Well this is where “depends on what you are playing” comes in. I play only dps specs so I find those bosses easy.
No. I scoff at what’s effectively systems design disguised as gameplay progression.
Because what is “key progression”? It’s +7% health and damage to enemies.
That I scoff at.
Is it worth explaining it or should I not bother?
I wouldn’t bother.
Glad we saved us both some time and trouble then.
It is totally fine to not like M+. And nobody needs to try to convince you either When you enjoy something you do, when you don’t you don’t. All good. The question is why you bother so much in a topic on the forums about it though. But you are free to do so.
I just read the article and gave my 2 cents on Blizzard’s work, no biggie. And then I’ve replied to a few posts out of courtesy and because I enjoy elaborating on my thoughts. That’s all.
I have never understood the urge to keep going higher with difficulty. To me it just doesn’t make sense. I do content at its easiest available difficulty; why would I do any more than that?
But hey, it’s fine there’s people who do like it. Have fun. I hope season 2 will be better for you guys.
Is it worth explaining it or should I not bother?
Some enjoy doing puzzles on 1 star, others on more. That is fine.
You can’t understand that?!
I mean, if you’ve been playing Minesweeper on Beginner for a long time, then you probably feel the urge at some point to try Intermediate or Expert, because the increased difficulty would present a more adequate test of your skill. And the enjoyment of Minesweeper is of course to successfully beat it, which is more fun if there is a fitting correlation between the difficulty and your ability to overcome it.
That also holds true for World of Warcraft.
I can understand the ‘reasoning behind it’.
But the urge… No. Not for gaming.
With your example:
I would just quit when I did beginner enough. I feel no urge whatsoever to try it on harder. Same is true for WoW, but thankfully it’s frequently updated with new stuff to do.
I get the urge to better yourself in particular skills, in real life.
But not in gaming. Not in the slightest.
I mean that and the fact that the lower difficulties of WoWs PvE are designed to be completed by everyone no matter what, and for someone more skilled/geared/whatever everything dies before you are done with your opener (most times sooner).
In all gaming?! Really?!
I’m going to chalk this one up to the selection of games you play, because I get it from a World of Warcraft perspective. But not much beyond that.
Do you actively select the easiest difficulty in any game you play if it has a difficulty selection?
Oh sure, that’s fair. I’m not into many types of games.
Last game I played with that sort of thing was Dragon Age - The Veilguard. I put it on the easiest difficulty AND even turned on the optional ‘prevent death’.
I admire the consistency in approach, if nothing else.
Well, that is just barbaric.
I don’t play to have a hard time. I play such games to immerse myself in the setting and story. Difficulty just becomes a barrier to those things.
Ah well. It’s good that options exist. Each to their own.
Oh no, I get you, I can’t play games like that but I get you.
Good changes but…
why didn’t they listen like… BEFORE TWW STARTED?
OK, look im not gonna “Brag” but in dms with friends before tww i called that M+ season 1 would be awful, and that they will end up shaking all the rules and changes up somehow - of course I wouldn’t predict exact changes but it was obvious given how awful s1 would be on paper.
And I wasn’t like alone - many people on forums and in game predicted the changes would be bad.
Yet, they didn’t listen. I guess the numbers had to be REALLY bad for the game for them to change their entire vision and strategy… before season 1 completed and add even more bangers for s2.
Yes, I’m happy about the changes - I absolutely hated this season and did bare minimum and I find M+ opposite of fun.
But I’m disappointed this disaster coulda been prevented long ago - a lot of people saw it coming miles ahead.
But ok, this time I let them off the hook and hopefully they will for once learn the lesson and listen before the seaons/expacs, during PTR and not after the disaster becomes reality.