The Warmode Cryout

Allright Community, This is it, This is the last post about all this.

The Crying and the Whining has to stop, seriously, stop.
The Horde has dominated Warmode for such a long time when the roles are reversed you cry about it, seriously.

But the real reason this all makes sense.

It makes sense, lore wise, The Alliance just send a MASSIVE invasion at the Capital of Zandalar, the city has been saked, the king has been killed thousands of soldiers are dead on both sides, as a result of this Hundreds of alliance soldiers and adventurers are currently roaming all across Zandalar obtaining their treasures and richess. The Horde has been struck an almost decisive blow into the heart of Zandalar.

True in the end the horde fights back the alliance reclaiming the city, but all is not lost. Zandalar and their fleet are in ruins.

It makes sense that the alliance is now allover the place raiding citties and towns, doing worldquests and most importantly killing the sorry crybabies that have dominated warmode since the launch of BFA.

Lore wise it all makes sense.
Balance will be restored eventually.

So, stop crying, stop whining, you cant all always have what YOU want, thats not how this game works. All things are as they should be and soon the alliance raids will die down and the Horde can dominate warmode in peace, as always.

You brought this upon yourself, not the otherway round. Enjoy it, or turn off warmode and accept it for a while


Yes im sure this last topic about wm. :rofl:


Well said. We couldnt level in WM on alliance since start of BFA unless u wanted to get ganked every 5 mins. Horde on the other hand? my 3 horde chars levelled wm on as there was next to no threat, it was just a free buff. Now the tables have turned people wont shh about it. turn your wm off and re balance it, then come back and play? we had this for months and dont start whining about it every 5 mins, we just turned wm off. pretty simple really.


pretty much this.

now lets pray spoiled kids understand that :joy:


You’re missing the point of why most people are complaining about it. But hey, it’s weekend so what do I care.


That’s not what you were saying when hordemode was, well, hordemode.
Or when H got the first turn on Arathi.
Or when whatever lore garbage happened that you deemed unfair.

It’s interesting to see how quick people are to 180 and proclaim “iS oNlY gAmE nOt EvErYtHinG iN LiFe Is FaIr” when they’re in a favorable position. Almost like people have massive bias over their own faction and don’t give a lick about actual balance.


Not like you have any saying in this.

Will you be following your own advice.

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What kind of a post is th…
Check calendar and sees its the weekend



Seems like mommy let him say up longer…

The whole Crybaby argument would be so much more effective if the alliance would not have cried all that much when they were the minority in WM.

But other than that, I pretty much agree. It doesn’t matter if people form raids to gank flight posts, and it matters just as little if level 120 fellow ganks some low level guy; You toggle that WM on, you actively want to participate in a war against those people.

The only thing I think would be a good idea, would be a major buff of the city guards. Back in the days guards were a force to be reckoned with, which was something that the attackers had to plan against. Nowadays not only are the guards as weak as regular mobs, they don’t even have guards in major parts of both new capitals not to mention the smaller settlements.

So remember guys, if your frustration grows too much, there are always some people leveling up who want be in war with your mythic geared hunk. After eating few of those, you can find some ‘fair and honorable’ PvP from the arena & RBG’s.

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So instead of joining the million and one discussions about this already on the go, you created a brand new one with your own bias on it.

I could go on.


Let the trollling Learn on its feet, the bait is weak and rambling, but at least it has a keen sense for a good controversy :stuck_out_tongue:

I still like the idea behind story driven WPvP.

Still trying to figure out (hope OP can help me with this), what would be the fair solution for the burning of the tree? Should they give night elf players like 50% hp debuff to get Sylvies forces dominating them more, or should Blizzard just outright delete most of the nelf characters, because to be honest, they probably died.

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I wasn’t even ganked a lot.

I mean, few times i got killed by a 120, but it was so “rare” that i didn’t even think about it.


Yes ofcourse the alliance was crying, we did the same thing i know, and yes there is ONE piece of 400 ilvl gear, ONE… wich is not that much and maby again next week.

What else is next week ook yes Raids, Mythic dungeons, PVP, its not like this is the ONLY piece of 400 ilvl gear


Remove the -

Very odd for Horde to complain seeing the massive advantages they had just moments ago.

This is why they got this bonus. If the Horde can’t handle this “even factor”, then I don’t know how I could farm the Alliance with my Belf Hunter the past months so easily. They deserve the 400 piece and I hope this was a good indicator to see more of them in the WM.

How come Horde dominated warmode and got the “10% free warmode buff for a month”? Well mostly because Horde players teamed up to make fighting Alliance in wpvp easier and faster whereas Alliance players didn’t learn about Premade Groups until 8.1. and simply turned warmode off when they realized they weren’t good enough in wpvp.

During invasions sharding is the major issue that makes warmode unbalanced and unfair since certain shards have alliance death squads while the other shards have horde death squads. Other than that, Alliance are the ones dominating warmode currently with their flightmaster/WQ camp squads since they get that juicy ilvl 400 loot for simply sitting afk at a horde flightmaster/tortollan WQ and kill horde 5v1 for maybe 15-20 minutes. Way faster than clearing HC BoD, for the same ilvl reward.

So when the only “unfair” and (slightly)unbalanced things were racials, Alliance were allowed to cry without a problem. But now that the game is literally unbalanced and in favor of Alliance, horde needs to stop crying and whining, seriously.

Lore and actual Gameplay differs. They can’t 100% matchup because that’d complicate the gameplay. Imagine if this was actually the case. RIP any other guild who didn’t get World First since the bosses would only live once.

Again, Horde only “dominated” warmode because we teamed up in wpvp while Alliance simply turned it off when they lost.

How did we bring this upon ourselves? Literally the ONLY reason Alliance are now playing with warmode on is because Blizzard got tired of you crying about “unfair warmode/wpvp” and Blizzard’s version of a pacifier was to buff the bonus to 30% for you AND give you a free Heroic Raid piece of loot PER WEEK.

Who’s really spoiled here? Horde who teamed up when wpvp got too difficult for them or Alliance who turned it off the moment they were outnumbered and continued to cry for a month until they got a huge buff and suddenly started teaming up themselves?:thinking: I sure do wonder…

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