The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

The sheer amount of vitriol leveled at the PCU for something as small as showing up to a public RP event to interact with people in an IC-justified manner is absolutely a common ill. This isn’t the first time this level of extreme reaction has occurred and it won’t be the last. There is, without a doubt, a very vocal minority on this server that throws shade at Perroy and co. for anything and everything. People are, of course, free to choose who they interact with in RP and what actions they accept, but the issue is this evident crusade some players are engaged in… Actually calling for the entire server to ignore the PCU and leave them bubbled? It’s shocking behaviour that has no place on our server.

As for why this happens? Personally I think his hardline anti-ERP stance is what gets people’s backs up because y’all are degenerates.


Well that’s really simple thing to do lol. You pick up the rp initiatives over the years (both the ones I’ve been part of and those I’ve not been part of) and then check on how many you were part of.

I didn’t claim that. I claimed that you avoid generally speaking engaging with the RP community.

Point is it’s odd for you to even jump on this case as a failure of communication between communities when you rarely even make contacts with others let alone succeed in your communication (and then go on to say it’s not actually that case but you whatabout anyway).

There’s a difference between being in vicinity and having your entire guild titanfall drop unannounced on an rp scene the moment somebody @'s at people over a discord.

If you have nothing to apologize for then don’t.

I’m not going to stop you from posting but if on one post you claim you have no horse in the race but then keep posting about it whilst haing no context to your post (as it’s proven to be a non-issue), it feels like you’re just filling the air for the sake of it.

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Well Duh, of course we’re all Degenerates, we fantasize about killing people because they aren’t us, we’re all basically secret racists.


I mean… strange reach? Dunno where you are getting ‘vitriol’ from; Im simply stating what has been outright stated by people already.

People have said, fact, “we dont like this way that SL have done things”.
SL have, fact, replied, “If you dont like things, you are not obligated to play with/near us.”

So, logically, everyone staying apart is the ideal option there?
Nothing ‘vitriolic’ about it. Projection, maybe? :slight_smile:

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That’s how RP servers die, though. That, and player housing. Surely groups can interact as mature, consenting participants in an exchange of stories?

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Why is everyone always saying they are stating what others are stating? Yes we know that, please tell us a new opinion that will move the topic forward.


This post seems very disingenuous and like an attempt to cover up tracks now that Lonecreek has cracked the case, compared to your previous posts.

It’s a form of big brain vagueposting so you can talk :poop: while avoiding ever having to form a counterargument or coherent reply, it’s downright galaxybrain.


state this

[grabs crotch]

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Moody grabbed his crotch.

There, stated it.

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I am not wanting to sound egotistical but others in the RP community have already stated I am exceptionally handsome and powerful both in game and in real life.

Not my opinion just what I’ve heard others say.


Loa Damn, he is combining 4 of this topic’s memes into one… what a mad man.


grabbed someone’s crotch


Please never doubt my Master-rank meme posting abilities ever again


Yours is just a small example of the toxic behaviour that has been leveled at the PCU since Perroy became a big deal. As previously mentioned elsewhere in the thread there’s Discord servers full of smacktalk and needless hate.

There’s a huge difference between someone saying “if you don’t like us don’t play with us” and you saying:

PCU can go off to do their thing, ignoring everyone else and being ignored in turn.

The fact you have a bee in your bonnet about this doesn’t give you the right to try and tell me to ignore a huge swath of players. This is the kind of behaviour I’m calling out.

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The traveling hub plans aren’t off the table though - they are simply waiting for someone to pick up the ball and DM them. Rogmasha has made it clear that they’d welcome this and I know that there’s a lot of great DMs amongst the traveling hub who could pull it off. Is it inconvenient and will it require some OOC schedule-flipping? Probably. But it’s not off the table. Heck if people are interested, I’ll drop by and try my rusty hand at hosting an event or two.


Yours is just a small example of the toxic behaviour that has been leveled at the PCU since Perroy became a big deal.

You used me as an example of “hostility against Perroy since he became a big deal.”

He is not a big deal to me. Since I spent most of my time on Alliance these days, he is not even on my radar. He would not have been if not for me checking this thread out and being in contact with some of the caravan members through Alliance chars.

Do not use me for your confirmation bias, please.

The fact you have a bee in your bonnet about this doesn’t give you the right to try and tell me to ignore a huge swath of players.

She is not telling you to do it. She is saying people can do it.

This is reaching quite interesting levels of “us vs. them”.


No. I was answering your “people who disagree aren’t the common ill” by citing an example of people being a part of an actual common ill - the baseless negativity towards the PCU.

Useless information that you’re spouting to make yourself seem cool that boils down to:

Hurr Perroy’s not on my radar because I’m better than him and all this drama

Ok! :slight_smile:

Did you just question my personhood, or am I not “people” to you? She also said “everyone else” and that absolutely includes me.

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The new rule is everyone who comments on this thread after THIS post (including me) is a rlly big nerd who needs some fresh air


it’s true :frowning_face:

By all means, feel free to start counting. I’ll be curious to hear the end result, since you seem rather obsessed with our rate of attendance all of a sudden. But even then you might face some troubles counting them all, since not everyone posts every event, campaign or interaction on the forums or the AA. Even though we do have our share, mind. Like I said though, by all means, if this (seemingly) matters so much to you. It’s rather a non-issue for me.

But… you did:

And even then, I’ll re-iterate that I can’t really see how anyone who was not with us or any of the guilds/communities that we interacted with is able to render judgement on that.

Once more, the main point of my first post seems to be overlooked. Failure of communication, indeed. My point was about accusations of smack talking. And, again, you seem to be able to make judgements on with who or how much I communicate. Are you in bed with some government agency, that you are able to tell how much I talk in and out of game? Because if not, I don’t see how you are able to make any judgement, empirical or otherwise, on that.

I have not found any occasions in which an @ in Discord was used to tell people to log in en-masse. Again, these kind of statements seem entirely based upon paranoia.

I’m not apologizing though? Not sure what there is to apologize for. I’m not sure what you’re referring to in having no horse in the race or having context, as I believe I’m just as well within my right to post in here as anyone else. But considering the fact that you jumped at my post quite as happily as you did, I’m compelled to believe that you think I do have a relevance to the ongoing discussion. Thanks for that.

Indeed! This was clarified later on, but I’m pointing out that this was the main point of concern for people actively involved at the time.