after Legion was Nathanosā€™ wet dream.

I was thinking about this story and I was in shock at how perfectly liberal it is. God, I canā€™t stand liberals these days.

Itā€™s basically saying if your people have been decimated, youā€™re wrong to ask for any form of justice or reparations.

Letā€™s just assume Blizz is trying to mirror Fred Hamptonā€™s story with Tyrande filling his role. Fred Hampton did not believe in black vengeance, he believed in building things, communities, free lunches for kids, uniting the working class regardless of race and generally improving lives. He had a lot to be angry about, but he wasnā€™t

This really doesnā€™t fit Tyrandeā€™s arc, where she has the rightful vengeance in her, and it feels likeā€¦ liberal white people are telling her ā€œnah, donā€™t be angry. Donā€™t ask us to pay what we owe you. Your vengeance will ruin you, just stay calmā€.

It feels like a bunch of pathetic losers trying to avoid major confrontation, so they are castrating Tyrandeā€™s power. This includes Elune.

Tyrande has every right to be mad. And I feel if Blizz wanted her to reach an end where she wants to focus on rebuilding, it couldā€™ve been through a more organic and progressive storytelling about the Night Elves themselves.

Have Tyrande launch a war against the Horde. Forget the Night Warrior, we donā€™t do that. Thousands of Night Elves die, hundreds of Horde, too. She does it again. And again. More Night Elves die, and while they are able to secure some small victories, they cannot make a dent in the unified Horde. The Alliance, fearing a 5th war refuses to support the Night Elves. Slowly, but surely, Tyrande begins to see the people she wants to defend turn on her - she has done nothing but destroy more Night Elven lives in her pursuit of her own revenge. One night, a couple night elfs sneak into her tent and take her hostage. Her vengeance has caused her fall. She is forced to reconcile with her actions, and night elven players see her progression, her realization that the night elves alone will never get their revenge, they will only lose themselves in the process. Tyrande steps down as a leader and a new night elf emerges - here Blizz can have night elven players vote in game, and whoever wins is the new leader of the Night Elves.

The night elves declare their independence - while they will be a part of the alliance, they will refuse fighting their wars. The Horde council honors the new Night Elven nation and backs away from all night elven occupation. Not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because the Horde realizes the value in respecting the Night Elves to ensure a permanently weakened Alliance.

From that point on, night elves are more or less on their own - to rebuild their cities and families, to establish their independence, Tyrande disappearing in the shadows, never to be seen again. It is the time of the new night elves.


Funny. It rather reminds me of a completely different political breed, usually escalating in ridiculous shtstorms whenever black people, women or the LGBTQ+ squad demand justiceā€¦ Wouldā€™ve agreed to the rest of your post, but that entrĆ©e, au contraireā€¦

basically making a perpetrator face justice for its crimes, is called venegeance by blizzardā€¦


Tyrande sought vengeance, not justice. And while I think her wanting to seek vengeance was totally understandable, itā€™s never a solution because it simply perpetuates a cycle of violence, angerā€¦ and more vengeance.

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The PC is probably the biggest sociopath in the entire game considering we slaughter everything. Trying to bring morals into this game ainā€™t gonna work. Now if you will excuse me, i have an entire zone full of cute little animals to slaughter and then blow up their corpses.

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