The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

I had wondered this as well. I worked out its some kind of reference to a collection of guilds/players but had no idea what the term stood for.

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Ah, thanks! Not knowing was driving me mental.

Though now I got curious as to who coined the term. It’s sort of nifty and has a nice pop-culture wink-feel to it.

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Best summon mister P himself then, I hear that if you tell lies about the PCU three times in a row, he appears.

That’s not true!
[Looks around quickly]
Or is it…?:astonished:

Has anyone even tried to simply talk to him?
Also i have an even more effective summoning spell, but only when the circumstances are dire…

To talk to him I’d have to (re)join yet another discord, and frankly I’m already in far too many.

I think the summoning-idea has more feeling to it.

“Ah, enigmatic mister P is the one you seek? Well, he can only be summoned through a complicated ritual performed during a day that is not a day and a night that is not a night…”

“Night not night, day not day…? You mean go to New Zeeland?”

“… Yea… You need to go to New Zeeland for the ritual to work.”

“Screw that I’m just joining a discord.”

Discord may be simpler - but lacks the mysterious component, me thinks. :wink:

A /w would suffice.

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Also the Dawn Seekers, Ronin*, Grim Gest and possibly another that I’ve forgotten (sorry)

*Ronin aren’t technically part of the Legion proper I believe but Chook and co are good friends so we hang out. Could be wrong here - I just signed the blood pact that got them to join I’m not privy to the details


cool thread

I have had a bad experience with the rotgarde in the past, I can’t remember who was involved as it was many years back and it was to an alt that was a throw away anyways, but they took off his leg, with zero ooc communication at all, which was annoying as I would of been fine with it, IC is IC whatever, it was more the lack of courtesy of that whisper and since then I just avoid. but from what I understand from Rogmash (and I did skim mostly so if im wrong then im sorry, but its late and I just got curious!) is that this was OOCly agreed and ok’d.

we cannot really moan and whine about it, it is what it is.

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That’s just kinda how the rotbois and co function, far as I can tell. They expect that if anyone has issues, they’ll voice them instead of keeping it as a quiet grudge. A foolish expectation, but a fair one.

Wrong? Utterly wrong? What a poorly thought out response?

It stands for ‘Poo Clowns United’.

Please don’t spread misinformation on these revered forums.


I’m quite out the loop and this is a bit off topic, Would anyone be able to direct me to the rundown of what actually happened with the Frozen Paw and Rogmasha, My understanding is that there was some fight, some grunts died, and now the FPC/Rog are labelled traitors?

Likewise as a former Kor’kron I’m probably a baddie too. Never had this level of political pitchforking that this seems to have generated. That said a lot of the players involved in the Garrosh Loyalist scene were completely outside the rings and throngs that the current rebellion rp has generated.

Sure the rebellion starting in 5.1 inexplicably by some players was a bit of a weird move but there was some actual fun rp out of it on both sides and measured consequences at the end - myself included within that.

All this just seems a bit of a back-alleyway turf war of “mmmm x group is saying nasty things” and then “hmmmmm y group is metagaming” which gets no-one anywhere. Great if you can get some fun roleplay out of this but there needs to be some windows opened up badly in some camps here, on both sides of the divide respectively.

“mean bullies!” and “mmm, execution!” aren’t really arguments to use.

I’ll shamelessly self-promote and recommend you read The Orgrimmar Oracle:
It mentions some of the hoo haa but not all.
Though I may be missing some points I think this summarizes it:

  1. Rog and FPC voiced concerns about Sylvanas’ politics following UC and the whole blighting and raising their own
  2. FPC gave asylum to another character who was on the SL’s radar for supposedly helping Alliance
  3. Rog and FPC was suspected of letting azerite getting into Alliance hands, or more directly giving it to them
  4. Following some rather graphic executions in the Howling Fjord FPC and others from the Whiteclaw Community (and association of guilds and players in discrete opposition to the Warchief) left the battle, leaving the Horde outnumbered. I believe this was the initial official treason charge.
  5. One of the Whiteclaw was arrested and later escaped. During the escape two grunts were killed.

I’ve probably missed some things and jumbled the order of some of the others but that’s the situation as I’ve seen it.


Have you ever heard of selfie the clown?

I just came to say that Bearan is exceptionally handsome and powerful in game and out of game.


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