The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Rogmasha isn’t a thief, she’s the leader of a clan. Weird analogy.

Well, the reason the grunts are after Rogmasha is because she was in command of a group that killed a grunt / hosted meetings that had anti-Sylvanas plotting (as per the war crimes book the leaders of groups are liable for their underlings on Azeroth? Gonna need a powerful loremaster like Telaryn to confirm, I haven’t read that book…)

You tend to be quite invested in roleplay / take it a bit personally and don’t really like setbacks so much - or that’s what I take from your forum posts / that Ashiraya vs Uruk argument a while back

It’s true that you didn’t react badly at the time in-game but I think you had a pretty quick OOC response in various chats that wasn’t mega pleasant

Sure it is - it is doing something IC with an OOC intention to fail / tip someone off both IC/OOC that there may be some kind of conflict coming

I wasn’t attending any event and Rogmasha was (I hope) aware that they were wanted & being actively hunted given the public wanted poster thread, previous conflicts, the OOC knowledge that some Rotgarde-affiliated guys had been snooping around

Yet I have seen you get into plenty of conflict RP and have never seen you send any OOC pms to confirm that what you’re doing is OK

I’m not suggesting that I believe that that’s what you should be doing, but you should probably hold yourself to your own standards

Not at all

I care what the person I am interacting with thinks instead of a paladin on the forums. Ultimately if I was PM’d by the target (if that’s the word for it) of that interaction asking us to back off, we would have done just that

It’s a little bit of a “I consent / I consent / I don’t!” meme situation

They can be a bit of a school prefect on discord but they’re a fantastic roleplayer for sure