The War Within Hotfixes - 23 August

From what I understand (and from where this change comes from), this is aimed for m+.

For raids this will change absolutely nothing. You will still need mages and dhs, and the impact of those buffs on the class balance is minimal.

But for m+, this just “balances” the dh-mage-aug meta, which one spec buffs the other and kind of wraps the meta around them. Dunno if that will change much, but will wait and see.

Then reduce that meta. This impacts all other casters and healers not just a glorious few, It is most definitely a bias towards melee in TWW.

You understand that tuning has not even begun, right?

Balance between specs will not be impacted by 1-2% differences between raid buffs. Balance is always done from spec to spec and if for some reason casters lag behind melees, this is gonna be fixed by specific buff/nerfs.

This change will only impact DHs/Mage/Aug comps in M+, and will just impact how well they work together.

This is an overall Nerf for all Caster (2% less Dmg + 2% less Int) to balance melee and castergroups? That makes no sense.
Melees does have 5% meleedmg-Buff from monk + 5% AP Buff from Warri.
To say it is for balance between melee/Caster groups makes no sense for me if you are not nerf the melee buffs as well.

You also realise that the release date is only a few days away. This is just carnage and abject disregard for the preparations people have made to advance in the expansion. What was the point of the beta? Why are we still seeing massive changing altering how the game will play out?

Just a small reminder that druid exists,BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO HAVE FORGOTTEN.

Just a small reminder that motw gives 3% versa aka 3% ALL damage done(not just magic) AND 1.5% dmg reduction.

Just a small reminder that chaos brand sucks now,given that it’s weaker in 2 separate ways to motw,not to mention that you have to apply it on mobs(small nitpick but yeah).

Revert nerf to CB NOW.

All this was not a thing 4 days ago. Blizzard has kowtowed to one streamer.

I am in disbelief that so much carnage has been allowed by one individual. Weldone Max. I hope you have a great day (yes this is sarcasm).

Because there is no information on what is good/bad, and we have 1 months until the serious content is out.

Blizzard wants exactly this. To have all the players play, so they can use those 4 weeks to balance stuff. They will probably try to keep the people that are on top still on top, but will buff everyone to be within margin.

MotW gives 3% to EVERYONE. CB scales with only certain specs and wraps the meta around that.

I am playing enh, and a nerf to CB is a straight nerf to be, but I still believe that was better change for the health of the game.

Yeah that was one funny interaction. Cannot wait for the next stream where he will have to contend with the players that blame him for nerfing both mages and dhs.

you do realise your reply does nothing to address the relative power balance of the 2 buffs?

Like what’s the point in having a stricly worse buff of another class?

Either you gut motw or you buff CB there is no middleground.

Not really. There is no need to have buffs be balanced against each other. If that was the case, hunters and evokers would have not stopped whining.

Class buffs are in the game to give you a reason to bring one player of each class to the raid. This does not change because you will still bring one mage and one dh to the raid, no question about that.

This change was to nerf this comp in m+. You will still bring dhs and mages to m+, they will just scale worse with each other.

you may argue that their buffs are niche/situational but they are not directly worse than any other buff currently in game.

CB/MotW are presently the ONLY buffs that now directly compare to each other with CB being weaker in not one but two regards.

wanna put an end to this?MotW to 2%,not happy about it since i’d rather see people buffed than everyone nerfed but doubt blizzard would go back on this anytime soon,so this would at least be fair.

Sorry but this is just plain false. CB and MotW have nothing to do with one another. How did you get to this conclusion?

I understand if you want to compare CB with monk’s MT, which actually is the mirror debuff (one for physical and one for magical). But if you do that you see that MT is worse cause of the way lower physical damage between classes.

CB = 3% magic damage throughput
MOTW = 3% all damage throughput+1.5% damage reduction

just because it writes versa on the tin doesnt actually affect anything you know.

And again the 2 you mentioned are not 1:1 comparable unlike CB and MOTW because caster comp vs physical comp.

You really just compared them because they have the number 3?

If so also add in the rogue poison and paladin devo aura, since they add 3% DR.

But yeah, the only comparable buff to dh is the monk debuff (since they both buff a certain type of damage, and are a debuff from your attacks on mobs).

And again, with your reasoning, I still did not hear any argument WHY raid buffs should be balanced against each other?

because their whole reasoning for the nerf to begin with is that certain buffs were “too strong” compared to others?

And yeah you’re bringing up devo aura/atrophic which again are NOT strictly better or worse to either CB or MOTW.

Not sure why you are pretending not to grasp that the 2 buffs are basically identical in functionality,with just 1 being quite a bit weaker than the other after the change.

And if we’re discussing m+ guardian was already looking like a meta contender before the CB nerf i’m sure 1% nerf won’t do much to them especially now,wouldn’t you agree?

This is not the case. The nerf was because dh and mages were buffing too much EACH OTHER with aug in the party, and made the meta resolve around them.
It had nothing to do with how good the buff was.

You can legit go and hear the question and the reasoning/worry about those buffs.

Can Havoc, whose dps is already subpar, expect a dps buff to compensate for the nerf aimed at ranged casters?

no, it also impact havoc DPS since havoc deal chaos damage. So we get another nerf on top of a caster nerf, when our DPS is not in a good place at all right now.

Then apply a nerf to just those classes. The current fix has just penalised every other magic class, as well as making healers weaker. Any further changes will have to take into consideration that the benefits for melee will always be a few percent greater than magic classes. It was a ridiculous change.

The common sense way to have dealt with this is always to give classes a bonus not a penalty. You take something away and you will always get a backlash. In this case the backlash is justified, because the justification used for this change is that 3 classes has it good. And that justification was brought about by someone who has a financial interest in the way the game is changed.


August 20, 2024


  • Fixed several basic Achievements that were unintentionally missing achievement points.
  • Updated several Achievements that were improperly showing as unlearned in Feats of Strength.


  • Shaman
    • Resolved an issue causing talent loadout strings to fail to import for Shamans.


  • Humans that complete “Ally of the Netherwing” can now continue aiding the Netherwing.