The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

I’m hostile to people who are rude to me. I am polite to those who are polite in return. That’s just how mafia plays boys

Heck, you can see a microcosm of this in this very thread.


Did I say it was PCU’s responsibility? No I didnt. Here again words are put into mouths of people.

If anyone Rogmasha should have communicated this better. And he already posted his stance on it.

You all need to stop oh my god Its just a nerd rp game go and take a walk to the local corner shop and grab a coke or something

Let this thread die


This thread had me convinced the whole “so much less rp drama on horde” is a myth. It’s so tribal that people are labelled either PCU or anti PCU.


I shouldn’t share my opinion BUT…

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Yeah this is what chronic vageueposting gets you sadly. I’ve seen far more mindblowing/dishonest statements in this thread and this didn’t seem out of line.

Difference is mostly that the horde has a lot of forum bois, and most altposters make their alts on the red team, so of course it’s gonna show up on the forums whenever something goes awry in the horde.

It still can’t compare to the weekly implosions that one might find in the land of blueberries.

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Pretty much this. Horde activity is far more prevalent on the forums and in discords as far as I can tell. Personally think it’s because the Horde tends to be more centralized/organized so you naturally get more people working through groups, etc.

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Your character first…

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Apawi has just given Bearan a Dawnstrider ever-burning sword specifically to mess up our enemies (IE YOU, black-fur) so we’ll see who’s dying soon… fool…


Orgrimmar racial diversity squad smashes in your door


can someone answer me this, i’ve been curious for such a long time…

who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

At least some of this mess can be explained as “don’t ascribe malice to that which is adequately explained by incompetence”. Simple mismanagement of expectations left people upset, seemingly moreso the further from the epicentre of events one gets because holes in the narrative need filling.

The infected state of things gets worse as interpretations are entrenched, rumour become fact and people fight over peripheral concerns. I don’t really have a solution as I gave up on managing people’s stormy, obdurate attitudes in late MoP. Coincidentally in the middle of the Darkspear Shuffle, such as it was.

It’s just a bit more quiet about indiscretions and certain things are handled slightly more elegantly than a 700 post thread circus about the tastefulness of tree themed underwear. When things cannot be contained, it’s more of a quick brushfire than a mushroom cloud.

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High Executor Perroy.

ty for your swift response.

Oh, the stories I could tell…

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It’s been a long time but it looks like I finally needed to use this again. I’m sorry Master for what I must do.

We interrupt this Topic for an announcement from a sponsor
A movie from the director of Brokeback Cavern. and starring Young Male Actor, Kazug Bone splinter.

“I’ve Fallen in love with someone else. Garrosh! I’ve fallen in love with someone else.”

A Film about true Love

“I know I should hate him, but he’s caught in my mind, his Blue Skin, his Long tusks… Why can’t I quit him!”

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You called it a statement that you argue holds water because you claim to have seen my group skipping clear of most/all server events. How would you know this - measuring empirically? I do not believe there is any kind of graph or data that shows which guild has attended X amount of campaigns or cross-guild events. There is no way to measure such a thing empirically. Unless you have an alt in every single guild and keep track of which events/campaigns/social RP they go to. And so I can’t really consider you a qualified source to claim that we “actively avoid” RP.

I still fail to see what point you hope to make with this though. Because we - in your eyes - interact less with other guilds and individuals, we… what? Can’t have an opinion? Where are you going with this, exactly? Having said that, it seems quite obvious that we interact with the kind of communities that the SL do not, due to our inherently different nature IC. There is more to Horde RP than the communities/guilds that the SL deals with.

Indeed. From [IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks - #180 by Pullo-argent-dawn

And, as stated, that is their choice entirely.

That could just as well be aforementioned paranoia than anything else. We traveled with the RP hub the moment it started until Hyjal. So naturally we were in their vicinity. Any concerns of meta-gaming, I will happily address just as I have the single time that I was contacted about it (by someone not even in the SL, for that matter).

But I do. Which is why I saw fit to post in this thread. I comment on the matters that I feel need addressing. That is what a forum is for, is it not? That you decide to roll with a part of my post that was not integral to the point I was attempting to address, is not on my head. I fully understand if that is a matter that is close to your heart that you wish to address it, but it was never even an outstanding issue for me. Merely part of my clarification. And that is what all this is, to me, in the end, really. But I will try harder to look particularly upset as per Warzone’s wishes next time.


Likewise, but naming and shaming rules reduce me to “vaugeposting”. It’s a bit of a chore.