You called it a statement that you argue holds water because you claim to have seen my group skipping clear of most/all server events. How would you know this - measuring empirically? I do not believe there is any kind of graph or data that shows which guild has attended X amount of campaigns or cross-guild events. There is no way to measure such a thing empirically. Unless you have an alt in every single guild and keep track of which events/campaigns/social RP they go to. And so I can’t really consider you a qualified source to claim that we “actively avoid” RP.
I still fail to see what point you hope to make with this though. Because we - in your eyes - interact less with other guilds and individuals, we… what? Can’t have an opinion? Where are you going with this, exactly? Having said that, it seems quite obvious that we interact with the kind of communities that the SL do not, due to our inherently different nature IC. There is more to Horde RP than the communities/guilds that the SL deals with.
Indeed. From [IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks - #180 by Pullo-argent-dawn
And, as stated, that is their choice entirely.
That could just as well be aforementioned paranoia than anything else. We traveled with the RP hub the moment it started until Hyjal. So naturally we were in their vicinity. Any concerns of meta-gaming, I will happily address just as I have the single time that I was contacted about it (by someone not even in the SL, for that matter).
But I do. Which is why I saw fit to post in this thread. I comment on the matters that I feel need addressing. That is what a forum is for, is it not? That you decide to roll with a part of my post that was not integral to the point I was attempting to address, is not on my head. I fully understand if that is a matter that is close to your heart that you wish to address it, but it was never even an outstanding issue for me. Merely part of my clarification. And that is what all this is, to me, in the end, really. But I will try harder to look particularly upset as per Warzone’s wishes next time.