"The victims must not pursue justice" - a storyline by Blizzard

I’d rather say it’s not the right solution for her specifically. She’s been a priestess of light. Her giving into vengeance would have corrupted her soul with killing Sylvanas sealing some sort of fate. If the power of the Night Warrior wouldn’t have killed her like so many before her, she would’ve been consumed by the joy and satisfaction of killing someone. That’s not the way of the priestess. Only thing that at least makes a bit of sense in that mess of a story line. But I would’ve chosen Maeiv anyways to do the job and become the Night Warrior…

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This is I think what’s more likely to happen.

But the funny thing is, she exiled herself from everyone else and brought the idiots along too who blindly believed in her on was too afraid to say no. She could stand Garrosh calling her a ****** when she hit the reverse UNO on the valkyrs’ job and killed innocents just to breed more undead?

Ain’t there enough dead people to bring back, darling? I understand they can’t multiply in the normal way, but in this case void elves should do the same! Yes! It’s time for everyone’s little princess Alleria to join the ranks as they can’t reproduce!

And going back to Garrosh being naughty, she could handle that, she even laughed at him! But when Saurfang, spirits bless his soul, stated that whatever she does that not make any sense, she was like “****** please I’m untouchable!” And she is by the writing team.

Is it because she’s a woman? If yes, I’ll seriously sit down on my bum, do the lore master on both factions and write my Warcraft :rofl:

I will break no cycle an eye for an eye , bood for blood you’re gonna rewrite that mess and pave it in another horde genocide or I am not gonna buy next x-pack aswell i came for murder not to play world of peacecraft get lost foolish writers !

My big issue with liberals is that they aren’t really leftist :smiley: They love the aesthetics of the left, they will make token gestures to look progressive while doing little to nothing that has a material effect on the plight of minorities and the working class. Things like banning plastic straws and not instead banning cruise ships. If we just banned cruises, the environmental impact would be like banning all cars in Europe ten times… and nothing of value would be lost.

They are constantly ceding ground to the capitalist right. Trump lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, and Biden is rising it to 28%. Not as high as it was before, so it is ultimately a win for the right.

Through things like wokeness and representation - which are objectively good, and I have nothing against those - they seek to sedate minorities, so they stop seeking the justice they are entitled to. Have you noticed how the public conversation has shifted from how the police targets black people to put them to work as slaves in the prison industrial complex… to not enough black people at the Oscars? This is liberals’ doing. And this is what’s being done to Tyrande.

Actual justice is leaving people’s minds and it is being slowly replaced by petty, borderline irrelevant issues that do very little to improve worker and minorities’ material conditions.

PS: I understand there’s many leftists who identify as liberal. My problem isn’t with labels, I don’t care for those, I just care about action. And many of the issues still plaguing the working class and minorities, all over the world, are liberal creation. Trump, for being an awful president, did 2 good things - pandemic welfare checks and an eviction moratorium. Biden ended both of those, despite neither showing any negative effects. That’s liberals. :expressionless:

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If it’d be on me, Sylvanas would stay dead after she threw herself off of the top of Icecrown

World of peacecraft is actually what I think we are heading to. Sooner or later Horde and Alliance will learn to live with each other without constant bloodshed and instead continuously work together against outside threats. That way we will finally get rid of the faction barrier.
The whole faction war scenario only ever bred hatred and racism not just ingame but also between players depending on their playing preferences. It wouldn’t destroy the game if that was abandoned and the setting of our “wars” would advance with it.

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Kinda goofy given they’re the warcraft peeps with actual Avatars of Vengeance fighting for their cause.


Well, their main concern is money after all. Their temple of worship is the stock market aka Belzebub’s Casino. I’m glad their party of the FDP never gets more than a few percent in Germany and for one legislation even was kicked out the parliament by voters. However, the term liberal gets mixed way too often with left which includes the green party and that’s where I draw the line really sharp.

Sure would. However it often is conservative governments refusing change in that direction, too. It is the nature of the term “conservative” to refuse innovation and change but instead stay with the good ol’ days. That’s what brought the UK Brexit. Because “Two class society over a strong and influential middle class”

I seriously don’t want to turn this thread into a political debate again. Because what we’re talking about now, welfare checks and eviction moratoriums have nothing to do with this thread. However, Trump is also responsible for the pandemic escalating in the US due to neglecting it ever existed for a solid six months straight. Handing out checks and pausing evictions was the LEAST he could’ve done after increasing death rates, awfully brushing over a racial riot and destabilising foreign affairs. I am not willing to give this embarassing man one ounce of credit just because he for once decided to do what would’ve been his effing job for the whole four years previous. He did it because there was an election in the way. Not because he suddenly became a philanthropist. Biden, well. Wouldn’t have been my president of choice but in this specific situation? He god damn well was the right choice, simply for not being a toddler with his finger on the atomic bomb button.

You can very much observe that on the forums as well. People are more eager to disagree for the sake if disagreeing than actually find solutions to existing game problems. Is really tiring.

Until everything that can cause issue in the whole universe had been dealt with there will be no peace. There will be someone who will be corrupted by some identity who will bring war, who will search for more power. This whole wow universe is too big to make it neutral, which is sad as my shaman is neutral as well.

But there is a patters since MoP: we band together to defeat an enemy, then we are at war with each other again, then band together, then war, then band together blablabla

Indeed, and that’s not my point. What Azeroth can overcome is the fight of Alliance against Horde and work together in peace against those other, bigger threats.

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The thing is: if any bad guy pops out in this game, it’s always from the horde. I mean the known leaders like Garrosh or the other one. Yes, now Anduin is the new lich king, but he’s a victim and we weep for him.

Ofc there’s Arthas, but now knowing more about the Jailer, I bet he’ll be a victim too. Also I really wish we could live in harmony like in the class halls in legion, but on horde side there will be someone the writers will pick and make it a rotten egg :confused:


To be fair, I think we agree more than we disagree. Of course, I believe liberals are MUCH better than conservatives. But they can do even better, that’s all :smiley:

And Tyrande’s story could’ve been much, much better handled. It should’ve been handled in a way where night elven players feel satisfied.

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I still dare to hope it’s not over yet. :wink: Sylvanas yet lives, so there’s still an option that she will have to atone for what she has done… not by dying, because in the end, that’s a cheap way out (even if she fears that; but it also wouldn’t do anything to fix what she has done); instead work for the people while being confronted with her sins for all eternity… or at least a very long time.

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Blizzard have become so obsessed with telling their own story that they are forcing their players to make in-universe decisions that they deride. This is causing a very frustrating dissonance where you want to impact the story, but you can’t. The only option left is to scream at Blizzard to make them change the story into what you would have done.

That is not the solution to our present problem, and keeping things as they are is certainly no solution, either.

Blizzard needs to learn how to present a world in a game instead of through their books, and they need to stop telling the player’s story for them. It is far more disempowering than having nothing happen at all.

I hate how sedated and weak Night Elves are - I cannot even recognise them from Warcraft 3 at all. I rerolled away from the race out of pure frustration because I, as a Night Elf, had no impact at all on where things were going to go. Blizzard took that power from me.


Well, I do think you are partially right, but I don’t mind it too much. In comparison to earlier expansions you at least see something of the game lore as player and not just by reading the books and all the tiniest quest texts and lore items. Yes, it forced the PC to do silly things… I also disliked doing those, but I don’t really see an alternative in an MMO if you want to involve ppl in the lore and not just provide a shallow background story nowbody actually cares about.

I personally think of my characters of doing different things than what the quests tell them; doing story quests provides background but is also only a gameplay mechanic, lore for my character happens in my head.

You should cross the Rhine and get into a loosing country so you’d understand why it happened. I know the arguments aboot brexit being decided by less than 2 %, therefore, people should vote again if they changed their mind. I’d say that my country accepted to build the EU with the exact same margin but we’re not allowed to vote on that matter because we apparently didn’t change our minds aboot.

Most of are Horde mains that don’t get to face the consequences of playing Alliance. Or if they do play an Alliance char, then they’d participate in pieces of content that don’t require an healthy playerbase, which still means they don’t have a clue.

What is the most tiring is that players not dealing with some issues feel entitled to give their opinions aboot, even if they’re not concerned. That sounds like rp players not giving a crap aboot conduits and would still tell raiders, pvp and M+ runners that conduits systems are fine, so we should not complain aboot.

They’ve actually used that trick since cata. It’s just bad writing. I mean, that’s quite lazy to keep using that love-hate relationship.

Burn her.

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Well, the reality is that it isn’t a solution for anyone. Getting vengeance might give a brief moment of satisfaction (Tyrande when she killed Nathanos, for example), but it changes nothing. It doesn’t bring the dead back; it doesn’t take the pain away. All it does is perpetuate a cycle of hatred. This is why civilised societies have laws in place to deal with murderers and don’t just hand them over to the families of their victims.

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It does take the pain of the thought away that Sylvanas, the main architect behind all of their suffering, is alive and well and even thriving at this point.

How would you feel if someone murders your family and takes away everything from you and then instead of being charged guilty, gets away and gets to live a happy life.

Isn’t it the case for all of us? As a true Hordie I hate Anduin and Jaina with passion. Yet I had to save her from the maw and try to save the little cub too. Why? If any choice was given to me I would never do that.

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Look, I’m not saying the EU is a flawless concept. Not at all. It was conceived as a trade union which mainly focused on economy, not social or environmental issues. Which was the basic fault. However, the concept of the EU is changing and I dare saying a lot of countries profited from subsidies and quality standards introduced by the union. Minding the pandemic in particular, the EU was able to dish out union wide financial and medical support across all its countries. Leading a crisis coping course other parts of the world would wish for. The UK under Brexit course instead became leading country when it comes to death rates and a rapid increase of poverty rates.

What we have now in the UK is a country facing food shortages and a health care system that is dying even faster than before. Many foreign medical professionals have left the country. Food prices are increasing. Fishermen didn’t get the improvements they were promised by UK government and privatisation is increasing. Meaning that only the rich will be able to afford quality supply in future. The situation in Northern Ireland is escalating again after it finally found some peace following decades of violence. And Scotland as the unofficial “backyard of England”, although having voted against Brexit twice and being basically screwed over regarding the promise of staying in the EU if they vote to remain in the UK, has now to suffer from the consequences of a political decision the country never supported and was explicitly promised not to happen. If that’s the glorious result of Brexit, well, congs for “winning”…

I wouldn’t say it’s all of the horde, but the faction has an appeal if you’re out for competition. The term “winner team joiner” was coined in the early days of Counter Strike if I’m not mistaken. But it very well fits in this situation, too. Which brings us again to the topic of cross faction play for those, who don’t do any PvP at all and don’t benefit from the PvP default in game play. I again want to note that I’m not against the PvP option in general. PvP players have been disregarded for way too long and they shouldn’t have any disadvantages for their gameplay. However, I’d rather support two separate options based on preferred gameplay style than on factions.

You mean like men talking about how much sexualisation of the female body is okay in games? Or like people never confronted with racism deciding what is racism and what not? Yeah… Icr…

Which include execution in such civilised countries as the US… Not that I’d support the death penalty but Sylvanas makes it pretty hard not to ngl. She doesn’t deserve redemption. She doesn’t deserve to be the Arbiter and she most certainly doesn’t deserve to get away with genocide living a happy life ever after being put on a pedestal as great queen of afterlife deciding which eternal fate a soul is about to receive.