The warrior treatment in tww

Hello Blizzard, I am writing this in a state of real concern for the class that I love and main for close to a decade now.

The first thing I would like to point out is that almost every single pve/m+ tuning you have done so far in TWW has ALSO AFFECTED PvP, instead of making those changes for M+ only, you do it over the board.
This is bad because PvP and PvE are not comparable.
Players dont just stay in a single spot and take full value from your sweeping strikes, bladestorms and all your AoE. STOP DOING CHANGES THAT AFFECT PvP direly , because of your PvE tunings.

The second point to bring out is the Arms Warrior design.
How in the world do you manage to downgrade the talent tree after 2 years of work troughout Dragonflight???
Here are the solutions for your dev team, because none of them clearly plays the game.

    As of now “Blademaster’s Torment” GIVES YOU SWEEPING STRIKES FOR 8 SECONDS ON AVATAR. This talent IS NOT EVEN PICKED IN PvE. thats how garbage it is. Yet it is located at the very middle bottom of our talent tree. suggesting it should be a strong choice. Who is coming up with this nonsense?? Why is it even called BLADEMASTER then??? On the other hand not having a HERO tree called “BLADEMASTER” based on the legendary Warcraft 3 Hero, but calling it “SLAYER” is also a generic miss, but irrelevant to the gameplay itself.

  2. Completely REMOVE OR FIX “Champions spear”. The spear can get bugged in PvP since its release in Shadowlands season 1. Any class with a teleport/blink can bug out the spell and still get away from it regardless of being hit by it or not. This is a core flaw , and we even hade examples happening in SL AWC, where whaazz warrior lost a game because of that bug.

  3. Why does using defensive stance end up being more of a penalty than a profit?
    The numbers should be identical, not me taking 10% less dmg but doing 15% less dmg for that. SIMPLE MATHS.

  4. When you release a new expansion, you should delete all the MODIFIERS FROM THE PREVIOUS EXPANSION. It has a bad lingering effect on the class.

  5. Why in the world can we not kill any Cloth target in this game being a mighty 2handed axe wielder warrior??? Since when does a skirt provide more armour than a plate armour? Check Arms numbers in pvp single target damage and address it accordingly.

  6. We are less tanky than a feral,hunter, dk, mage, priest, shaman, rogue.
    You name, we die to it, while doing back massage damage to them.

  7. Wrecking throw does less damage into shields, than 1 Mortal Strike LOL.
    Making it a full cosmetic talent that you never in your life want to pick once.

  8. You decided to give a CHANNELING MELEE ABILITY “Demolish”.
    This is the most clunkiest ability in the game to land, gets you killed in m+/ raids half the time because you cannot even move while using it. Is this your 2 year planned vision of the class that is the SYMBOL OF ARENA ITSELF AND GLADIATORS.

I never write any posts, but the direction of the warrior is so cardinally wrong that you should read this post and other posts similar to this. And please gives our class back.

Thanks for taking the time to read!


I already named all stuff in here Arms (PvP): What i miss from SL and DF and how to fix the spec and make it fun again - Classes / Warrior - World of Warcraft Forums ( and even more. Totally agree.

Maybe delete and post it in mine if u want. Starting a riot atm. Trying to get attention very soon with the influence i have.


You still think they have someone knowledgeable of math over elementary school? holy crap. I gave up at this time honestly. Adding the target cap to odyn and bladestorm was the last straw. Bros didn’t even know this doesn’t even have a target cap and they put 8 like it was the last state of the skill which it wasn’t.

They are clueless and the india department responsible for these balance changes won’t go anywhere because our monthly fee to play this 80b dollar company game their sustained income is not enough to hire a simple math engineer to look trough classes and balance them up.